Written Teachings

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Teachings shared by devotees:

RA.Abarna Rohini from Sathyamangalam,Tamilnadu:


I'm your supreme saviour and your closest friend ...
Whatever happens in your life believe in me ...
If U completely believe in me stop differentiating things that happen in your life as good and bad...
Believe that whatever happens in your life is happening as per my wish .....
Believe in me I can never see my child suffer ..
Remember before each and every happiness or sadness happens to you not even a dust can touch you without my permission ...
Before scolding me for the problem you are facing remember I have tried my level best and agreed to give you that problem as small as possible ....
I love you more than any human could love you in this planet
I care for you more than any human could care for you in this planet
I bless you more than any human could bless you on this planet
I am waiting for you to talk with me each and every second
I can travel with you even after your death
I will never hurt you
I can't even bare your single tear
I can give you whatever you want
I can solve your problems
I can help you daily
I can be very close to you like krishna and kusaela
I can give you mukthi
I can fulfil your desires
I can convert your impossible to possible
I can help when all humans rejected
I can give you the love care and affection for which your are longing

Still what hesitation do u have to come close to me ?
Initially start relating to me as a friend. .
Share your problems with me ..
I will take care of it ....

Your sacred and best friend

Why do I always encounter the same problems?

Sri Bhagavan: "We are basically creating our future. Mind is creating the future. What is mind? It is thought. What is thought? Thought is memory, and memory is nothing but past experiences. The past is flowing through the present and the future. If there is no memory, there is no thought or mind. And if there is no mind, then there is no future, either. There is no other way to think except through thought. Mind is the flow of thought, from the past, through the present, and into the future. The flow of thought is concerned with the past. The flow is only about the past. To think about the past is being in the past. To think about the present is being in the past. Even to think about the future is being in the past. The past even projects itself into the future. We are always caught up in the past. Hence, there is no freedom for us, at all. We cut the past out only when we are awakened. Only then can we say that we have real freedom. Otherwise, there is only the past.

If you understand this process, you can prevent the mistakes of the past from repeating themselves. This is why it’s very important to be aware of what is going on in your mind. Whatever is happening in the outside world – sickness, diseases, failures, and so on – are all manifestations of the past. If we want to create a positive future, we have to break the past patterns and conditioning, relieve past traumas, heal them, and put a new script in place that is auspicious."

Is there Only True God?

Sri Bhagavan: "Since ages, man has been trying to prove to the other that his god is the only powerful god, it is this division and obsession to impose his beliefs onto the other is what is creating the conflicts world over. You must transcend all your limits when it comes to you and your divine. People have actually colored god their ways, which is OK. But, when we say “Personal Divine”it doesn’t mean that you posses your divine. What people fail to understand is that when we talk of personal god, it means the way god relates with you and the way you relate with your god. How you relate with your god or what bond you share is personal to you . but you cannot say your that your divine is the only or more powerful than the other, how can you do that? How can you measure god’s power? How can you distinguish and create differentiation by saying “My”and ”Your”god? 

There is only One god, but with different essence with its various manifestations. You must transcend and come this realization that all forms of god is god. What you must understand is that, there is only god, and everything is god. You too are god, you are a powerful beings, who is full of defective thoughts, concepts and mental frameworks. So you are god who has gone wrong! That is why, we intend to guide and take you towards oneness between you and your god and the fastest way towards god realization is when you transcend from your limited perceptions, concepts and images that you have built of god. God is a loving, non-judgemental friend. Start seeing and accepting the divine in everything and every being."

ప్రియమైన భగవాన్ మాలోని ఎంతోమందికి భౌతిక సమస్యలు ,గాయాలు మరియు ఎన్నో రకాల జబ్బులు ఉన్నాయి.మేము ముక్తిని పొందితేే ఈ జబ్బులు నయమైపోతాయా,దయచేసి తెలియజేయండి.

శ్రీ భగవాన్: మీరు ముక్తి పొందినప్పుడు కొన్ని రకాల జబ్బులు మరియు కొన్ని రగకాల సమస్యలు పరిష్కరించబడతాయి,అన్నీ కాదు.

శ్రీ అమ్మ:
ప్రతీ చెడు ఆలోచన ,మనం పలికే ప్రతీ చెడు పదాలు,ప్రతీ చెడు కార్యం మన శరీరంలో కొన్ని రకాల అడ్డంకులను ఏర్పరుస్తాయి మరియు మన ఆరోగ్యాన్ని కోపం ద్వారా,అసూయ ద్వారా,ఇతరులపై తీర్పుని ఇవ్వడం ద్వారా,ఇలా.అలాగే ప్రేమ మరియు ఆనందం కొన్ని స్థితులను కల్పిస్తాయి.ఇవిఅన్నీ కూడా మనకు ఒక కర్మకు సంబంధించిన ఖాతాను ఏర్పరుస్తాయు.కొన్ని చిన్నతనంలో గాయాలనుంచి తీసుకున్న నిర్ణయాలు, చెడు బాంధవ్యాలు,తప్పుడు జీవన శైలి ఇవి అన్నీ కూడా జబ్బులకు కారణమవుతాయి.

ద్వేషం- కాలేయ సమస్యలు సృష్టిస్తుంది.

విపరీతమైన ద్వేషం- క్యాన్సర్ కారకం

అసూయ మరియు భయం- అల్సర్లను సృష్టిస్తుంది.

మన భావాలను గట్టిగా త్రొక్కి పెట్టి ఉంచడం-ఒత్తిడి ని ఏర్పరుస్తుంది.

ఒత్తిడి- హృదయ సమస్యలు సృష్టి చేస్తుంది.

గాయాలతో నిండిపోతుంటే- ఆర్ధరైటిస్ సృష్టి అవుతుంది.

మానసిక సంఘర్షణ- మూత్రపిండాల సమస్యల కు కారణం

ఇతరులను క్షమించలేని తత్వం ఒకదాని తర్వాత ఒకటి,ఎటువంటి జబ్బులకైనా కారణమౌతుంది .ఇది తర్వాతి జన్మలలోకి కూడా ప్రయాణిస్తుంది.

Dear Bhagavan, many of us have physical problems, pain and diseases. Will all diseases be healed when we are awakened, Bhagavan?

Bhagavan: Some diseases and some problems would be solved when you be,

come awakened. Not all. 

Sri Amma speaks on Medicine Prescription: Every negative thought, the word we utter, our deeds are creating blockages in the body and affecting our health through Anger, Jealousy, Judgement, Love, Joy, etc. It enters into our Karmic Bank. Some childhood decisions made out of hurts, bad relationships, wrong lifestyles could also lead to diseases.

•Hatred - Liver Problems

• Excessive Hatred - Cancer

• Jealousy and Fear - Ulcer

• Suppression of Emotions - Stress

• Stress - Heart problems

•Accumulation of Hurts - Arthritis

• Inner violence - Kidney Problems

•Not able to forgive other leads to almost every possible disease, one after an,

other through out life.

హృదయ వికసనపై శ్రీ భగవాన్

శ్రీ భగవాన్:"ఇక్కడ ప్రశ్న ఏమిటంటే అతి సాధారణ పరివర్తన ఒక్కటి చాలు మీ హృదయం పరివర్తన చెందటానికి మరియు మనకిఅక్కడ స్వర్గం ఏర్పడుతుంది.

ఒకసారి హృదయం వికసిస్తే ఎలా ప్రవర్తించాలో మీకే తెలుస్తుంది.మేము మాట్లాడుతున్న ప్రేమ గురించి మాటలలో వివరించలేము. అది అనుభవంలోకి రావాలి.దానికి ఒక కారణం లేదు.దానికి ఒక హేతువు అన్నది లేదు.అది అక్కడ ఉంది అంతే .మేము మిమ్మల్ని అక్కడకు తీసుకు వెళదామని అనుకుంటున్నాము. మీరు అప్పుడు ఒక సంపూర్ణమైన మానవుడు అవుతారు.

అప్పుడు మీరు ఒక మనిషిగా మీ యొక్క సంపూర్ణమైన శక్తిని గ్రహించగలుగుతారు.మీరు ఆ ప్రేమని కనుగొన్న తత్ క్షణమే మీరు అందరితో సంబంధాన్ని కూడా కనుగొంటారు.

మొదటగా మీకు దగ్గరివారు మరియు ప్రియమైన వారితో ,తర్వాత మీ మిత్రులతో ,తర్వాత మొత్తం విశాలమైన ప్రపంచం ,వృక్షాలు తర్వాత జంతువులు మరియు అంతిమంగా భగవంతుడు వీరందరితో మీకు బంధం ఏర్పడుతుంది.మీరు భగవంతునితో ఏకమైపోతారు.ఆ ఏకత్వం గురించి మనం మాట్లాడుతున్నాము.

మొత్తం సృష్టి అంతా కూడా ఆనందాన్ని వెల్లువలా ప్రవహింప చేస్తోంది.మీరు ఒకసారి ముక్తులైపోతే మీరు అక్కడ ఆనందం తప్ప మరియొకటి లేదని చూడగలుగుతారు.అక్కడ ప్రేమ మాత్రమే ఉంటుంది."


Sri Bhagavan:"The question is one of simple transformation, make the heart flower and we have heaven here. There will be actual heaven on earth. 

Once the heart has flowered, you know exactly how to act. The love we are talking about cannot be described. It has to be experienced. There is no reason for that. There is no cause for that. It is just there. We would like you to get there. You would then be a fulfilled human being. 

You would have realized your full potential as a human being. The moment you discover this love, you also discover connectedness.

First you feel connected with your  near and dear ones, then with your friends,then with the world at large, plants and animals and finally with God. You become one with God. That is the oneness we are talking about. 

The whole creation is an outpouring of joy. Once you become enlightened, you will see that there is nothing but joy. There is only love."

ప్రియమైన భగవాన్ మీ బోధనలలోని ముక్తుడు అందరి యొక్క మనస్సులతో కలసి పనిచేస్తాడు  గురించి దయచేసి వివరించండి.

శ్రీ భగవాన్: ముక్తి పొందిన వానికి మంచి చెడు అన్న భేదం లేదు.ముక్తుడు ఎన్నడూ తీర్పు చెప్పడు.ముక్తుడు ఎప్పుడు పోల్చి చూడడం గాని లేక నిర్ణయించడం గాని చేయడు.అతని అంతా కూడా సక్రమంగా నే ఉంటుంది.కాబట్టి ఒక వ్యక్తి కి ఒక ప్రత్యేకమైన వ్యక్తిత్వ ఉంటే ముక్తుడు ఆ వ్యక్తిత్వంతో పాటు ప్రయాణిస్తాడు.
ముక్తుడు అవతలి వ్యక్తిని మార్చాలని ప్రయత్నించడు.అతను ఈ ప్రపంచం తో చాలా సుఖవంతంగా ఉంటాడు.ముక్తుడు ఈ ప్రపంచం ఎలా ఉందో అలాగనే దానితో సుఖవంతంగా ఉంటాడు మరియు అతను ప్రపంచంతో ఇంత శాంతి వంతంగా ఉన్నాడంటే దాని అర్ధం ప్రపంచం మారిపోయిందని కాదు.కాని అతని కి మాత్రం ప్రపంచం మారిపోయిది.అతని దృష్టిలో అందరూ సక్రమంగానే ఉంటారు.
ఆయన ఒక ఋషిని గాని జ్ఞానిని గాని కలిస్తే వారు అతనికి సంపూర్ణం.అదే ముక్తుడు ఒక దొంగని గాని ఒక మోసగానిని గాని లేక హంతకుని గాని కలిస్తే అది కూడా అతనికి సంపూర్ణమే.ఆయన హంతకుని విడిగా చూడలేరు.అతను హంతకునిగా లేక ఒక దొంగగా లేక ఒక ఋషిగా  తయారు కావటానికి మొత్తం సమాజం అంతా బాధ్యత వహిస్తున్నట్లుగా చూస్తారు కనుకనే అతనిని విడిగా చూస్తూ అతనిపై తీర్పు చేయలేరు.

ముక్తుడు మొత్తం సంపూర్ణంగా మాత్రమే చూడగలుగుతారు తప్ప ఒక విడివివడిన భాగంగా చూడలేరు కనుకనే ఆయన ఎన్నటికీ నిర్ణయించలేరు.

కాబట్టే ముక్తుడు ఇతరుల మనస్సులతో కలసి పనిచేస్తాడు తప్ప,ఆ మనస్సులను సవరించటానికి ప్రయత్నించడు.ముక్తుడు ఏ విధమైన మానసికవిమర్శ లు గాని లేక మానసిక శాస్త్రాన్ని లేక వేదాంతాన్ని అన్వయించడం గాని చేయడు .ఆయన వ్యక్తులు ఎలా ఉన్నారో వారిని వారిలా అంగీకరిస్తాడు,మరియు వారు ఆయనకు చాలా అందమైన వారు మరియు సంపూర్ణ వంతులు.ఆయనకు ఎవ్వరితోనూ ఏ విధమైన సమస్యలు ఉండవు

Sri Bhagavan Teaching on Ego

Sri Bhagavan: " if you are free of ego, you will be extremely successful.

What we must distinguish is the difference between me (self) and ego.

The Self/ me is ambitious. He has the will to fight and achieve what he wants.We're not talking about these things here.

The Ego, on the other hand, makes you positional. When you become positional, you don't understand what the other person is talking about. No listening. Therefore, there is no learning. Therefore, you have all the possibilities to lose a good business, a good job or valuable information.

The path of ego can be very damaging to corporate success ".

శ్రీ భగవాన్: మీరు కనుక మీ అహంకారం నుంచి విముక్తి పొందినట్లయితే మీరు అత్యద్భుత విజయాలను సాధిస్తారు.
మనం చేయవలసినది ఏమిటంటే నేను కి మరియు అహంకారానికి మధ్యనున్న భేదం.

నేను అంటే ఆంగ్లంలో సెల్ఫ్ అనేది అత్యాశ కలిగి ఉంటుంది.తనకు కావలసినది పోరాడాలి మరియు గెలవాలి అన్న ఆరాటం ఉంటుంది.మనం వీటి గురించి పలకటం లేదు.
అలాకాకుండా అహంకారం మిమ్మల్ని ఒక స్థానానికి పరిమితం చేస్తుంది. మీరు ఎప్పుడైతే ఒక స్థానానికి పరిమితమైపోతారో,మీరు అవతలి వ్యక్తి ఏమి పలుకుతున్నారో అర్ధం చేసుకోలేరు.అక్కడ వినడం అనేది ఉండదు.కాబట్టి నేర్చుకోవడం అనేది ఉండదు.కాబట్టి అప్పుడు మీరు ఒక మంచి వ్యాపారాన్ని కాని లేక ఒక మంచి ఉద్యోగాన్ని కాని లేక ఒక ఉత్తమ సమాచారాన్ని కాని కోల్పోవడానికి అన్ని అవకాశాలు ఉంటాయి

How can one cope with jealously ?

Bhagavan : Jealousy is basically coming from insecurity. Insecurity is coming from fear. If somebody is doing good, then you feel jealous.
If you watch carefully, it is basically your own fear, your own insecurity when you see someone doing well. Then what is your problem? If somebody is in a wonderful car, a better car than yours, then what is your problem? Your problem is that you are unable to do and you want to do, you cannot do, you might not be able to do, whether you will be able to do or not. So, you are basically satisfying yourself by giving an explanation, by saying that the other person is trying to show off. Or, you might condemn that person or condemn yourself for feeling jealous. What you should do is just watch this story which is going on inside. Just watch. That very watching is liberation.

Bhagavan says, “To see is to be free.” You must only see how your fear is expressing itself as jealousy. The moment you start watch, the charge goes away and you feel so relieved and so nice about it. At this point of time I can only talk about it and explain like this. But there is much more.

నమస్తే భగవాన్ ,ఎవరైనా తనయొక్క అసూయను ఎలా ఎదుర్కోవాలి?

శ్రీ భగవాన్: అసూయ ప్రాధమికంగా అభద్రతా భావంనుండి వస్తుంది.అభద్రతా భావం అనేది భయం నుంచి వస్తుంది.ఎవరైనా మంచి చేస్తూ ఉంటే అప్పుడు మీరు అసూయని అనుభవిస్తారు.
మీరు జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలిస్తే,ఇతరులు ఎవరైనా మంచి పనులు చేస్తున్నప్పుడు ,అది ప్రాథమికంగా మీ స్వంత భయం మరియు మీ స్వంత అభద్రతా భావం .అయితే మీ సమస్య ఏమిటి.ఎవరికైనా మంచి అద్భుతమైన కారు ఉంటే ,మీ కారు కన్నా ఉత్తమమైనది ఐతే,మీకున్న సమస్య ఏమిటి .మీ సమస్య ఏమిటంటే మీరు ఏమి చేయాలనుకుంటున్నారో అది చేయలేకపోతున్నారు,మీరు చేయరు,మీరు చేయలేకపోవచ్చు,అది మీరు చేయగలిగినా లేకపోయినా కూడా ఇలా ఉంది.కాబట్టి మీకు మీరు అవతలి వ్యక్తి ఘరానా గా తిరుగుతున్నాడని ఇలా ఏదో సమాధానం చెప్పుకుని ప్రాధమికంగా సంతృప్తి చెందుతున్నారు. లేదంటే మీకు మీరు అసూయ చెందుతున్నందుకు మీరు అవతలి వ్యక్తిని నిందిస్తున్నారు లేదా మిమ్మల్ని మీరు నిందించుకుంటున్నారు.మీరు చేయవలసినది ఏమిటంటే మీలోపల జరిగే కథని మొత్తం చూడాలి.చూడడమే చేయాలి.అలా చూడడమే స్వాతంత్ర్యము.

చూడగలిగితే స్వాతంత్ర్యము పొందినట్లే.మీరు మీ భయం ఎలా అసూయ అనే రూపాన్ని సంతరించుకుంటున్నదో మాత్రమే చూడాలి.మీరు చూడడం ఆరంభించిన క్షణమే మీ లోపలిఆవేశం వెళ్ళిపోతుంది మరియు మీరు ఎంతో ప్రశాంతతని అనుభవిస్తారు మరియు దాని గురించి హాయిని అనుభవిస్తారు.ఈ సమయంలో నేను దానిగురించి పలకడం మరియు ఇలా వివరించడం మాత్రమే చేయగలను .కాని అక్కడ ఇంకా ఎంతో ఉంది.

ఇతరులు నన్ను మరలా మరలా బాధ పెట్టడాన్ని నేను ఎలా అడ్డుకోగలను?

శ్రీ భగవాన్: "మీ లోపల బాధ అన్నది ఉంటే మరియు మీరు ఆ బాధని కనుక అనుభవిస్తే ,అవతలి వ్యక్తి మిమ్మల్ని గాయపరచడం అనేది ఆగిపోతుంది. నేను ఏ మాత్రం చదువుకోని ఒక స్థానిక గ్రామ మహిళను మన తరగతులకు వచ్చినప్పుడు కలిసాను. ఆమె నాతో ఆవిడ భర్తతో ఎప్పుడూ గొడవులవుతూ ఉంటాయని ,తన జీవితం చాలా భయంకరంగా ఉందని చెప్పారు .తర్వాత ఆవిడ తన ఇంటి తాళాలు పోగొట్టుకున్నారు.ఆవిడ భర్త ఎక్కడికో బయటకు వెళ్ళారు,ఆవిడ ఇంటిలోపలికి వెళ్ళలేదు.ఆవిడ తన భర్తతో తన ఇంటి తాళాలు పోయాయని చెప్పటానికి విపరీతమైన భయానికి లోనైంది ఎందుకంటే అతను వెనువెంటనే తనని కొట్టడం మొదలుపెడతాడు.అందుకని ఆవిడ తన పొరుగు ఇంటి ఆమె వద్దకు వళ్ళి తన సహాయంతో ఈ తాళాన్ని బద్దలు కొట్టి ఆ తాళం పొరుగామె ఇంటి దగ్గరనే ఉంచి వేసింది.

తర్వాత ఆవిడ అకస్మాత్తుగా ఏంజరుగుతోందో దానిని ఆశ్చర్యంగా చూడనారంభించింది. అసలు నాకు ఈ సమస్యలు అన్నీ ఎందుకు వస్తున్నాయి.ప్రతీ సారి నేను ఏదో ఒక ప్రమాదంలో పడుతున్నాను,ఈ మనిషి నన్ను తిట్టడం కానీ లేక కొట్టడం కానీ చేస్తున్నాడు.ఇదంతా ఎందుకిలా జరుగుతోంది. అప్పుడు తన బోధననిఅన్వయించుకోవడం మొదలుపెట్టింది .అంతరంగంలో జరుగుతున్నది ఏదైతే ఉందో బాహ్యంగా సంఘటనలను సృష్టి చేస్తోంది.లోపల ఏం జరుగుతోంది అని ఆవిడ ప్రశ్న వేసుకున్నప్పుడు ఆవిడ తాను తన భర్తంటే విపరీతమైన భయంతో ఉందని తెలుసుకుంది.ఆ భయం నిరంతరంగా ఆవిడ యొక్క భర్తని ప్రేరేపిస్తూ తన తో చెడ్డగా ప్రవర్తించేటట్లుగా చేసే సంఘటనలను సృష్టి చేస్తోంది.ఆ భావచిత్రం ఆవిడ లోపలనే ఉంది.అప్పుడు ఆవిడ అనుకొంది నాకు భయం మాత్రమే ఉంది ,మరియు అది అతను అలా ప్రవర్తించేటట్లు ప్రేరేపిస్తున్నట్లుంది. అని.

ఆమె భర్త ఇంటికి వచ్చిన వెనువెంటనే ఆవిడ చెప్పారు,చూడండి నేను తాళం చేతులు ఎక్కడో పోగొట్టుకున్నాను.నేను తాళం పగులుకొట్టాను మరియు మీరంటే ఉన్న భయంతో నేను ఆ తాళాన్ని కూడా పొరుగామె ఇంట్లో ఉంచాను. అని .ఆవిడ భర్త ఆశ్చర్యకరంగా నవ్వి ఆవడని కౌగలించుకున్నారు.ఈ ఒక్క సంఘటనతో ఆవిడ తన భర్త అంటే తనకున్న భయం మొత్తాన్ని కోల్పోయింది.అప్పటినుంచి వారిరువురూ అన్యోన్య దాంపత్యాన్ని కొనసాగిస్తున్నారు.

ఇది ఎవరో ఒక చదువురాని లేక గొప్ప జ్ఞానం లేని ఒకరికి జరిగింది,కాని ఆవిడ చాలా సరళంగా బోధననిఅర్ధం చేసుకుంది మరియు దానిని ఒక క్రమపద్ధతిలో ఆచరించింది.ఆవిడ నిరంతరంగా తన లో తన్నుకు వచ్చే భయంతో ఎరుకతో ఉంది.ఆవిడ తన భయం పట్ల ఎరుకతో ఉన్న క్షణం నుంచి ,అది అదృశ్యమైపోయింది మరియు అక్కడ సమస్య అన్నది లేనే లేనట్లు గా కనబడసాగింది.ఆవిడ మంచి ఆనంద స్థితిని పొందింది మరియు మొత్తం అన్ని సంఘటనలు కూడా ఆవిడకు అత్యద్భుతంగా సహకరించాయి.మీరు తెలుసుకోవలసిన సత్యం ఏమిటంటే ఆ చిత్రాలని మీరే సృష్టి చేస్తున్నారు.అవతలి వ్యక్తిని మీరే ప్రేరేపిస్తున్నారు,మరియు అవతలి వ్యక్తి మిమ్మల్ని ప్రేరేపిస్తున్నారు.కాని మనం అవతలి వారిగురించి ఆందోళన చెందవలసిన అవసరం లేదు.మనం మననుంచే మొదలుపెట్టవచ్చు.మీరు అర్ధం చేసుకోవాలి మీరు సంఘటనలను సృష్టి చేయగలరు.

నాకు భారతదేశంలో మరియు పాశ్చాత్య దేశాలలో సింహాలతోనూ మరియు పులులతోను ఆడుకోగలిగే కొందరు వ్యక్తులు తెలుసు.వీళ్ళు అలా ఎలా చేయగలరు.ఏదో కారణం చేత వారు ఈ జంతువులంటే భయాన్ని సంపూర్ణంగా కోల్పోయారు.మీరు ఆ జంతువు అంటే భయం అనేది ఎప్పుడైతే కోల్పోతారో,అప్పుడు ఆ జంతువు ఆవేశంతో స్పందించదు.భారతదేశంలోని రమణ మహర్షి సింహం పిల్లలను మృదువుగా స్పర్శించేవారు కొన్ని కొన్ని సార్లు పులులనుకూడా.ఆయన త్రాచు పాములను కూడా స్పర్శించేవారని ప్రతీతి.ఏది కూడా ఆయనకు ఎప్పుడూ హాని చేయలేదు.కాని ఆయన ఆజంతువులకు దగ్గరగా ఉన్నప్పుడు ఇతరులందరినీ కూడా పదిహేను అడుగుల దూరాన్ని ఉంచేవారు.వారు ఈ పదిహేను అడుగుల అడ్డుని మీరి ఎప్పుడైనా ముందరికి వస్తే ఆ జంతువు మీదకి దూకేది.కాబట్టి ఆయన వారిలో కనుక భయం ఉంటే వారిని ఆ దూరంలో ఉంచేవారు.
అలాగనే మనం వీటన్నింటినీ సృష్టి చేస్తున్నాము.మీరు మీ లోపలికి దృష్టి మరల్చి ఈ సత్యాన్ని అవలోకనం చేయండి.అవతలి వ్యక్తి మీ చేత ప్రేరేపించబడి చెడుగా ప్రవర్తించక మునుపు మీ లోపల ఏమి జరుగుతూ ఉండేది.మీకు దీని వలన లాభం కలుగుతుంది అనుకుంటే మీరు దీనిని చేస్తారు.మన మనస్సు ఒక గొప్ప వ్యాపారవేత్త.మీరు చూడవచ్చు దీని వలన ఏమైనా ఉపయోగం ఉందా మరియు ఒక లాభమో నష్టమో మీకు కలగజేస్తోందా.మీరు అక్కడ లాభపడేది ఏమి లేదన్నది స్పష్టంగా చూడగలిగితే మీరు వెనువెంటనే దానిని వదిలి వేస్తారు.మీకక్కడ లాభించేది ఏమైనా ఉంటే దానికిఅతుక్కుంటారు.మీరు దీనిని లాభనష్టాల కోణంలో చూడాలి.మీరు ఈ గ్రామీణ మహిళ లా చూడగలిగితే,అప్పుడు ఇది ఎంతో సులభం.

మీరు చేయండి అప్పుడు ఏం జరుగుతుందో చూడండి. ఇవ్వన్నీ ఆచరించి చేయవలసిన విషయాలు.వీటి గురించి ఆలోచించడం వలన గాని పుకార్లు సృష్టించడం వలనగానీ ఏవిధమైన ఉపయోగం లేదు.ఇది పురాణాల గురించి ప్రవచించే ధర్మం కాదు.ఇది మీకు మీరు ఆచరించి తరచి చూడవలసిన ధర్మ.మీరు చేయండి అప్పుడు చూడండి.”

How can I prevent others from repeatedly hurting me?

Sri Bhagavan: "If there is a pain and you experience the pain, the other person will stop hurting you. I met a local Indian villager, very uneducated, who came for our classes. This woman told me that she used to have a lot of fights with her husband, and her life was terrible. A while ago she lost the keys to her home. The husband had gone out somewhere, and she could not enter the house. She was terrified at the thought of telling her husband she lost the keys, because he would immediately beat her. Therefore, she got a neighbor who broke open the lock and then kept the lock at the neighbor’s house.

Then she began to wonder about what was happening. “Why do I have all these problems? Every time I get into some trouble, this man is scolding me or beating me. Why is this happening?” Then she applied the teaching: What is happening inside produces events outside. When she questioned what was happening inside, she discovered she was tremendously afraid of him. This fear constantly created situations in which her husband was provoked and started behaving badly. This image was inside her. Then she thought, “I just have fear, and it seems to provoke this behavior in him.”
The moment the husband came home, she said, “Look, I lost the keys. I broke open the lock, and out of sheer fear of you I hid the lock at the neighbor’s house.” The husband laughed strangely and gave her a hug. He said, “It is fine.” It became very clear to her that she had been provoking that kind of behavior. With this single incident, she completely lost the fear she had of her husband. Since then, they are having great times together.
This happened to someone who had no education or great learning, but she had the very simple understanding of the teaching and she applied it systematically. She was constantly aware of fear if it erupted. The moment she was aware of the fear, it disappeared, and there seemed to be no problem at all. She had great joy, and all things went very well for her. You must realize the fact that you are producing this image. You are provoking the other, and the other is provoking you. But we don’t have to worry about the other; we can start with ourselves. You must understand that you create these things.

I know of some people in India and Western countries who play with lions and tigers. How do these people do it? They have, for some reason, completely lost the fear of these animals. When you lose the fear of the animal, the animal never explodes. Ramana Maharshi in India used to touch leopards and sometimes even tigers – it is said that he also touched cobras. Nothing ever harmed him. But when he was in contact with the beast, he used to keep people at fifteen feet from him. When they would come across the fifteen-foot barrier, the animal would strike. Therefore, he asked people to keep their distance if they had fear.
Similarly, we are producing all these things. You could take a quick look at yourself and see this correlation. What was happening inside of you before the other person was provoked and misbehaved? You will do it if you realize there is profit there. The mind is like a good businessman. You can see if it is of any use to you, and whether something is producing a loss or a gain. If you can see clearly that there is nothing to gain, then you will drop it. If you see there is something to gain, then you will cling to it. You must see it in terms of loss and gain. If you see like this village woman, then it is very easy.

You do it and see what happens. These things must be done. There is no point in thinking about them or speculating. It’s of no use at all. This is not a kind of dharma (doctrine) talk. This is a “do-it-yourself” dharma. Do it and see

Dear Bhagawan, I'm confused about different teachings. For one part "I" must be helpless and open to the divinity to make it (for me), another teaching says I can't wait for the 'to do everything' , that is to say I still have to do things

Sri Bhagawan: The intention and the effort is put on you. Grace comes from the divinity. You can't do anything without intent and effort.

For example, a gentleman once came to me. He said: I want to have a land. I said: go ahead, I'll help you. He said: No, no, I'm not moving out of my house. Someone has to buy the land, come to me, take it to my house and take it to me. I told him: that's not possible.

So you have to play your role, the divine has its own role. When we say helpless that doesn't mean doing nothing. It just means there are certain things you can't do. There comes the Divinityo. But there are certain basic things you must do.
That man should go see the ground. You should raise the money, then the divinity will help you everywhere.

Of course there are some exceptional cases.  There are a few people in India we know, when they want some money, they say exactly to ammabhagavan, 'this is the money we want'. And believe it or not, the money appears in your hands. It's not one day again, it's every day. And they have an excellent bond with divinity, and then this is happening. If one doesn't have this kind of connection or bond, one has to put an intent and effort".

Bhagavan please explain the Teaching: 'When you are in the past and future, you do not Live'.

Sri Bhagavan: 'When you try to go to the past and future, you cannot live. Living happens in the present, not in the past or future. Only when you are in the present, you are actually living.

When you go to the past, you are thinking of the charge or the leftovers of a past incident which is not reality at present. Similarly, when you are in the future, you are in an imaginary future which is not happening in the present. The Mind being an ancient Mind is full of projections of the past and future. You should observe and see the Mind. When you start to see and become aware of the Mind, you start living in the present. That is true Living.

Bhagavan, how to live the Teachings?

Sri Bhagavan :The teachings should be first understood intellectually and then adopted in circumstances.

Suppose the teaching says, 'see what is', In the beginning, you will start contemplating and seeing long AFTER you react. Soon you will start seeing your reactions sooner, a little time after the reactions. As you repeat this contemplation again and again, the Mind gets programmed to seeing and contemplation and finally, you will be able to see and contemplate BEFORE reacting. You just need some practice to see how you have reacted in situations. More practice brings more awareness. This is not so difficult. If it was difficult, we will not teach you".

Bhagavan, we are unable to be grateful in our relationships. Sometimes we put efforts in setting right relationships and become successful Bhagavan. Sometimes we are helpless. Please guide us, Bhagavan .

Sri Bhagavan : You can adopt 2 methods to your life situations: BECOMING and BEING.  For example, if you are suffering from comparison, you can practice Gratitude, that is, put in efforts to be grateful. This is called the Becoming Mode. Gratitude is the greatest and easiest teaching to adopt. Gratitude changes anything negative.

Or on the other hand, you can see helplessly that you don't have Gratitude. That will automatically take you to Gratitude. This is called the Being Mode.

You can adopt the BECOMING or the BEING mode to become grateful in relationships. If you want to be very successful in life, just adopt the Double B approach of Being and Becoming. 

Bhagavan please explain the Teaching: "Go for balances and completion in Relationships".

Sri Bhagavan :"All the teachings of the Dharma will help you to balance everything in life. You must not go to extremes. You must not be angry all the time or quarreling all the time. Similarly, you cannot always be good, polite, loving, etc. No need to be Ideal in relationships. Once in a while, you can show your anger, react, etc. But you should not do it all the time. You should balance between too many reactions and too much of idealism.

If you are angry at one time, be understanding and loving at another time. This balancing is the completion of relationships.

Sri Bhagavan is your main purpose to have the whole world Enlightened ?

Bhagavan : Obviously yes it is. It is history.Man in his natural state in Enlightened.

That is how he is supposed to be and that's how they are made and that is why our left cerebral cortex that part of the brain has space where by we can get in touch with the Cosmic Consciousness. But then owing to certain factors man has lost that state. 

Amma Bhagavan is trying to give back that state to man, this state of Enlightenment to all of humanity. These factors are - in this Cosmos there are several planets & planes where there is life and life is beautiful. Only in very few places things are going wrong as it is goingwrong with the earth.

To put it short and ina way to understand, the earth is moving in its axis and there is a star called Mulam.From this star there is cosmic radiations emanating and it falls on the earth. When ever that happens the DNA of the man functions differently and man naturally is in a different state. His senses and mind functions differently and the mystical dimension opens up.

Whenever this cosmic radiations are not received by the earth because of its revolution and the axis in which it is moving, then man's consciousness becomes dull, the mystical dimension loses, he becomes more a physical human being. 

Right now at this point of time the earth is receiving the radiations from this star Mulam.The Cosmic energy is flowing on to this planet. And at this time to make this enlightenment happen to man, Amma Bhagavan has come down, to make this process happen to man so that man again shouldn't miss this opportunity. Amma Bhagavan has come to alter the DNA of man and that is what we are doing here.

Bhagavan, my major disease is comparison. I am suffering from enormous inferiority syndrome. How do I handle this problem?

"Comparison is essentially sourced in non acceptance of one’s life, parents, body, capabilities or thoughts and emotions. In resisting the fact and trying to be something that you are not, you suffer from destructive emotions like anger, jealousy, hatred, frustration, which in turn leads to failure of intelligence. 

All problems arise with the failure of intelligence. It is acceptance that liberates you and how does one arrive at acceptance? It is not about understanding, explaining or justifying the situation but to experience the pain behind it. As you experience the unresolved emotions that are attached to the situation, all resistance dissolves and you naturally embrace the fact. This inner acceptance leads to awakening of intelligence and the inferiority complex would naturally disappear."

I want to maintain a close bond with Sri Bhagavan. I feel the presence more intensely when I maintain regular practice, meditation, etc. How do I cope with family commitments and work demands which I feel distracts me from regular practice?

🌸 SRI BHAGAVAN: "In Oneness, the handling of your worldly problems and your commitments is the path. Meditation and other activities only play a secondary role. Your financial problems, your family problems, your health issues and other problems are the real challenge. If you properly respond to these challenges, then you'll keep growing spiritually. Responding to your problems is your path. You should not separate the worldly from the spiritual. There in fact is no separation.They are one in the same."✨🙏🏼🙏🏼

" Truth is always sourced in compassion. It is sourced in the well being of the other. That is the nature of truth. "
-Sri Amma Bhagavan

"The human mind always forms views and creates stories within. It connects, edits and makes you believe that the story is true. But, it is only a story. It is not the truth. They are only views. When the mind is de clutched, there is no story. Then, what exists is love; is compassion; is the truth. The nature of that love is that it is unconditional; there is compassion; one feels helpful; one thinks of the well being of the other.

Take an example, it becomes clearer. When you are humiliated in public by someone you love, how bad you feel? What are your thoughts? I don't have to tell you. These thoughts are stories and make you feel that they are the truth. But after sometime, if you experience the suffering completely, you cool down. What are your thoughts: you feel bad and might understand the situation; where he or she is coming from and come face to face with the truth and you completely forgive that person. The story in your mind is dropped. Instantaneously, you experience that unconditional love and You think of the other's well being. Today's teaching is so obvious."

Why does it feel so difficult to set the relationships right with one's own family. Is it Karma? Could you tell us something about family and collective Karma and what to do about it?        

SRI BHAGAVAN: "This problem of relationship must be handled at three levels.At the first level you could use the teachings.Now very often we have bad relationships because we have been conditioned wrongly and we do not have certain insights.So the teaching would help you there.

For example, he teaching says: to have good relationship start with yourself, not with the other. See who you are, accept yourself as you are and love yourself as you are'. When this happens very naturally the other person would see you as you are, would accept you as you are, would love you as you are.

I will give you an example for this. Some time ago a couple came to meet us and they had very bad relationship. So the lady said, 'this man is a drunkard and I cannot live with him'. And the man said, 'she is a flirt and I cannot live with her'. That was their problem. So we told them, 'look,here we do not work on the other, we work on oneself'. So we took up the case of the flirt and we said look, 'we are not going to transform him who is a drunkard; we are going to transform you'. So what you should do is see, look into yourself as to why you are a flirt; you must see that. Having seen that accept that-'yes I am a flirt'. Accept it. Once you accept it, you will start loving yourself, 'yes I am a flirt,this is what I am'. And you fall in love with yourself. Now then this happens very naturally. We were actually working with her and she began to see that man as he is, as to why he is behaving the way he is behaving. She accepted him as he is and she loved him as he is. She did not ask that he must give up drinking. Because she accepted herself and fell in love with herself, she accepted him and loved him.  That happened to her.

The drunkard on other hand, he was looking into himself, he saw why he was drinking, that he is a drunkard, he accepted that and he fell in love with himself. Once he did that, he could also accept her as a flirt, and accept and love her also. Now we did not change the flirt into something else nor the drunkard into something else. They accepted themselves. Therefore they could accept each other. But something strange happened after that. She ceased to be a flirt and he ceased to be a drunkard. But our object was only helping them to accept themselves and love themselves. So teaching can help like that.

The other thing is in relationships we build up images.Suppose you get married you start building up images about your wife and the wife about the husband. It can happen between any two people.There after the images start relating and you stop experiencing the person. Then also relationship dies.

So in many many ways teachings can help you but that is still only the first level. Sometimes what ever you might do, the mind gets stuck. It will be playing the record again and again and again. For 20 years he will be repeating the same thing without any change. That also destroys relationship. You will say ten years ago you did this, twenty years ago you did this. The record goes on and on and on.To stop that you must give a powerful deeksha which can shift the mind into another dimension. There deeksha comes into play and helps you.

Now that also may not work always, in which case you must have to go into Karma. Karma would mean what happened at the moment of conception, what were your mother's thoughts when you were being carried in the womb. What happened in the womb and how exactly you were delivered, the first six hours after delivery and sometimes you might have to go into past lives. So at that level we can solve any problem.

So first you start applying the teaching. Next you try deeksha. With the teaching if it is solved, fine. Otherwise use deeksha. If that does not work then move on to find out Karma. For Karma, all that you must do is, you must relax well, move into the hypnogobic state, the state between waking and sleep -move into that state. Take a blessing from the SRI MURTHY and say 'Please AMMA BHAGAVAN show me where the problem is'. We will rewind the tape and we will exactly show you what went wrong where. We will pin point the problem, ie, your Karma and then we will re work it. Once we rework it, the entire thing will start off in just twenty four hours.

So that is how you have to handle the problem of relationships. Step by step, you have got to move."

What are you Bhagavan? Please talk to me about "GOD".

Sri Bhagavan:- God could be spoken in three ways. The unmanifest, the manifest and the incarnation. The unmanifest is the unknowable by its very definition, the unmanifest cannot be seen, felt or heard. It is attributeless and hence cannot be known, remember it is not the unknown but the unknowable. What is the unknown to day could be known tomorrow.

There is no way for you to understand reality or GOD. It will go ever be unknowable. As far as you are concerned the unmanifest is as good as,non
existent God is very much like the unmanifest. Electricity that is experienced only when it Manifests as light sound or sensation. GOD's Manifest form is all that is.

The Manifest God is the higher Sacred self or the presence you experience in your heart, this GOD could also Manifest as a form or as the voice within GOD also Manifests as love, awareness, compassion, power and several other SACRED attributes. The unmanifest some times also Manifests externally as a form.

When the unknowable reality limits itself in to a frame it is an AVATAR. An AVATAR is a being who is born with a destiny to aid humanity in to its next phase of evaluation.''

"When my will and your will have become one then my kingdom would have come."

I am hounded by too many negative thoughts. I am not able to stop them through the best of efforts. What should I do to stay clear? Will these thoughts block my awakening?

SRI AMMA: "Is it possible to classify any thought as being particularly negative? What exists is fear. Lust, jealousy and hatred are all interconnected and have their roots in fear. Humanity is ridden with fear, which is flowing through you. What could you do about it? Is there a door to shut out these thoughts? They come and go. Fighting these thoughts and digging into them would land you in depression. Get going with your work and help your fellow humans.

All things will fall in place. No matter what your thoughts are, when the time comes, you will be liberated."

Beloved Bhagavan, What Kind of Personalities are helpful to Realizing the Vision?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : "To have a clear vision we must have atleast four strong personalities. These four personalities, are the king personality, warrior personality, the magician personality, & the monk personality.

⚜The King Personality is that which is clear headed & decisive.

⚜The Warrior Personality is that which is never tired of fighting.

⚜The Magician Personality thinks everything is possible, nothing is impossible.

⚜The Monk Personality is one that leads a simple, austere life & he'z completely detached from any situation.

The people must deliberately practice these personalities cultivate them & Apply them to different situations in their lives. As they keep applying them, Something very strange happens. They will get almost like a movie, A full vision of their life & What is the best thing to do & What you will love to do.

The connections will happen very naturally & They will also know how to go about it.Then things will come into place.😇😇                                                                

Beloved Bhagavan, What is love Bhagavan, & If love has to be a permanent emotion in me, What should I do?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : "What is love - We cannot talk about that. What is not love - We can talk about. Love is not attachment, love is not possession, love is not controlling somebody, love is not making use of somebody, love is not all that you conceive of. You cannot know love but you can experience love.

The only thing that we can talk about that it is UnConditional. If you love somebody just because somebody is good looking, Somebody is wealthy or popular or this or that obviously that is not love. But if you're not able to give any reason at all, then probably you have discovered love.That love is unconditional & such love is not an imaginary love.

Thousands of people have discovered it & You can discover it. That is the purpose of human existence. Otherwise life is worthless.

Genuine affection is to be affected by the other. This is the State of Love that I give you as a Personal Experience in Deekshas."😇😇

Why does it feel so difficult to set the relationships right with one's own family. Is it Karma? Could you tell us something about family and collective Karma and what to do about it? 

SRI BHAGAVAN: "This problem of relationship must be handled at three levels.At the first level you could use the teachings.Now very often we have bad relationships because we have been conditioned wrongly and we do not have certain insights.So the teaching would help you there.

For example, he teaching says: to have good relationship start with yourself, not with the other. See who you are, accept yourself as you are and love yourself as you are'. When this happens very naturally the other person would see you as you are, would accept you as you are, would love you as you are.

I will give you an example for this. Some time ago a couple came to meet us and they had very bad relationship. So the lady said, 'this man is a drunkard and I cannot live with him'. And the man said, 'she is a flirt and I cannot live with her'. That was their problem. So we told them, 'look,here we do not work on the other, we work on oneself'. So we took up the case of the flirt and we said look, 'we are not going to transform him who is a drunkard; we are going to transform you'. So what you should do is see, look into yourself as to why you are a flirt; you must see that. Having seen that accept that-'yes I am a flirt'. Accept it. Once you accept it, you will start loving yourself, 'yes I am a flirt,this is what I am'. And you fall in love with yourself. Now then this happens very naturally. We were actually working with her and she began to see that man as he is, as to why he is behaving the way he is behaving. She accepted him as he is and she loved him as he is. She did not ask that he must give up drinking. Because she accepted herself and fell in love with herself, she accepted him and loved him.  That happened to her.

The drunkard on other hand, he was looking into himself, he saw why he was drinking, that he is a drunkard, he accepted that and he fell in love with himself. Once he did that, he could also accept her as a flirt, and accept and love her also. Now we did not change the flirt into something else nor the drunkard into something else. They accepted themselves. Therefore they could accept each other. But something strange happened after that. She ceased to be a flirt and he ceased to be a drunkard. But our object was only helping them to accept themselves and love themselves. So teaching can help like that.

The other thing is in relationships we build up images.Suppose you get married you start building up images about your wife and the wife about the husband. It can happen between any two people.There after the images start relating and you stop experiencing the person. Then also relationship dies.

So in many many ways teachings can help you but that is still only the first level. Sometimes what ever you might do, the mind gets stuck. It will be playing the record again and again and again. For 20 years he will be repeating the same thing without any change. That also destroys relationship. You will say ten years ago you did this, twenty years ago you did this. The record goes on and on and on.To stop that you must give a powerful deeksha which can shift the mind into another dimension. There deeksha comes into play and helps you.

Now that also may not work always, in which case you must have to go into Karma. Karma would mean what happened at the moment of conception, what were your mother's thoughts when you were being carried in the womb. What happened in the womb and how exactly you were delivered, the first six hours after deivery and sometimes you might have to go into past lives. So at that level we can solve any problem.

So first you start applying the teaching. Next you try deeksha. With the teaching if it is solved, fine. Otherwise use deeksha. If that does not work then move on to find out Karma. For Karma, all that you must do is, you must relax well, move into the hypnogobic state, the state between waking and sleep -move into that state. Take a blessing from the SRI MURTHY and say 'Please AMMA BHAGAVAN show me where the problem is'. We will rewind the tape and we will exactly show you what went wrong where. We will pin point the problem, ie, your Karma and then we will re work it. Once we rework it, the entire thing will start off in just twenty four hours.

So that is how you have to handle the problem of relationships. Step by step, you have got to move."

Dear Bhagavan, what is the difference, or differences, to have a contact with the Antaryamin and to be God realized?

SRI BHAGAVAN: "You may have a powerful Antaryamin, that does not mean you are God realized. You might meet the president of a country, that does not mean you know him. You've got to interact with him, you have to become his friend, you have to live with him, only then you would know him. Similarly, seeing God, even physically, does not mean you are God realized. You have to build up a bond, a relationship, and you must start interacting. It is a long journey. As you go along you realize more and more about God."

The four factors of success

Sri Bhagavan: "There are four factors that are essential for the success of an individual. First and foremost you need a clear vision. A life without a vision is like a journey without a destination.

Every one of you has an option: either to drift along like a dry leaf carried hither and tither by the winds, or fly like an arrow towards its goal, and the universe would help you reach where you want.

The universe is like Aladdin’s magic lamp. It will give you whatever you seek.

Secondly, you need to have a focused mind, a mind that is capable of attention, that is capable of hard thinking. Thirdly, you ought to have excellent relationships within the family. 

A strong civilization stands on the foundation of a strong family.

In a world of accelerated change it requires a very loving relationship between children and parents to keep ourselves sane.  If your relationship with your parents is set right all problems whether with your academics or your career would be solved miraculously.

Ultimately, you need to live in a state free of conflict, a state of existence where you feel connectedness and love."

How to increase my good karma?

Sri Bhagavan: "If you gain blessing from people, it enters into your good karma account. Just like you have your bank account, there is good karma account and bad karma account. And this is noted into the good karma account. Tomorrow when there is a problem and you pray, what God will do is God will take from the good karma account and solve your problem. That is why you must speak a kind word to somebody, help somebody, express gratitude, and get their blessing. Your good karma bank account goes on increasing. And it will help God to help you in the future. That blessing you can encash for making money, for health, or for some desire being fulfilled. You can try as an experiment and you can see. So how do you get blessing? Only through good relationships.
The most important blessing comes from your mother and father. Nobody can bless you like your mother and father. That is why whether that are alive or dead does not matter
your parents bless you directly from whatever loka they are in. It is very powerful even if they are present here. But if you have hurt them, then the blessing won't come."

"Self Realization Leads to God Realization"
✨✨Sri Bhagavan✨✨


Seeing Self means Getting Aware of 'Jealousy', 'Frustration', 'Hatred', 'Fear', 'Ego', 'Lust', 'Selfishness' Without any Judgements.   
Not that why those feelings came but important is getting aware to what is there.  

God Realisation happens Automatically if Self Awareness is Done.  God realization means your Antaryamin will Start Responding to you much faster and you can get whatever you Seek.  

U will see Sometimes Where ur God wouldnot respond to you that happens when u r struck with the unawareness of Self.   

So immediately apply Awareness of Self  I.e  & u can see ur Antaryamin Responds.

This is the Meaning of "AatmaSakshatkaram".

What is a blessing?

Different people have a different understanding of what a blessing really is… getting a good grade, a nice husband or wife, or money. Actually, everything, potentially, is a blessing if we recognize it. If we don’t recognize a blessing and reciprocate properly, then what appears to be a blessing could be a curse. Sometimes you beg for a blessing, you get it, and it ruins your life.

Yet the real blessing that the soul is seeking is the blessing of a connection with God’s love. That is the highest blessing – to actually connect with the love of God, which is everywhere, in all situations, if we look for it. In the Christian Bible it says, “Seek and you shall find.”  Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita, “As you approach Me, I shall reveal myself accordingly.”  If you are looking for love of God, the opportunities will grow for you to find it. If not, then even the most beautiful things in life it could cause you great frustration, anxiety and ruination.

Real wisdom is to see the hand of God and to be grateful, as a grateful heart can recognize the blessings in everything. Gratitude is one of the most essential virtues for real inner prosperity and happiness because it can connect us to the Divine.

So by being serious and sincere, being free from ulterior motives, and acting in a way that is pleasing to God, full blessings spontaneously and naturally come to you as you are in a good consciousness to recognize and receive them. When those blessings come, the situations you are in are just perfect for you.

Sri Bhagavan words about Wealth and Money

"Your ability to create and retain wealth is determined by your relationship with money. Like everything else, money is a form of energy which is attracted to the energy that is like itself. Your relationship with anything determines how much of that thing you are attracting or repelling.

Money does not exist by itself but it is always attached with the energy of the person who relates with it. The same money can be experienced by different people in different ways according to the relationship they each have with it.

Rich people know that money is important, that is why they have it. Poor people think money is not important, that is why they lack it. Can you imagine if you kept telling your spouse that they are not important, how long do you think they are going to stay with you?"💚🆎💚

Bhagwan, sometimes when we are speaking to people in the Corporate Sector or elsewhere Bhagwan, when we talk about the ego - they often have this condition/view, 'they say without the ego, it is very difficult for us to survive. If we are not egoistic, the world will dominate us, we would be finished.' Is it really possible
Bhagwan, to be really free of the ego and still function in the world; still be successful in the world; still be a part of this competitive life, Bhagwan?

Sri Bhagwan: "Yes! In fact if you are free of the ego, you would be extremely successful. So, what we have to distinguish between is, The Self and The Ego. Self is an ambition. The will to fight it out. The will to achieve. Now, we are not talking of those things here. The Ego on the other hand makes you positional. When you become positional, you don't understand what the other person is talking. There is no listening. Hence, there is no learning. Therefore you have every chance of losing. You have every chance of losing a business order. You have every chance of losing a good employee. You have every chance of losing a good insight. That way the ego proves to be very harmful for corporate success.. Here, you must know we are not talking of the self. The Self must very much be there; if you want to achieve success in the world. We are not talking about that. We are talking of the Ego and its games, which is harmful in the process of achieving success. So, you must learn to distinguish between the two. Of course, "self" is an illusion. In the inner world it separates man from god. In the inner world we must dissolve the self by becoming free from it. In the inner world you can become free from the self only when you could see the different portions of the self. That is the reason i say "To see is to be free". But in the external world we need to handle it differently.We have to use the "self" for our existence. So, self is helpful to reach a particular position in the external world. Here things are going wrong with many people. They are excessiv ly projecting their self and so it is leading to the formation of ego. So "self" should not exist in your inward journey (journey towards god). You are only a "athman" (soul) and you are a part of "paramathman" (supreme soul). There the self should completely dissolve and only then it is possible for you to achieve Oneness State. But in the external world you need to
achieve success for which the "self" will be very much helpful.The portions of the self like intelligence, emotional intelligence, creativity, technical skills,interacting with people (Communication skills), passion etc can be used for reaching a particular position.After reaching that particular position, again you need to utilize the same portions of the "self" for your survival but if you use negative portions like pride, arrogance etc., then it leads to ego due to which you will end up in failure."

Bhagavan, how to liberate our Ancestors? How to receive their Blessings? And how does it help in our daily lives?

Sri Bhagavan: It is very easy to liberate your Ancestors, by praying to your Divine, when your Divine become physical, to bring your Ancestors. Out of the Sri Murthi your Ancestors would come out. You can actually see your Ancestors physically.

And you could request your Amma Bhagavan or the God that you are worshipping to liberate them. It would happen then and there. You can actually, physically meet your dead Ancestors. They can come out, it is happen in many places. And the best day to it is their Death Anniversary. During the Anniversaries, you could pray and they could come out. On that day you could also make dishes,which your Ancestor likes, place them there and your Ancestors would eat those dishes.They will eat it, it is happening. And they would be very, very happy with you and they would also give you a Blessing and they would go back to the Shrimurti and vanish. That is the best way to liberate your Ancestors and the best day is their Death Anniversary, whatever year it is 42nd year, or 43rd year or even the 50th year of the Anniversary you could do it.

Sri Bhagavan How to create wealth in life?

Sri Bhagavan:"I have always maintained that the brain has got to change. That's one thing.

 Now, how to change the brain?

Now, you must keep reviewing your life as often as possible from the date in which you have your memories. It can be three years or four years or five years, go on reviewing your life up to the current day and as you are reviewing your life learn to take a positive look at things, what all good things have happened to you.

And even the negative things somehow you must learn to see it positively because you definitely must have learnt something from that in life. 

So your whole year of life must become positive.

For what all you have got please keep focusing on that and keep expressing gratitude to the Parmatma for whatever has happened. 

Now, even the negative things you must learn to see positively. Once this happens, the brain changes and you get, you acquire wealth consciousness. Then what happens is signals are sent out from the brain, actual signals are sent out to people at other situations, if you are somebody who is wanting wealth. And that will start moving, and then you will begin to see opportunities. Where there is nothing there you will see an opportunity called wealth. And then not only that, what you call luck begins to happen. Your whole world has changed now. It has become totally different. You see everything in a positive way. Your life has become very beautiful and that everything has happened for your well being. The whole attitude has changed. All the programs, the blocks, everything change along with that. And then the same thing you are sending out signals, somebody from America, China or Russia, may pick up the signal, may do something, and then suddenly something may happen to you here or some neighbor will help you.

Wealth has the tendency to come to you if desired, it will come. You used to feel it didn't because of your way of thinking. So you have only poverty consciousness but you must acquire wealth consciousness. Instead of seeing the glass half empty you see the glass half full. 

That's all. 

Same with the bond, same with the affection and then most probably in seven days you begin to see the effects." 

Is there a bond between devine and a person?

There must be a bond between you and the Divine. And it must fit into known human frameworks. To simply use the term "God" is not really helpful because God you're not seeing. How do you relate to God? You don't put him into a human mold, it's very difficult. So you have to choose whatever relationship is best in your life.

For example, if your relationship with your mother is the best, then cast the Divine as your mother. If it's very good with your father, as your father. If it's very good with your brother, as your brother or as a friend. But whatever you do, there must be friendship between you and the Divine. And not only that, you must cast the Divine in a mold who's not very demanding, who's not putting fear into you, who's not awesome. If you portray your Divine as somebody really awesome, you can be very sure you would not be able to relate. You have to reduce the Divine to somebody who's very personal, who's very friendly, who will listen to you."

Bhagavan, please explain to us Ego + Position = Positionality?”

You take a stand, saying that, ok, this is very good medicine for you. You take that kind of stand. Then somebody comes and convinces you that this may not be the right medicine, why don’t you explore homeopathy or ayurveda. You say ok, no problem, I will explore those things.

This is being non-positional. That is you took a position, but now you are prepared to change your position if you are convinced. But then your ego interferes and says “No, no, I cannot be wrong. If I agree to what he says I will feel inferior to him. He will feel superior. Therefore, no,  this only is right”.

Then ego plus position becomes positional. You will not move from that. Such people can also be called fools. They will never learn in life. So, a person must be loose and flexible, not that he is a crazy fellow, changing his mind all the time. But, then when convinced, he must be able to change his position to a different point of view.

That is why we are telling there are different points to view. That’s all. You can change from this to that. So that you understand things, you can learn and you can unlearn. But, then your ego comes.

The ego plays six games, I am right, you are wrong; wishes to dominate, refuses to be dominated. It’s  a cover-up. So all these games the ego plays. If these games are added to your position, you become positional, which means you are going to enter a fight. It can be with husband and wife, between father and son.

All this will happen if you become positional. Suppose you are a father and a son, the son also must realise that the father belongs to another generation, we can’t shift him so fast.

The father must realise he belongs to another generation  and that his perceptions are different and therefore he must be willing to accommodate that. If he stands to his position because of his ego, he will think father is dominating me and father will think he is refusing to be dominated. Then there is a conflict.

So if you become aware of these things inside, automatically the mind becomes non-positional. You don’t have to put in any effort, very naturally it will happen.

Bhagavan, so many people are afraid to die, especially when they are conditioned by beliefs about hell, if they have done something bad, or even believe that they have done something bad, that they will go to hell. What actually happens to people as they make that passage?

Sri Bhagavan: What happens is that as people die and they are very scared of hell or of being judged by God, then very often they do not continue their journey. They get stuck in the earth sphere as earthbound spirits. That is an unfortunate thing that is happening. If people of different faiths do the necessary rituals and ceremonies then it is definitely possible to help them. But more important would be to make them talk to God and realize that God is very friendly and is not going to standin judgment over them. But this is going to require a shift in man’s thinking. I think that’s the best way to liberate man. He has to get friendly with his God, otherwise there is needless trouble.

The process of dying is a very beautiful process. But for most people, it takes about three days to realize they are dead. Somehow it takes that much time. That’s why people have to go through ceremonies to help them realize they are dead and then to prepare them for their journey to meet God. So if that can take place it is very easy. But if on the other hand fear is put into the person they will hang around. Then they will have to be helped!

Dear Bhagwan, you say that we should take Deeksha from awakened persons, because their brain will connect with our brain and that will affect our own process of awakening in a positive way. What happens, when the brain connect? Why is it so? Can you please explain this phenomenon Bhagwan?

Sri Bhagwan: We have noticed that when an awakened person gives Deeksha to an unawakened person, the brain of an unawakened person tries to behave similar to the brain of an awakened person. It is somewhat similar like, for example, if you were to take a piece of magnet  and rob it on a piece of iron, the iron slowly becomes a magnet. Very similarly, the brain of the unawakened person beings to function like one with the awakened brain.

How do we accept things?

Sri Bhagavan: "See, the mind is a very good businessman. It naturally does what is profitable to it. What is not profitable to it, it does not do. When you do not accept something, the first thing is, it's a fact that it is there. You cannot wish it away. By fighting with it, you are creating a lot of conflict. By conflict there is a lot of dissipation of energy. When energy is being lost you become unhappy and also you become a failure. On the other hand, if you accept what ever is there, there is no conflict. No conflict means there is no wastage of energy.

When energy is still, there is no movement of energy as wastage. That becomes joy and happiness. It leads to greater success. If you can see this whole process, then naturally you'll accept because it is a better choice for you. You cannot do unprofitable things. Somehow you are imagining that if you fight with it, it is good. Therefore you fight with it. When you observe that fighting is not profitable, the mind naturally will drop it. You must see how all the fighting is not profitable to you, then it's all over. It is very simple but because you are not used to this observation, the situation is going to be difficult. But once you learn it, it is as easy as breathing but, until then, it looks "Oh! How am I going to do it?” It takes some effort and understanding. Still it will be difficult but I am there! If you know how to ask me, I can make you actually do it."

Beloved Bhagavan, Could you please explain to us about the Presence. Is it a Feeling, a Silence, a Power (or) Any State of Awakening? What Exactly is the Presence?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : "Suppose there is an ant. That ant has individual consciousness. Suppose there are two individual ants, Then a third ant very naturally emerges. You could call it the "collective ant." Now, if you were to place, let us say, three pyramids together, three triangles, the fourth triangle automatically emerges as the base triangle.

Similarly, The moment you have two individual consciousnesses, You have a third one which you could call the "collective ant." There are ten. All the ten put together there arises a collective ant. This collective ant, its intelligence, its power, is far, far superior to that of the individual ant. And where is this ant? It is everywhere among those ten ants and nowhere. Now let us look at the antaryamin of this collective ant; it is very protective about the ant species wherever they are in the world. This happens to snakes. This happens to deer. This happens to cattle.

We have birds flying down from Siberia to a place called Vedanthangal in Tamilnadu. As these birds fly in, there is a particular gentleman there who has been authorized by the government to arrest anybody trying to shoot a bird or has a bird. The government has passed laws. These birds come all the way from Siberia and the moment somebody comes up with a gun or wants to stoop to pick up a bird, the birds fly 3-4 kilometers away from the place to this man’s house and circle it. So this man knows the birds are in danger and he goes there. Now, how do the birds know the government has passed such a law? The collective bird consciousness is fully aware of it.

   When they build nests, They build them at a particular height depending on what’s going to be the rainfall that particular year. So when the farmers watch the height of the nests, then accordingly they install paddy or groundnuts. So if the birds are very low, the nests are very low, they go for groundnuts. The rainfall is going to be less. If the nests are very high, they go for paddy because the rainfall is going to be high. Now, not the best people in the world know what is going to be the rainfall. But the birds know very much.

So we can go through a number of examples where you could be with the collective consciousness. Like if you take all our campuses, You’ll find the snakes are very rarely visible & they would not strike anybody. That’s because we have done special pujas(ceremonies). We have spoken to the collective snake consciousness that all the people here should not be affected, The agreement is that we will not kill them. that’s how it works here

We have different collective consciousnesses. The ant collective consciousness is the ant god. The deer collective consciousness is the deer god. The fish god - you have all these people. & whenever you enter into an agreement you will see it clearly works. For Rats you can enter into an agreement with Ganesha and the rats won’t trouble you.

 Similarly, There is a collective human consciousness; This is the Presence which comes into you. You can call it also a God. God is being protective of you like a father & mother.
very protective,nonjudgmental, very kind, very compassionate, very concerned.

This Collective Human Consciousness comes into you as the Presence."😇😇

" Truth is always sourced in compassion. It is sourced in the well being of the other. That is the nature of truth. "
Sri Amma Bhagavan

"The human mind always forms views and creates stories within. It connects, edits and makes you believe that the story is true. But, it is only a story. It is not the truth. They are only views. When the mind is de clutched, there is no story. Then, what exists is love; is compassion; is the truth. The nature of that love is that it is unconditional; there is compassion; one feels helpful; one thinks of the well being of the other.

Take an example, it becomes clearer. When you are humiliated in public by someone you love, how bad you feel? What are your thoughts? I don't have to tell you. These thoughts are stories and make you feel that they are the truth. But after sometime, if you experience the suffering completely, you cool down. What are your thoughts: you feel bad and might understand the situation; where he or she is coming from and come face to face with the truth and you completely forgive that person. The story in your mind is dropped. Instantaneously, you experience that unconditional love and You think of the other's well being. Today's teaching is so obvious."

Beloved Bhagavan, What is Learning & Growth? How to Learn & Grow?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : When we talk of learning in Oneness, We are referring to the Inner World. When you keep looking at what is going on inside, You become free of conditioning & You become free of views. This becoming free of conditioning & views is what we call learning and when this kind of learning happens, There is tremendous growth.

As you keep (lost signal for a few minutes) witnessing, slowly you begin to de-identify with thoughts, with your mind, with your body & even with yourself. As you begin to grow more in de-identification, You also grow in being a witness. Ultimately, You become a pure witness. At that point you are completely filled with Unconditional Love & Joy.😇

Beloved Bhagavan, Why do I face so many obstacles on my path to success?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN :"You are constantly creating the external world. You think the external world is independent of the internal world. Let us say your unconscious has programmed you for failure. It thinks you can never succeed. You should not succeed. Then what happens is let's say you go for an interview for a job. Your unconscious gets in touch with the unconscious of the other person. They have some kind of "internet" link and the other person who is interviewing you would decide to not give you a job for no reason at all.

That is going on inside actually creates the external world. It is very powerful. That's why you get what you fear & what you hate. You also get what you love. That also happens. You must see what's going on. Once it is set right you would see that things are dramatically changing for you in the External World."😇😇

" Mind is a dream. "

Sri Amma Bhagavan: "Reality is far different from what goes in the mind. The mind is made of thoughts, beliefs, dogmas, superstitions etc. The decisions are based on past experiences and there is no absolute truth. They are all stories and perceptions created in the mind. New stories are also created in the mind. Basically, continuous dreaming is going on. For example, if you have an ailment, say, typhoid. There are two things happening. One is the physical pain which is real and the other is psychological suffering which is daydreaming. Worrying about what will happen to your future, your children, your financial status if you become bed ridden. All these thoughts are not real but stories created in the mind which is nothing but day dreaming. Keep observing how  your Mind is only a dream."

"All desire is only craving for love."

Sri Amma Bhagavan: Analyse all the desires you get.  You will discover that fundamentally, and the source of all desires is love. You want to be a doctor, so that you can get recognition, name, money etc and hence people will love you. Similarly, you want to help people so that ultimately people will praise you for that and you will get love from the people. You may say that you like your work and enjoy it so much.  When that is true on one side, on the other, you directly or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously, intentionally or unintentionally, you are craving for love in all relationships. Watch your craving for love in every desire of yours. Nothing wrong about craving at all. But that is the cause of your suffering. In fact that very craving is suffering.

Dear Bhagavan, we have heard You say that vision of Oneness is to set humanity free. Could You elucidate on this?

"Nature has thrown up a tremendous variety of spieces. The physical component provided by nature could be considered the hardware. If evolution of life were compared to a day then humanity suppose to have emerged in the last few moments. This tremendously advanced spieces of human kind has created a software, based on the hardware provided by nature. This software consists of beliefs, perceptions, religions, myths, cultures and any number of stories on which it runs. The sum total of this psychological content could be termed the software that is running the spieces. A significant section of this software is limiting in nature and is detrimental to the experience of living. One of the most defective softwares that has become part of the human system is the illusory identity of the thinker or self. The vision of Oneness is to set humanity totally and .completely free of all limiting and destructive softwares. That is why Oneness maintains – you create your God, Divine. You create your life. You create your Reality. You create your Awakening, You create your code of conduct. This is the freedom Oneness speaks about. Love You all. Love You so much!" 

How to have a perfect relationship with my spouse?

"A conflict-free relationship or a perfect relationship does not exist in reality. Life is a dynamic force. It offers each one of us a wide range of experiences. To look out for an ideal situation where you never argue, quarrel or get angry or express love and affection all the time, is only in one's imagination.

You have tried so many ways to change your spouse – by remaining silent, by fighting back, by advising, by showing love and care, by staying away. But sadly the expected change very often does not happen. Trying to change your spouse you are unconsciously implying that he or she is not good enough to be loved. This hurts and in turn leads to a distance in relationships. 

If the key to your happiness lies in the change you would like to see in others, then you have a very difficult if not an impossible price to pay. The door to happiness that you are trying to open through the transformation of your spouse is but a mirage. 

On the contrary, a peaceful relationship is epitomized with a state of being where you just allow the other person to be himself or herself, and this is possible only when you realize the futility of trying to understand each other.

Your perceptions and ideas might look very dear to you, but to expect that your partner must adopt the same framework creates the problem. No two persons could agree all the time. You are a resultant experience of several factors like the process of your birth, childhood, weather, the food that you consume and it is the same with your partner. Each of you is unique in your approaches. Hence, expecting your spouse to have the same view is not intelligence. As you awaken this truth, you begin to experience your spouse which gives rise to joy.

For example as your wife is angry with you, if you could really connect with her and experience her anger like how you enjoy your morning walk or a cup of coffee, then that would be the most fulfilling moment in your marital life. When you accept and experience your spouse, as she or he is, that is the beginning to love" 

Dear Sri Bhagavan, How to grow Spiritually fast ?

 ⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : "In order to grow rapidly, You must use family relationships to grow fast. How do you use it? I have often said life is relationships. Now what exactly is relationship? Relationship is a mirror in which you could see Yourself. Let us say your wife is nagging you and you're losing your temper or you are beginning to use certain kinds of words and beginning to accuse her, Then you should watch yourself. In that mirror of relationship, You will see who you are. You can never know who the other is, You could only know who you are. When you shout, You would know who you are. When you accuse her, You will know who you are. When you try to find some fault, You will know who you are.

Using that, Seeing Yourself, The whole thing is about seeing who you are, and then when you see yourself as you are, You would begin to accept yourself, You would love yourself. When that happens you would love your wife, to start by seeing exactly what she is and right now you're not seeing her actually. You think you know her, you do not know. You would begin to know her, You would begin to accept her, You would love her. When the relationship is OK, It means you are growing rapidly on the Spiritual Path. and the same thing happens with your children & whom ever you meet."😇

Sri Bhagavan, You have got to understand the actual vision of Oneness. Oneness stands for setting man totally and completely free. What does this mean? We talk about God but what is this God we are talking about? 

God in Oneness has no form, has no qualities, has no name. You give it a name, you give it a form, you give it qualities and you build up whatever relationship you want. This thing by itself is unmanifest but it could manifest as light, as magnetic energy or whatever form He wanted to take. 

We are teaching you the technology of creating your own God. Ultimately you become that God you have created. In other words when the time comes to you to leave this planet you become a God, a God that you created and you serve humanity on any other planet. It's all in your hands. Unfortunately you have got a very wrong idea of God.

Bhaghavan, how can we guide our children and young people in this time that lies ahead of us?

"In the coming times the best way to guide our children would be to ourselves live a life of integrity. But if you are not going to live with integrity but just keep advising them or controlling them or giving them what they call as some kind of false law...You have to work on yourselves and you must be like the light house,the child must derive that .... from you. ..For example you must share your fears, your pains, your worries to the child..."

Dear Sri Bhagavan, how can Oneness help individuals and humanity?

SRI BHAGAVAN: "Oneness basically works on individuals. As far as we are concerned, you are the world. And what is happening inside you, is what is creating this world. So if we could change you, then we change the world. It's all about individual transformation. So, if collectively a large number of individuals transform themselves, then humanity would get transformed. The others need not have to work for it. They would very spontaneously and naturally change. 

What is required is, a certain group of people, a certain number of people have got to transform themselves. Because we are all connected, this group of people can silently transform the world."

"When the Self is Gone, There is a Possibility of Creating a New World."
-- 💖Sri AmmaBhagavan💖

Man is suffering because of the self. When there is self, There is self centeredness, self consciousness etc. They become obstacles to growth.

Sri AmmaBhagavan have a vision for the Golden Age. It is not based on some thinking, It is based on several revelations which even participants get during the processes which also coincide with various happenings.

Sri AmmaBhagavan talk about the golden age where there will be neither work nor division. Work means the burden of work in the mind. Division means the division between people & in the mind. That happens only when the person (self) is gone. Then the whole world becomes one. Then there is Oneness. That leads to external GoldenAge. Sri AmmaBhagavan also mention about how man shall talk & walk with god.

It is currently happening in thousands of people's homes across the globe irrespective of grace, religion, gender, age etc. Sri AmmaBhagavan walk out of the SriMurthi & counsel, give deekshas, conduct sessions individually, dine with us, spend time, solve problems, fulfill desires, transform people & vanish into the srimurthi. It is already happening.
This happens faster when your self is gone though it happens to many people & In many houses even without them being Awakened.

Ultimately, The New World can be Created Only When Man becomes Awakened.😇

Bhagavan's Parenting Advice

Sri Bhagavan has often called his parenting advice "the Art of Parenting."  His advice for parents is extremely important because it involves inner integrity and the four baskets. Both are discussed below.

It's important to note that this advice applies to everyone, whether you are a parent or not, because your own parents have influenced your life, possibly in harmful ways that need healing.

In the first video below Sri Bhagavan gives advice on how to parent to both Awakened beings and the unawakened.  In the second he discusses the art of parenting more in depth.The "Art of Parenting" and Why Bhagavan Says It's So Important .

Any parent will tell you that parenting is more than a full-time job, so it's important that one should know just how extremely important the art of parenting is.  Conceiving and giving birth to a baby is one thing, but rearing that baby is quite different.

In general, there are three different stages of rearing a child. These can be roughly categorized as birth to six years of age, six through thirteen, and thirteen and older.
From birth to age six, the child should be regarded as an ultimate ruler who makes his or her own decisions, and everyone else has to go along.

From age six through thirteen, the child should be regarded as a young prince or princess with the parents teaching him cultural and societal rules he will need to get along in the world.

From age thirteen on, the child should be considered a friend with the freedom of having no barriers in the relationship.

In addition to this, a parent needs to be very aware that, especially from birth to age six, many decisions are made by the child that are quite fundamental (FDCs--fundamental childhood decisions) and form the very foundation of his life.  During this time, as role models, each parent's thoughts, words, and deeds have such influence on a child that they form the elemental blueprint of the child's life.

All too often parents take their roles so naively nonchalant that their child's life can be ruined, and many times they are.  As a result the child lives a life of failed relationships, businesses, marriage, health, etc.  Sri Bhagavan is always reminding us that so many of these problems can be traced back to childhood programming, which is why learning the art of parenting is so vitally important.

How to Heal Parenting Issues?

Sri Bhagavan tells us that in order to "set right your own programming, the best tool you have is inner integrity.  If you use that, you will set right your own programming."  By using the tool of inner integrity, a parent can heal his own programming, accept and love himself and his child, and "the child's program will get rectified... So you have to start with yourself."

As you can see from the above, in addition to inner integrity, healing the Four Baskets is also a very important part of Bhagavan's parenting advice message.  You can easily do this through these pujas, which are done over four days, to heal your Four Baskets as often as you wish.  Each time more will be healed.

Bhagavan, many people ask for so many boons and Amma and Bhagavan fulfill them with compassion. How do you make it happen?

SRI BHAGAVAN: "It is not really very difficult for Me to grant a boon to you.Suppose you want a car, all that I do is picturize a car. That is it. But the problem is, you have to be in a certain condition to receive it.

The first thing is Helplessness. Unfortunately, most of you are not in a state of helplessness. Somewhere you feel 'Okay, I can do it myself'. You have to be very clear that wherever you can do things yourself, I will not intervene. Suppose you have a headache. You can go to a shop, buy a tablet and get well. I will not help. But say, there is nobody to treat you, then I'll do the healing. My grace can come in many ways. Sometimes, I will give you money to go to the doctor. At other times, you may have to go in for a surgery and I will be there giving you Grace. I can also cure you simply without any treatment whatsoever.

If you can do it for yourself, why should I help you? But there are situations where you have to be helped. But you people don't give up so easily. You pray to Me, but secretly you have your plans. You are desperate rather than being Helpless. You keep worrying, thinking how will it be solved? Will it be solved? What should you do? Can Bhagavan do it? If yes, how will He give Grace and will Bhagavan shower me with Grace? So many thoughts cloud your mind. You are continuously talking to yourself and are tensed even though you are standing in front of Me or are remembering Me. You don't give 

... Let us take an example. There is a devotee in Madras. He wanted 10,000 rupees very urgently and there was absolutely no way through which he could get the money. He said, "Bhagavan, I leave it to you. If you want to help, you help me; otherwise I am finished. But I am ready for anything. It is up to you now." He made no effort except surrender, for all his efforts were over.

Now there was another devotee in Besant Nagar (Chennai) who does not know him. In his dream, I told him about the devotee who wanted the money (with name and address), and asked this devotee to send the money. This person made out a demand draft and sent it to the address. Now I could help him because he completely depended on Me. However, when people don't surrender, I cannot help. Remember, surrender does not mean that you must become my servant. It means putting aside your mind, which is the basic nuisance. It is an internal process. When you can helplessly give up, it is not difficult for me to shower you with Grace.

The other thing is whatever you want must come from your Heart. That is, let us say, you like to have a nice car because you enjoy going in it. I will immediately grant you your wish. But, if you desire for a car because your friend has it, or you want to show off, then I'm not going to help you. You better work hard and buy one for yourself. So you have to check whether your Heart wants it or is it your Mind craving for the same.

Many years ago, a child wanting to be doctor went to an interview for a medical seat but he was rejected. This was his passion from childhood. And unfortunately, though he did get good marks in the qualifying examinations, he was not selected. So, he and his father were returning home by train. The person sitting opposite to them enquired about the boy as he was very dull. When the father told him the reason, he said, 'Don't worry, you will be a doctor'. The father and son thought that he was just consoling them. A few days later, when they went for the interview, the interviewer was the person whom they had seen in the train. He gave the boy the seat and the boy later became the Dean of The Stanley Medical Hospital in Chennai. He was a very famous doctor. So, the desire of the heart brought that man in the train and he got the seat. This doctor was so grateful to God that he served the people throughout his life.

So, I will give Grace to people who want something from their heart.Grace cannot come if you want something out of comparison, envy, greed.

" For true listening, mind must be silent. "

Bhagavan: "There are 3 kinds of listening. First is hearing. Hearing refers to the sounds etc without any meaning. Second, it is listening with commentary.  It is the commentary coming from the mind in the form of judgement. Finally, it is true listening. At one level, this is listening free from commentary. At another level, you listen to your heart. When someone is sharing an experience or suffering, if you truly listen, you will get the answers from within. This is listening to your heart. This listening can also happen, when you experience your personal suffering completely. They have the power to heal also. But for true listening to happen, one should be silent within.  The mind should not interfere. More of it in the Process."

Bhagavan, how will we develop more closer bond with Amma Bhagavan?

Bhagavan:- Seva is the best way to get closer to Amma Bhagavan. See, seva earns you tremendous good karma, because of the very good karma, you develop a very a very good bond with Amma Bhagavan, you will get all most what you want. See, all that must happen you people must become awakened.

After you become awakened you can give awakening to others by talking about your state and giving a Deeksha, he will become awakened. Then like this you can go giving Deeksha and making people awakened. Those become awakened, they can get hold of some body, explain to them their state and give Deeksha, they will be awakened. That's all.

If the people are awakened everything will change. Automatically your problems will disappear, that's all. That is the message you must carry."

How does the program control our life?

The universe is so structured that whatever you want, you must get. It could be money, it could be health, it could be relationship, or it could be significance. If it is not happening, there are some problems inside you. Once the problems are solved, you automatically get fulfilled.

If you don’t perform well in your life, we will try to trace the cause of your repeated failure to change your program. Your past is the program, which comes from your past life, what your parents’ thought before conceiving you, the moment of conception, what happens in the womb, the actual delivery, and the first six hours after birth. After twelve years of age, the program sort of closes. This is the script of your life, governing the situation of your life. Whether you will get cancer or kidney problems; whether you will make money, divorce, what kind of relationships, all this is based on the script from your past life to the age of twelve, you live with this script.

So, what happened after twelve years of age, the same fear is there, you were afraid of the ghost, now fear the stock market, it will changed that way. Script will change the way it appears, like the same actor performs in different movies. The same script, but perform in different ways, depending on your condition, which happens after the age of twelve. To change what happens after twelve is very easy, but you must go deeper to find the problem. Once you find the problem, it is easy to leave the problem.

Dear Sri Bhagavan, When I Sit InFront of the SriMurthi & Want to Communicate, My Mind is Completely Blank. No Thoughts Just Enjoying Your Presence. But When I Try to Pray, It Feels like my mind is Desperately Trying to Create a Prayer (or) A Wish Which is Not Coming from the Heart. Very Rarely I have a Real Prayer & It feels like Every Cell in my body is Praying. 
Can you Please Help me Improve My Prayers & My Communication With You? 

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : "Prayer Must Happen Spontaneously. When The Need Arises, Prayer also Arises. You Should not always Try to Pray. Prayer Must Happen Spontaneously. Only Such Prayers Will be Answered."😇😇

"Nobody is Writing Your Destiny. You are Writing Your Destiny Yourself." & "The Awakened One allows Destiny to be Created, The Unawakened One Tries to Create Destiny." The Teachings Seem to Contradict Each Other. How does Destiny Work & How is it Created?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : The Essence of Human Life is Freedom. This Freedom has Infinite Possibilities. If there were No Such Possibilities or Freedom, There's No Such Thing as Life or God. Infact, That Freedom Only is Life, That Freedom Only is God. Therefore Any Destiny Could be Created. 

The Awakened One Allows the Universe or God to Create their Destiny. The Unawakened One Creates his Own Destiny from his Conditioning. When You Move into Higher Levels of Consciousness, You Will See the Flow of Life. Not only that. Whatever You Want Would Start Happening. That is What a Human Being is Capable.
Remember the HumanBeing & God are Two Ends of the Same Spectrum & Finally You will Realize that you are God.

That is What You are. But Right Now You have No Freedom. Your Conditioning is Making Use of Your Life, Your Survival & You are Creating Your Destiny from Your Conditioning.😇😇

What is the neurobiological shift?

The onenesss blessing balances energy from (overactive) thinking centres of the brain to the (underactive) frontal lobe calming centres. This ‘re wiring’ of the brain enables the senses to become free from the interference of the mind. When the senses are unclouded by the mind’s interpretations, a natural clarity of perception occurs with accompanying feelings of joy, inner peace, connection and Oneness.

What happens to a person after death?  Where do they go?  What is the journey after death like?

SriBhagavan:  Normally after you die you hang around for 3 days. You can see everyone around you still.  The person may not know he is dead for 3 days, although one people start weeping they begin to suspect.  Doing a proper ritual can help them make a transition.  Normally the journey begins after 3 days. It is a very beautiful journey.  You meet people along the way that you knew.  In ten days you meet the Light.  By your clock it will take ten days.  It is not as fast as in NDE’s. There is a life review.  You constantly go into the bodies of those you have interacted with.  You judge yourself according to the same standards you use for others, and decide where you want to go.  If you think you deserve to go to hell, then you can do so.  There is a Christian hell, a Buddhist hell, an Islamic jehenna, etc, not much different from each other.  On the other hand, you haven’t judged people you will not judge yourself.  If you ask for liberation, the beauty is that no matter what has happened in your life, the Light cannot say ‘No’!

I have to work very hard to develop myself.  It is hard to believe it can be just given. Is there a difference between enlightenment after hard work and enlightenment which is given?

Sri Bhagavan:  First of all, show me someone who has worked very hard and is enlightened. It is only when you stop seeking that you can make it.

Even the Buddha only got enlightened after he gave up the search.  The ‘you’ that seeks is the problem.  It has to be given to you.  The very effort to get there sustains the ‘I’.  

What a terrible situation! After 30 or 40 years many have not moved an inch closer.  In India if you are a guru and take a disciple, you have to take them through to the very end – or else you go to a special hell that is just for gurus!  If you cannot give it you should not talk about it, or you should honestly say that you are just talking about it but cannot give it.

One person here got enlightened in prison.  That’s where he had to give up the search. Enlightenment must happen in the

Soon WE WILL TAKE THE BRAIN SCANS and work with neuroscientists.  Give up trying to get enlightened.  At least then you can enjoy your life!.....

Can an ordinary devotee become one with God?

Anybody can become one with God as long as you have a divine being within oneself and you have melted with that and it merges with your antaryamin. 

You yourself cannot become one with God.

Does an enlightened person not suffer anymore? If so, how is it that Christ suffered?

Sri Bhagavan:  An enlightened person can suffer but it is not personal suffering.  There is no ‘me’ involved.  If he sees war he will suffer. That suffering will always be there as long as suffering is there. 

When you speak of the ending of suffering it is the end of personal suffering.  

Christ did not experience personal suffering.

What is the difference between an age of enlightenment and a golden age?

Sri Bhagavan: We talk of an age of enlightenment and a golden age.  An age of enlightenment refers to the process of inner transformation that is taking place for humanity.

A Golden Age is the external transformation of the world.  Physically the world will become unimaginably beautiful – no pollution, no war, etc.

Once you become individually enlightened, each of you helps 100,000 people make it. That is your role. Unless you have a destiny to fulfill this role, you would not have found your way here.

what role does Seva play in our lives to deepen our connection with Amma Bhagwan, Bhagwan? And how does it help us to move further into Oneness, Bhagwan?

Sri Bhagwan: Seva helps you in changing your very ‘program’, in a very positive way. As you keep doing Seva the program changes. Everything in Oneness, whether it is Havan, or whether it is a Mahadeeksha, or a Level-1 course or whatever course we are conducting, everything aims at changing the program. The Seva also changes the program. Once the program changes, you can get very very close to the Paramatma Amma Bhagwan.

It helps you to make the Divine physical for you in life. And then of course whatever Seva you must do Paramatma only will guide you straight away. It would say, do this, do that, it will help you to discover your Swadharma. It is purely between you and the Paramatma.

Dear Sri Bhagavan, Why Should We be Confident that God Listens to & Responds to Our Every Sincere Prayer?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : A Young Mother puts her baby to Sleep & When the little one is asleep, She Attends to other Household Works. But all the While her Attention is on the Baby, Her Thoughts are Always about When the Baby would Wake up. Even If She is Engaged in an urgent & pressing work, Her Attention is on the baby, As soon as She Hears the Cry, She comes Running. She Does not wait to Analyse in What Tune (raga) Tempo the baby is crying. Just As The Mother comes Running as soon as she hears the Baby’s Cry, Soo also..

When a Person Cries to the Lord with Totally Surrender to God from the Depth of Their Heart, Then The Lord Responds Instantly & Helps Every Devotee.

God Does not Ask What Path This Devotee is Adopting . But He Looks for the Sincerity With Which the Devotee has Cried Out. 😇😇

Beloved Bhagavan, How Should I Live?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : "The Most Important Thing is to be Happy. Do not think of What you do not have. See of Things What You Have.  It is Most Important to be Very Greatful.

The Next Most Important Thing is to Experience Life Fully. See, Man is Always Living in Past or Future. He cannot Fully Experience the Present. So, If you are Drinking Coffee, Smell the Coffee, Feel the Heat, Then the Taste. It is Important to Engage All the Senses Completely. People are Thinking of Work While Drinking Coffee, While at Work Thinking of Home etc. It is Important to Fully Engage the Senses.

The Third Most Important Thing is Improve Relationships with Parents & Spouse. Your Nadis Connect with themselves. Hence You cannot Succeed Unless They are Happy." 

Sri bhagavan on higher states of consciousness

We have found that the heart plays a very important role. Unless the heart co operates, we are not able to give higher states of consciousness. In order to make the heart really work with you, relationships have to be set right. And, strangely, we find that the physical heart itself responds very differently after that. And it's as though the heart is sending messages to the brain, and the brain starts functioning differently. If relationships are not in order, the heart just fails to cooperate, and that’s where we get stuck.

What is the shortest path to awakening?

"In Oneness, suffering is the shortest path to awakening. In Oneness, when there is suffering, you should not move away from the suffering. You should not escape the suffering. But, fully immerse in the suffering or stay with the suffering and then the suffering itself becomes joy. But, how to do that? You could start from small physical pain, like a small ant biting you, now try to stay with the pain of the ant bite, and slowly move it to the psychological realm. Start with physical pain. Not big pain; but small pain. And then move it into the psychological realm. You would soon discover the art of staying with the suffering. When that happens, all is automatic. That is why we say, staying with the suffering is the first step, it is also the last step. There is nothing more to do."

Dear Sri Bhagavan, Sometimes I Feel Very Empty Inside & Cannot See My Life Purpose. Is there Anything that I could do to Fulfill This Emptiness, Bhagavan?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN: "Well, Escaping From the Emptiness is What All People Do, But What Oneness is Suggesting is do Not Escape from the Emptiness but Soak in it, Stay With it, Embrace it. Do All These Things & You See What Happens."😇😇

Sri Bhagavan Explained About Stress

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN :"Stress is a Condition Involving Demand of Physical & Mental Energy. This Demand on Mind, Body Occurs When You Try to Cope with Incessant Changes in Life. It Covers a Huge Range of Phenomena from Mild Irritation to the Kind of Severe Problems that Might Result in Real Breakdown of Health. Science of Stress may be Cognitive ,Emotional, Physical or Behavioral. Though Stress Itself is Synonymous with Negative Condition, A Total Stress Free Life is Not Synonymous to Growth & Progress in an Individual's Life. For Any Growth to Happen, There Must be a Certain Amount of Pressure to Stretch beyond Your Normal Capabilities & You can Find Pressure in Every Aspect of This Creation Leading to a Newer Form of Existence.

Universe is a Movement & to move, You Need Force or Pressure. If There were No Pressure, Would the Water be Absorbed from the Soil, by the Roots? If There were No Pressure, Would a Child be Born? Stress is a Pressure that Nature or Universe Creates to Push You to the Next Level of Growth. Hence an Optimal Stress is Always Essential. But Today, The Curse of Modern Society is Immense Psychological Pressure and This is Precisely because of a Transitional Shift Happening from One Civilization to another at a rapid peace. The Emergence of the New and The Termination of the Old is Creating heavy Stress. There is an Accelerated Change in Every Sphere. People are Not Able to Adapt to the New are put through Enormous Stress.

However the demand is not only to Equip Yourself with New Skills, But also to Work on the Integration of Families. A Healthy Family System Will Certainly Provide You With the Strength, The Intelligence & An Appropriate Emotional State to with stand These Challenging Times. Therefore, Focus on Improving Your Family Relationships."


"What you see outside is only a reflection of your relationship with yourself"

"You are A STRANGER unto yourself"

"If you look inside yourself and discover who you are and accept yourself as you are and love yourself,you will completely have no difficulty with the external world because it is the inner world which is creating the external world.
Now in case you have difficulty with the external world,inspite of your having seen the inner world,it means you have not really seen the inner world.Because the inner world is the one that is actually creating the external problem.
The problem is you are having difficulties in seeing the inner world.That is where the blessing or the deeksha or the grace comes in,because it is very painful to really see who you are.There is a secret side to yourselves which you hide from others and hide from yourself.Infact you have lost touch with it.
Your fears are there, your anger is there,your hurts are there, your jealousy is there, your lust is there, your terrible thoughts are there. They are all there of which you are ashamed and you are frightened of looking at them and this is what is getting all the mess in the outside world.
On the other hand if you would develop the courage not to condemn it,not to judge it,not to justify it,not to offer explainations,not run away from it,but hold it as carefully as you hold a new born baby."
"Any new framework only postpones your freedom from the mind." 

To see what is there gives me suffering. You teach us that suffering is in fight and I know that the solution is in let myself go. What is most difficult to do is to give up, because fear is very powerful. Can you help me?

SRI BHAGAVAN: "You say that what you see is causing you suffering, that's what you say. That means you're not seeing at all. Because, to see is to be free, You're commenti...ng ...on what you're seeing.Continuous running commentaries is going on on what you're seeing. That commentary IS the suffering. 
But if you really see, there is only seeing. How can there be suffering? There's just the seeing, that's all. 

The fact is you're not seeing. You are saying that you see is causing your suffering. That means you're not actually seeing what is going on. There is only the mental commentary that is going on which is suffering.  So you've not got the hang of seeing. What you need is a very powerful deeksha, Then you'll be able to see. 
To see is to be free. I will help you in that."
"When you confront yourself, you will know who you are."
"The journey begins and ends with the awareness of where you truly are" 

"The human mind cannot live in guilt. Therefore, it creates a lie and then goes on repeating the lie to itself until it believes in it. The first step to being spiritual is to face the truth about oneself— is to be self-realized. Self-realization is not seeing oneself as the Brahman or atman, the immortal or as God. It is seeing oneself as he/she is right now".
" The gap between the 'what is' and the 'what should be' is the mind."

Dear Sri Bhagavan, How can we Help Each Other to See Our UnConscious Behaviors & Patterns that are Keeping us Stuck?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN: "One, Is to Practice Inner Integrity ; The Other is to Share With the Other What You See.

 If You Could Share What's Happening Inside You with Another, The Process Gets Triggered with the Other. Then It Becomes Very Very Easy for the Other Person also to Have a Good Look at OneSelf."😇

Bhagavan what is the difference between the level of consciousness and the level of awakening, Bhagavan?

SRI BHAGAVAN : When you are awakened and you look at a tree, you do not feel separated from the tree. We call that the level of awakening. Depending on a higher the level of awakening, you become the tree itself. Consciousness on the other hand, indicates how bright and how clear the tree is to you. You are still there and there is a separation between you and the tree, but the tree is bright and clear. That is a higher level of consciousness, but at the higher level of awakening, you and the tree are not separate. You the observer become the observed that is the tree. That is the difference.

What kind of personalities are helpful to realizing the vision?

"To have a clear vision we must have at least four strong personalities.

These four personalities, are the king personality, warrior personality, the magician personality, and the monk personality.

The king is that which is clear headed and decisive.

The warrior personality is that which is never tired of fighting.

The magician personality thinks everything is possible, nothing is impossible.

The monk personality is one that leads a simple, austere life and is completely detached from any situation.

The people must deliberately practice these personalities and cultivate them and apply them to different situations in their lives. As they keep applying them, something very strange happens. They'll get, almost like a movie, a full vision of their life and what is the best thing to do and what you will love to do. The connections will happen very naturally and they will also know how to go about it. And things will come into place." 😀🙏❤

Life is a journey..

SRI BHAGAVAN: "A life is a journey. Everything is a journey. Everything is a process. God is a process. Everything in terms of money, health, or relationships, name and fame, success and failure, all kinds of challenges keep coming and going and you are expected to face those challenges.

Only if you face those challenges you will grow. Only then there is movement of the journey. If you do not face those challenges, there is no movement, you are stuck.

So life will throw all kinds of challenges. It moves from order to disorder, from disorder to order, it moves in circles...so whatever state you are, these problems will be coming. What Oneness does is it equips you to face these challenges. If you face it correctly the challenge will disappear.

After some time some other challenge will come. Again you have to face it, and then again you can grow. There is no end to this growth. Continuously there will be challenges and there is continuous growth.

That is the way life is structured. You cannot imagine a life without any problem at all. Such a life does not exist. And without these challenges you will feel like dying. You will not feel like living. You get challenges to live."

Beloved Bhagavan, How does Emotion Effect Our Life?

"Emotion Automatically Triggers Your Process & Your Actions. If You do not have the Right Emotion, You Will not have the Right Thought, You are not able to Act in the Right Way. You have to Change Your Emotion. How You Change Your Emotion? 
You have to Change Your Perception.

Suppose the Perception is the Glass is Half Empty, You Change to the Glass is Half Full. When You Feel the Half is Empty. The Emotion is not nice. When you Feel the Half is Full. Nothing is Changed. Your Perception is Changed. You Will have Nice Emotion. If You Feel Nice Emotion You will have Energy, You Willing to Act, & Willing to Create Things. These Things Naturally Come to You.

Not only that. When You do Something You Need Some Help. Let’s Say You are Standing in the Bus-Stop. & You want the Bus to Stop there. For One Person, The Bus might not stop, The bus might just go away. But If You are in the Right Emotion, The Emotion will Effect the Conductor & The Bus will Stop.

So, You Start Influencing the External Environment. If You Constantly Influencing the Environment. The Environment is in Turn Influencing You. It’s Like Cycle. You Influence Environment, Environment Influences You. It must be a Good Cycle. Then You must have a Right Emotions. Then Naturally You Find All Help Coming to You.

Suppose You in a Negative Emotion go to Bank to get a Loan. But for Some Reason Bank might Say No. But Then even if your Condition are not Fulfilled. But If You go in the Right Emotion. Bank might give you the loan.

All Things in Life Might Go Well.
When You Have the Right Emotion.
When You Have the Wrong Emotion They Tend to go Wrong. What we are talking about is not Speculation, Is not Philosophy, Philosophy is Somebody Thinking & Giving You a New Theory or Speculating. Not at all. 

We are Only Talking to You What You Actually See & Experience. That is Why You Can Say This is Empirical Science, Actually We are Speaking from Evidence not from Speculation."😇

Sri Bhagavan: "There are two kinds of people in this world. People who make use of others to come up in  their life. This is the first kind. There are others who feel they are being helped by  everybody and everything in their life. These are the grateful ones. To know that you arise  dependently is the birth of gratitude.

You are what you are not because you chose to be that but events, happening, nature, people, the entire universe has caused you to be who you are. Your parents, brothers, sisters, friends, teachers, neighbors, the society, everyone had a role to play in your life. You are not alone in this celebration of life but are accompanied by everything and  everybody."

How to Heal Relationship Problems?

When having relationship problems, you need to actually start opening up to yourself, because there is a very major part of ourselves that we're not aware of.  What we have failed to see about ourselves is a major portion of our lives, and that has to be unveiled and has to be experienced. 

Amma Bhagavan's grace will help you unveil it and help you experience it. People also must know that they're not being subjected to a punishment or some kind of mental torture.  It is more like a healing process to help them.  This knowledge can help you to actually experience the whole process without resisting or fighting it.

Every time you go through a relationship problem, you actually get to see more of yourself.  It's not that you're getting to see something about the other person, you're only getting to see that side of you that is hurt, that which wants love, which wants attention, which cannot forgive, which is not accepted, which feels rejected.  It is these things that you are getting to see about yourself when going through a relationship problem.

It is something that you have to process through, otherwise how long can this be kept swept under the carpet--how long can this be suppressed?  You have to let Divine Grace put you through this.

Please know full well that you are not being judged or condemned by the Divine when you're being put through such a process.  You are only being helped.  This is a healing process to help you grow in relationship with the Divine, and grow in love and joy.
As you start accepting all this within yourself, you are truly finally accepting the other person also.  All of us tend to think that talking with the other person, or reasoning with them, or applying some principle is going to help us.  That is not the truth.  You can only know and accept the resistance you have to that relationship.

When you say you have a relationship problem, please understand that you are not having a problem with the relationship or the other person, you are only having a problem within yourself.  You are only having a problem accepting all this reality about yourself--that you may be a person who craves attention, who has still not forgiven, who feels guilty about your past, or who is unable to stop hating someone, etc.

The other person is immaterial, and who he or she is isn't what is making you uncomfortable.  How you experience him or her within you is the cause of your relationship problem.  And that is what has to be experienced.  So in every crisis you are only getting to see more of yourself.  It has nothing to do with the other person.

As you start facing the truth of your own resistance, it starts the melting of it under the heat of your awareness.

What is the Oneness Blessing?

The Oneness Blessing is a transfer of divine, intelligent energy.

The oneness blessing process works by creating a neurobiological shift in the brain and awakening the energy centres (Chakras) in the body. This shift in consciousness frees you from the suffering created by the mind, balances the body’s natural healthy and healing energies and attunes the brain with the fields of unity, bringing an end to the illusion of “apparent separation”. Once initiated, it is a gradual Awakening process that leads you naturally to a lasting state of Oneness, Inner peace, and Well-being. 

Why has the Oneness Blessing come at this time?

The Oneness Blessing has come at a time when our planet is going through a major evolutionary transition; this is impacting our environment as well as our individual and collective consciousness.

We are all connected to this process of purification and rejuvination, in effect, we are this process!. In harmony with this transition, Indian Sage and living Avatar, Sri Bhagavan, has initiated the Mukthi (Enlightenment) Oneness Blessing, now called that Oneness Blessing as an aid to our evolution into the collective Oneness State.

Does the Oneness Blessing belong to any particular belief?

The Oneness Blessing does not belong to any religion or belief, it is a ‘dogma free’ universal energy that can be received by anyone*, whichever path they choose to follow. It works uniquely and intelligently to connect you directly with the truth of your own being.

What is the neurobiological shift?

The onenesss blessing balances energy from (overactive) thinking centres of the brain to the (underactive) frontal lobe calming centres. This ‘re wiring’ of the brain enables the senses to become free from the interference of the mind. When the senses are unclouded by the mind’s interpretations, a natural clarity of perception occurs with accompanying feelings of joy, inner peace, connection and Oneness.

How does this connect with the Planetary shift?

Each individual who awakens to their true, original state, has an inter-connected effect on the whole, thus helping humanity on the path to complete Global Transformation.

The more people who attain the Oneness state, the easier it will be for the rest.

Who can give the Oneness Blessing?

The Oneness Blessing can be transferred by anyone who has received the transmission and training during a special process in India or attended a oneness awakening course in their own country. The "oneness facilitator" then functions as a channel for the divine energy to transfer to the receiver. 

How is the Oneness Blessing Transferred? What might I experience?

The Oneness Blessing is transferred by the facilitator, placing his or her hands onto the crown of your head, usually for about 1 minute. Experiences during the transfer can vary, sometimes strong or subtle. Sometimes the receiver may experience a tingling sensation in the head, sometimes blissful energy flowing through the body, or you may not feel anything at all, this is not so important.

The receiver can trust that no matter what he or she experiences during the transfer, a process depending on your own nature, has been initiated that will lead you gradually (or sometimes suddenly!) into your own, personal Awakening.

Can I speed up the process of transformation?

Once the body’s energy channels and centers are open, the body is more able to receive higher levels of energy. Receiving Oneness Blessing once a week* when combined with Chakra meditation and breath awareness, may enhance the power and grace of this transformation. But only do what feels natural to you, on the path you choose to follow.

Sri Bhagavan on Spirituality

"There is a famous saying, ‘If you worry, then you didn’t pray. If you prayed, then don’t worry.’

Spirituality is not a ritual. It is the science of merging with Existence. From time immemorial, the first thing that all world religion did was to create a space for the divine to become a part of life. A temple is a space to reconnect with the cosmic energy and be restful in it. That was the core purpose of all world religions. And when the connection deepened, it became a blissful space within oneself. Religion was a clear stepping stone to spirituality.

The greatest saints of India who had the power of willing the cosmos to lovingly respond, achieved this power through spirituality.
There was a man by name Muruganar who was an ardent devotee of Shiva. Every day before break of dawn he would bathe in the cool waters of the river, gather flowers from trees, fields, the river and creepers and make garlands for the Shiva deity in the temple. He would walk to the temple everyday taking care while walking not to disturb the flowers in their setting in the garland! After offering them to the deity he would chant sacred verses for long hours.

It is said that he attained enlightenment through just this innocent worship. Today he is worshipped as one of the 63 saints called Nayanmars who attained enlightenment through innocent devotion to god.

Spirituality is an opening to express innocence in its purest form. Innocence itself is an offering to god. Innocence itself is the greatest prayer to god.
Religion is by itself not any belief as it is made out to be. Every religion is the result of the spiritual experience of the great master who founded it. What they experienced, they gave as a religion to humanity, through which humanity can get the same experience. There was no other intent. If this is understood, any person can practice any religion. That is the beauty of all original religion.

The same is true when you are around a master. Be in a mood of innocent surrender. When you are innocent and prayerful, the master’s silence penetrates your being. The religion of silence is the greatest religion. It is the religion of the great masters and disciples. That is true spirituality also".

Bhagavan, what do you mean by faith and how I am able to reach there?  🙏🏻

SRI BHAGAVAN: "First there must be some suffering or some problem and there must be intervention from Amma Bhagavan to help you. Once that help comes to you, you develop faith otherwise what you have is only belief."

Bhagavan, what should one do to receive consistent and instant grace in one’s life?

The speed at which your desires are granted depends on your relationship with your parents whether they are alive or not. Next is the relationship with your husband or wife. If your relationships are in order, then receiving grace would be very easy. That is why we are emphasizing on setting right your relationships. The next is karma, let us say solving a financial problem could lead one to sickness because of karma, then considering the danger of the situation the prayer would not be answered immediately. Another thing to be considered here are your needs and necessities. Suppose you wish for a car, since you are finding it difficult to manage without one then certainly grace would come to you. But say your prayer arises out of comparison, hurt or greed then it would not be answered. To receive grace consistently, you need to know how to pray. There are certain conditions which you must fulfill for your prayer to be powerful.
You must be authentic in your prayers
🎗1. Your prayer must come from your heart
🎗2. You must have a bond with your God
🎗3. You must focus on the solution, not on the problem
🎗4. You must express gratitude as if it has been granted already
Once you do this, you would receive abundant grace from your God. If you know how to pray, I am sure you would have God for your friend.

👷Scientific Proof:

How Prayer Affects the Brain
Although the brain has many components, Dr. Newberg’s studies show that certain areas are distinctly affected by prayer and other religious experiences. The overall result is an improvement in brain function and well-being, and an increase in the person’s capacity for compassion.
  1. The Frontal Lobe is activated by prayer and focused attention. Activities that engage this area protect it against age-related deterioration that is associated with dementia.
2. The Anterior Cingulate is activated when we feel compassion, have an awareness of other people’s feelings, and empathize with them.
3. The Parietal Lobes are deactivated by religious experiences, such as singing hymns at a religious service, making us feel a connection with God and other people.
4. The Limbic System, the primitive or “reptilian” region of the brain, is deactivated by prayer that gives us comfort and reduces stress. This region includes the amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, septal area, and cingulate cortex. The limbic system is associated with anger, guilt, anxiety, depression, fear, resentment, and pessimism.


 Brain research shows that people who engage in at least 15 minutes of prayer or meditation daily strengthen their anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a part of the prefrontal cortex where they experience love, compassion, and empathy. The healthier your ACC is, the more calm your brain’s amygdala (the alarm center in your limbic system) will be, decreasing the amount of fear and anxiety you’ll experience.

Beloved Bhagavan, My Major Disease is Comparison. I am Suffering from Enormous Inferiority Syndrome. How do I Handle this Problem?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : "Comparison is Essentially Sourced in Non-Acceptance of One’s Life, Parents, Body, Capabilities or Thoughts & Emotions. In Resisting the Fact & Trying to be Something that you are not, You Suffer from Destructive Emotions like Anger, Jealousy, Hatred, Frustration Which in Turn Leads to Failure of Intelligence.

All Problems Arise with the Failure of Intelligence. It is Acceptance that Liberates You. 

How does one Arrive at Acceptance?

It is not about Understanding, Explaining or Justifying the Situation But to Experience the Pain behind it. As You Experience the UnResolved Emotions that are Attached to the Situation, All Resistance Dissolves & You Naturally Embrace the Fact.  

*This Inner Acceptance Leads to Awakening of Intelligence & The Inferiority Complex Would Naturally Disappear."* 😇😇

SRI BHAGAVAN : When we talk about the Awakening of the Heart We Refer to the Physical Change of the Heart; The Brain & The Heart are Actually Physically Connected. The Purpose of the Heart is to Take Decisions. The Brain can Process Data But the Heart has to Decide. Now Because You are so Heavily Conditioned the Heart has Slowly Withered Away; The Head is Taking the Decisions.

When we talk about the Awakening of the Heart It is like the heart has Entered the Head. Decisions Come from the Heart that is When you Start Living. If the Head is Only Deciding You are Existing. You must Live from the Heart. That Would Happen Only If the Brain has changed First.  When the Brain Changes Slowly the Heart Changes.  At Some Point You will Realize Something has Happend to You.
In Relating to Your Wife or Child or Business or Profession You will see you come from the Heart.

Once you Start Coming from the Heart You come across Tremendous Success; Failure Disappears. You are Almost Successful all the time & You will be in Joy When you Realize the fact that you are Living. You Discover the Whole World is a Miracle; Everything is a Miracle. Everyday it's a Miracle; That Would be the Way You Would be Living; Right Now You are only Existing.😇😇

"After your awakening you must learn to apply the teachings. Before awakening you cannot apply these teachings. For example one important teaching is stay with the ‘what is’. Experience the ‘what is’. Live with the ‘what is’. All this you cannot do unless you are awakened. But once you are awakened you must do it. You must just be aware of what is going on. That is possible only if you are awakened. And awareness is not a means to an end. It is an end in itself. The awakened one does not seek any end. He is just aware of the bird in the sky. He is aware of the fellow human being. That is all. But as he keeps doing this something else happens. Suppose you put a vegetable on a pan and keep on frying it the vegetable under goes a change. That is transformation.

Similarly attention or awareness is like heat. And the ‘what is’ undergoes a change. That change we call transformation. So the awakened person as he practices the teachings under the heat of attention the ‘what is’ undergoes a transformation. This transformed person moves into very high states. And in due course becomes god realized.

Awakening is like a torch. You have got to apply it and see what it is. If you do not see the ‘what is’ there is no use. Awakening is merely giving you a torch. We give you the torch. Making use of the torch is your job. Only a transformed person could become one with god. Not otherwise."

Sri Bhagwan on relation among mind,suffering and relationship..

"Mind is very Ancient. The nature of mind is to find fault with others, judge, blame and label others due to preconditioned perception. If the perception is negative then the mind keeps on commenting, 'He is bad, she nags, he doesn't understand me, she is so suspicious, they do not love me, I have no respect in the family, everybody uses me' so on. Everything would be colored, hence you would continue to blame others hence we develop dislike. Dislike slowly turns if hatred which spoils relationship. 

Because of this broken relationship, however good to others we are not able to 'see' the truth. Mind generates logic due to fear but heart emanates truth. Fear is manifesting as harted, jealousy, anger, and violence in families and society. Stress comes not because of physical work but from negative approach.  We can see truth only when we love others. Logic destroys love. It is not possible to love after you have judged. 

Hence we suffer. Unless we learn the art of 'SEEING' with internal integrity, we will not able to see the truth and discover love. If we can love only then we can forgive and seek forgiveness. One should develop extreme patience to maintain love and peace in the relationship. God's grace flows naturally to those whose relations are set right, particularly with the parents, spouse & family. "

Bhagavan, the kind of thoughts I have, the kind of feelings I have, are they all designed by God? Is God putting those thoughts inside me? Is God putting desire into me? Is God putting violence into me?

Bhagavan: "All these thoughts come from the thought sphere. The thought sphere is as old as man and every single thought of every being that has ever been on this planet, is recorded there and it is still there. These thoughts are flowing into and out of you. What thoughts are flowing inside you and what thoughts are flowing out of you depends on your health condition, the place in which you are staying, the people around you and many other factors.It is like tuning into a television channel. There are so many channels there and you could tune in to any channel. If you tune into a channel called negative thoughts, you will be getting so many negative thoughts. If you tune into a channel called violent thoughts, you will be getting those thoughts.Once you get this insight that you are not your thoughts, and these thoughts are not yours, then strangely you will find that you tune into a channel which is broadcasting silence and you receive that silence. Otherwise you would be getting these thoughts and they are as old as man.They are not your thoughts. Some body could have had fear ten thousand years ago as he was being been chased by a tiger. That thought could now enter you. It would not be fear of the tiger but it would be fear of the share market. But the same fear comes into you like that. Once you realize that your thoughts are not your thoughts, you could actually see how they are coming, how they are flowing through you and then you become very detached. That is how you could be free of these things."

May you experience Oneness as you contemplate today on...
"When the self disappears, your sense of ownership disappears." 
- Sri Amma Bhagavan

"Everyone speaks about 'my house', 'my wife', 'my car' etc. It is just a house, a woman or a car. What is currency? It is ink on paper. But to say that it is money, the brain requires a sophisticated process.  But for one to feel ownership of an object requires a sophisticated process in the brain.

The feeling of the self too comes from a sophisticated process in the brain. Hence, when the self disappears, the sense of ownership disappears. Because when the self is not there, who is there to feel the ownership."

How do you change the program?

Bhagavan: All that you must do is either before you go to bed or..., before going to bed is the best time. Relax, completely relax your entire body from toe to head and then you must invoke AMMA BHAGAVAN. You must take a deeksha from the SRI MURTHI direct and you must say AMMA BHAGAVAN please come in and reprogramme me, show me what happened and remove the charge or give me the experience. Right there in your own home it can happen but you must have a good bond with AMMA BHAGAVAN. Once we respond we will pray for you and we will exactly stop where the problem is and if the charge goes away it is fine otherwise we will give you new experience as though you were born differently and you are reprogrammed. So you can reprogram yourselves in your own home, only one condition you must have a good bond with AMMA BHAGAVAN."

"Grace When Witnessed, Heard, Read or Recounted has the Tendency to Penetrate the Lives of those Who come in Contact with it."
                           -- Sri AmmaBhagavan        

"Before Understanding this Teaching, Let us first understand a Few Principles :

⚜ God is Bhakta Paradheena. Bhakta means Devotee. Swadheena means Independent & Paradheena means Dependant. Hence, God is Dependant on the State of Mind of the Devotee. Based on that the Grace shall follow.

You Become as You Think. Hope, Most of You know this Principle already. Particularly, When You are Focused, Things will fall.

Thus, The more & more, These Experiences & Miracles are Shared, Spoken, Heard etc. The Grace Shall Penetrate in Your Life. Start Applying the Teaching. Hence, You Must Consciously Make an Attempt to Read, Hear & See the Experiences & Miracles of People. You Should also Share Your's with Others As Much as Possible in Order to Maximise Grace in Your Lives."😇😇

How does the mind interfere with our experience?

Sri Bhagavan: "You do not experience reality because your mind is all the time interfering. In reality there can be no suffering, because when you experience reality as it is there is only joy, bliss and love, no matter what it is. Mind is all the time criticizing and commenting. Mind is nothing but the flow of thought. Thought is measurement. It compares yesterday with today, today with tomorrow, him with somebody else. All the time it is comparing and commenting. Thought is an instrument of measurement. For example, there is a vase. You must look at this vase not be measuring it in terms of its color or size, or shape. But if you want to go a level where you'll experience things as they are then thought itself must stop. Thought is from the past, and past is memory, and memory is dead. So death is flowing through you. When you are drinking coffee you should be drinking coffee. Why should you think about the cricket commentary or the score?  You should be drinking coffee.  If you have truly died to the past and to the future psychologically if you have died to them, then you would live in the present. There is great joy and bliss there. 
The mind is nothing but the flow of thoughts. You cannot conceive of a mind, without thoughts. The only way you could become free of the mind is to closely watch it. If you keep watching mind in a very friendly way without judging, condemning or commenting, it soon becomes very weak and slowly becomes quieter. That's when completely all suffering ends. There's nothing but joy and love in your life. Unconditional joy and Unconditional love. You could be a beggar. You could be a leper, but you'll have unconditional joy. This joy does not depend on whatever you are gaining or whatever you are losing. It is just there. You could be anybody. You might be the world's most powerful man, the world's richest man, but you would not have this joy and unconditional love unless you experience reality as it is. There would be love towards the king as well as the beggar because there is no thought. So all this is possible to achieve. 

Awakened one no longer struggles with the mind. When the fight is gone, the energy will not be wasted. The energy reserved will manifest as concern for others, and love in relationship; as efficiency and creativity in the work. In short, you will start experience life."

Bhagwan, please explain one of your teachings “Past is flowing into the present and manifests itself as the future”.

The mind is something that is always with us. What is the mind?The mind is the flow of thought, from the past, through the present, into the future. So, the flow is only about the past. To think about the past is being in the past. Even to think about the future, is being in the past. The past projects even the future. So we are always caught up in the past. Hence there is no freedom for us at all. The past is cut only when we are Awakened. Only then we can say we have real freedom. Otherwise, there is only the past.

What is prayer?

Sri Bhagavan: "As far as we are concerned, we believe that prayer is nothing but a bond between you and God or the source of all creation. It depends on you. You could either pray to God as a son praying to his father or as a servant praying to his master, or you can be a father to God and you could command him, you could order him, you could scold him. So you could do anything you like but there must be a bond. And that bond is what we call prayer.

And in that bond there could be a begging, there could be a pleading, there could be a worship, or there could be a demand. So there is full freedom here. And we have found lot of people actually scolding and fighting with God and getting their way much faster than those who are worshiping. The key essence is that bond. To whom you are closely related, to your mother or your father or your friend or your teacher and put God in that framework. 

Question is how much you relate. If you do not relate, your prayers fail. But relationship could be anything, it’s purely personal. That's why no two people have the same kind of relationship. It comes from their own traumas, their own background and if they had a very good friend they think of God as that particular friend and then relate to him."

Many people regularly come together in Oneness programs, courses or events to raise the level of consciousness. Is there anything special or an important element which should always be part of these meetings?

SRI BHAGAVAN: "When you come together you must not judge the other and there must be total acceptance of the other. That is whatever they are, they must be totally accepted. And you must come together in friendship. These three are crucial factors, and you will get very good results to the program."

Bhagavan, what should one do to receive consistent and instant grace in one’s life?

The speed at which your desires are granted depends on your relationship with your parents whether they are alive or not. Next is the relationship with your husband or wife. If your relationships are in order, then receiving grace would be very easy. That is why we are emphasizing on setting right your relationships. The next is karma, let us say solving a financial problem could lead one to sickness because of karma, then considering the danger of the situation the prayer would not be answered immediately. Another thing to be considered here are your needs and necessities. Suppose you wish for a car, since you are finding it difficult to manage without one then certainly grace would come to you. But say your prayer arises out of comparison, hurt or greed then it would not be answered. To receive grace consistently, you need to know how to pray. There are certain conditions which you must fulfill for your prayer to be powerful.
You must be authentic in your prayers
🎗1. Your prayer must come from your heart
🎗2. You must have a bond with your God
🎗3. You must focus on the solution, not on the problem
🎗4. You must express gratitude as if it has been granted already
Once you do this, you would receive abundant grace from your God. If you know how to pray, I am sure you would have God for your friend.

👷Scientific Proof:

How Prayer Affects the Brain
Although the brain has many components, Dr. Newberg’s studies show that certain areas are distinctly affected by prayer and other religious experiences. The overall result is an improvement in brain function and well-being, and an increase in the person’s capacity for compassion.
  1. The Frontal Lobe is activated by prayer and focused attention. Activities that engage this area protect it against age-related deterioration that is associated with dementia.
2. The Anterior Cingulate is activated when we feel compassion, have an awareness of other people’s feelings, and empathize with them.
3. The Parietal Lobes are deactivated by religious experiences, such as singing hymns at a religious service, making us feel a connection with God and other people.
4. The Limbic System, the primitive or “reptilian” region of the brain, is deactivated by prayer that gives us comfort and reduces stress. This region includes the amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, septal area, and cingulate cortex. The limbic system is associated with anger, guilt, anxiety, depression, fear, resentment, and pessimism.


 Brain research shows that people who engage in at least 15 minutes of prayer or meditation daily strengthen their anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a part of the prefrontal cortex where they experience love, compassion, and empathy. The healthier your ACC is, the more calm your brain’s amygdala (the alarm center in your limbic system) will be, decreasing the amount of fear and anxiety you’ll experience.

What do you expect from us? We are ready to do it for you Bhagavan?

Shri Bhagavan:"You see, what I want from you people is - I want you to feel for this country. You see the poverty; you see the injustice; you see the inequality; you see the terrible suffering of the people here. We are over a billion people and a vast majority of them live below the poverty line and even those who are above the poverty line, look at our lives, look at the way our country is organized - the corruption, the traditionless - the way the country is moving - aimless, purposeless; life is miserable here.

So You must feel for the people, your heart must flower, where you are not only concerned about yourself, but you must be concerned about the people around you and the flow must be there in you that 'I must do something for these people'; because you are in that age. You have not yet become cynical. You are still very positive in your thinking. I want to you to feel for this nation, this great nation whose only vision was mukti or enlightenment. That is what this nation lived for. Today look at it. Look at its condition, the physical condition, the spiritual condition. Everything is in such bad shape. It is degenerate and you are a part of that and it is your duty to transform this. The elders have failed. What have they done? They have landed this country in a mess. There is no more use depending on these people. It is in your hands. Yes. You alone can transform this and it is your duty to transform this.

And Here I am telling you, I will raise your levels of consciousness and I give you that power to raise that goes around you. It is possible all of you could have risen to that level whereby you could give it to others and that would not take a long time at all. It can be very very fast and you would have a new country. Poverty will still remain for some time. Everywhere, everybody would be positive about it, with hope in their hearts. You will see Politics changing, you will see education is changing. Everything would begin to change, not only would you be enlightened, you would also have a physically beautiful country, a prosperous country. Why should we live in poverty? There is no need for that. You could make all this happen and it is in your hands.

Therefore, with this partnership between us and you, (I say this rather for convenience sake, I don?t see myself as separate from you at all) we should achieve this in quick time and quite easily. And things are already beginning to happen. You must be quite aware about the transformation that has happened to thousands of youth and what they have been achieving is there for us to see. And definitely there is a possibility. And in the coming months, we are going to rise ahead. Now that we have decided also to give you full enlightenment, it is going to be very very fast".

" If you are passionate, God conspires to give you what you seek. "

Sri Amma Bhagavan: "External world is a reflection of the internal world. Stay focused, things will fall in place. In fact, without our knowledge or awareness, we influence the external world with our thoughts and emotions. But, those thoughts should be potent with emotion and feeling. One should be passionate. Passion, as we have seen in one of our earlier teaching, is a burning desire potent with a strong and positive feeling of success. Passion comes from the heart and hence you get connected to God. Then God responds even if you are an atheist. The Lord is concerned about your suffering. It is said: "Seek and you will find".

Bhagavan, why doesn't the mind stay concentrated on one thing? What should I do if it has to stay put at one point?

Bhagavan: "See, the mind, breath and kundalini form a triangle. If you tamper with one you'll be tampering the other two. Suppose the breath is not constant or steady, the mind also will not be constant and

Similarly if the kundalini is vibrating too much, then also the mind will be unstable. Kundalini will start vibrating depending on the temperature, air pressure, depending on the kind of people around, depending on the food you've eaten, the clothes you are wearing - so many factors.

So as the kundalini is vibrating, the mind also becomes unsteady and becomes unfocused. So also is breath. In fact breath is a crucial element and most people do not even know how to breathe. That's why I often say that, children must be taught in school as to how to really breathe.

When this is done, you'll actually find that the mind becomes steadied. Without setting right these two things the mind will be very very shaky. And of course if you are not able to do these things, you can very well ask me inside and I will steady it. And you'll have a very focused mind. It's not very difficult to achieve."

Bhagavan, why is it that children have to suffer because of parents actions? In such situation what should the children do?

So you must remember that the parent also was once a child only. So he was traumatized by his parents. So this goes on from generation to generation. It could have happened to your great grandfather, from him to your grandfather, then your father, and then to yourself. It gets transferred like that, that kind of behavior, that kind of attitude, then it goes on.Ultimately, if you probe deeply, nobody is responsible, because whatever you are it is because of the kind of things which happened during pregnancy for you.Basically it starts with what thoughts your parents had before conception, during the act of conception and what happened in the womb, which we call the four baskets, and what were your mother's thoughts when you were in the womb, what were your father's thoughts, then as you were being delivered, what was your response to the delivery and then after delivery what happened, what comments they made, all that is registered in your unconscious which we can go back and see. So these are the things which are controlling you.So, you have no freedom, your father does not have freedom, nobody has got freedom, there is no free will at all.But we have the illusion of free will, therefore enjoy it. You think you are free, enjoy it. But the truth is you are not free. You can't do anything about it. That's all there is to life. But if you understand it, you will get some freedom and it is possible to change some things. That is we can change the script. Of course, it must be done in a process.But otherwise we are controlled by this program. So if you realize that you are being controlled, there is no choice because you know you are being controlled. Where there is no choice, surrender. Where there is surrender, what do you have? You have freedom. If you truly realize there is no free will there is total freedom, it's a paradox opposite.If you think you have a free will, then you think, OK I should do this, I should do that, you are confused. Suppose you go to a supermarket, and you find number of soaps there, you are confused which soap to buy. All the things you have seen on the television, going on pulling you this way, that way, that way. Therefore there is no freedom at all for you, there is struggle. But suppose you have seen only one soap and that soap alone is there, is there any problem? Done.So this is the problem with people. Don't forget this."WHERE THERE IS CHOICE THERE IS NO FREEDOM""WHERE THERE IS NO CHOICE THERE IS FREEDOM"Just flow with it. You did not choose where you were born, you did not choose your job as you imagine, the program made you do all these things. If you realize this you are a free person, you are liberated, you are a muktha (liberated).

"Labeling and considering an issue to be a problem is the problem. "

Sri Amma Bhagavan: For every event, there are umpteen number of perceptions. It is all in the way we perceive life, that life exists. In reality, there is no Truth. Sri Amma Bhagavan say, "There is no Truth, but perceptions". For example, a cricket bat can be seen as wood, or a weapon, or cricket bat, etc. It will be what we want it to be or what we think it to be. That it is a cricket bat is only one of the many perceptions. But there is no truth. Similarly, in reality, there is no problem. It is all in our perception and what we label it as. When we label an opportunity as a problem, the opportunity turns out to be a problem.  Much the same way, a threat can be seen as an opportunity. Thus, it is very important to watch what our mind is labelling an issue as.

Dear Bhagavan, I have read a book you mentioned that in order to attract abundance, we have to feel like a millionaire, but my first feeling towards money is not enough, what should I do?

SRI BHAGAVAN: "You must look at all the things which you have and not focus on things which you do not have. You brain and mind are different. Your brain can easily be fooled.
So fool your brain that you are a millionaire and see what begins to happen.

"God does not test his devotees. What you consider to be test from God's end are basically problems you have created for yourselves. I and Amma are basically trying to help you out. Sometimes it might appear that we are testing you, but in reality we would be preventing a greater pain from coming to you.

Let us say, you prayed for a good job and I did not grant it to you, it will only be to save you from some imminent danger or to bless you with something greater.

I love you. I am here only because I love you so much. You are not separate from me. To me it is not loving someone else but myself."

How to solve the problems in my life?

Sri Bhagavan: "Your entire life is programmed in the unconscious mind. To whom you will be born, what work you will do, whom you will marry, how many children you will have – all these things are programmed in the unconscious mind. Like you have programs in your computers, the programs in the unconscious mind make your life. 

The program consists of what happened in your past lives, what happened at the moment of conception, what happened while you were in the womb, the actual delivery; whether it was a natural delivery or forceps were used or it was a cesarean delivery. Then the first six hours whether you are touched or not, or whether you are put in an incubator. Then the first six years. This constitutes the program. This controls your life. It controls your finances, your health, your relationships and everything in life. If you are going to have a divorce in your life, you going to have a business failure, you going to have a accident, everything could be traced back to the program.

For example, you are trying to start a business. How much your time, everything is perfect, still nothing is happening. In which case, maybe when you were being delivered you had gone back for half an hour or an hour and then you got delivered. For you, things will get enormously delayed here, the bank loans will be delayed, your orders will get delayed, something will get stuck somewhere, and something will come around and stop you. 

In this case, you have to go inside, take your God’s help, re-experience your delivery. Now, if you do that, it will be most likely solved. In that case, exact delivery will be replayed, this time not going back but straight going out fast.  When God gave you a new positive experience of birth, you will change. After that, you’ll get a breakthrough because the inner world affects the external world.

If you have a similar problem, you need to do is relax and go into the hypnotize state, a state in-between waking and sleep. Every day before you go to sleep then you move into the hypnotic body state, and then into the sleep state. Similarly upon waking up, you come out of sleep, then you move into the hypnotic body state, then into the waking state. Now at anytime of the day, by relaxing the body, you should be able to get into it. Then ask your God: "Please tell me where I stuck?" God will clearly show you, play it for you like a tape, showing you at what time, how, what happen to you. If done correctly you will know where the problem is. Then ask your God to change this problem, God will change it and give you a new experience, the problem will be corrected, you’ll be healed. As the program change, you will get the effects in real life. Sometime effect would be in 24 hours, sometime in 48 hours, sometime in a month. As the program changes, your life will change."

What attitude can help us earn money?

Sri Bhagavan: "We should also understand the difference between money making and wealth creation. Making money is an unenlightened pursuit. You could gamble and make money, or go racing and make money. While wealth creation, on the other hand, is a spiritual activity. Wealth, ultimately, is the ability to add value to things and people. Let us say you set up an academy to train young minds in order to create productive citizens, who are creating wealth for the nation. You create an industry, you are helping employ many people, and are also strengthening the social fabric into being richer. Wealth always has a tendency to percolate.

There is an Indian word for money, which is called "nanayam". What this means is integrity. That is, the name means integrity. If money is rightfully earned, it indicates your contribution to society. What have you done for society, whereby you've earned that much money. It's an indicator of your contribution. 

Your ability to create and retain wealth is determined by your relationship with money. Like everything else, money is a form of energy which is attracted to the energy that is like itself. Your relationship with anything determines how much of that thing you are attracting or repelling. Money does not exist by itself but it is always attached with the energy of the person who relates with it. The same money can be experienced by different people in different ways according to the relationship they each have with it. 

Rich people know that money is important, that is why they have it. Poor people think money is not important, that is why they lack it. Can you imagine if you kept telling your spouse that they are not important, how long do you think they are going to stay with you? What you appreciate, appreciates in value. What you do not appreciate, depreciates in value. Know that money is important and appreciate it, but do not be attached to it. It's having a healthy relationship where you cherish it but are free from it.

Your motivation for making money is vital. If your motivation for making money comes from fear, anger or the need to prove yourself, then money will never bring you happiness. Anger and the need to prove yourself are also forms of fear. It is a state of being where you feel you don't have something and therefore you need to fight to get it. It is to intend and act from a place of fear. The opposite is to intend and act from a place of love. It is a state of being where you are whole and doing what brings you joy

When you indulge in wealth creation with intelligence and integrity, money is an automatic byproduct."

What is spiritual maturity?

1. Spiritual Maturity is when you stop trying to change others, ...instead focus on changing  yourself.

2. Spiritual Maturity is when you accept people as they are.

3. Spiritual Maturity is when you understand everyone is right in their own perspective.

4. Spiritual Maturity is when you learn to "let go".

5. Spiritual Maturity is when you are able to drop "expectations" from a relationship and give for the sake of giving.

6. Spiritual Maturity is when you understand whatever you do, you do for your own peace.

7. Spiritual Maturity is when you stop proving to the world, how intelligent you are.

8. Spiritual Maturity is when you don't seek approval from others.

9. Spiritual Maturity is when you stop comparing with others.

10. Spiritual Maturity is when you are at peace with yourself.

11. Spiritual Maturity is when you are able to differentiate between "need" and "want" and are able to let go of your wants.

last but most meaningful !

12. You gain Spiritual Maturity when you stop attaching "happiness" to material things.

"There is No Controller.
Controller is Arising Because 
You are Trying to Manipulate the Reality."
                           --  Sri AmmaBhagavan

⚜ "You have the Feeling that You can Control; You Can Change the Course of Events, You Can Stop smoking, drinking etc., You Can Control Your wife, husband, children etc., You Can Control Your Thoughts, Mind etc. In short, You Feel that You are the Controller.

Sri AmmaBhagavan are saying that in Reality, There is No Controller. That is an illusion Created by the Mind.
Because, The Mind is either Creating a Projected Ideal or Moving into the Past & Trying to Modify the Present Reality. It is either going into Hope, or Non-Acceptance of the Past; It's Trying to Manipulate Reality & Gives you the illusion that you are doing it.

There is Nobody there But a Flow of Thoughts. You are Not Controlling the Thoughts. In the First Place You are not there. Ex:- When the Blades of a Fan Rotate at Good Speed, It Appears as a Disk. But there is no disk there. It is an illusion Created by the Speed of Rotation. Here too, The Manipulation to Change Reality Creates the illusion of 
the Controller.

This is a Profound Teaching, Pls Read it again & again and You get Wonderful Breakthroughs If You also Pray & Take Deeksha's from Sri AmmaBhagavan for the BreakThroughs.

How to maintain the breakthrough state?

Sri Bhagavan:

"What you must do is, 

a)you must not get up late in the morning. You should always get up before Sunrise. That is very important.

b) Most important part is, always the day must begin, with gratitude to your parents.

c) Third is, you should never eat till your full stomach. Always some space should be left empty, while eating.

d) Then at night, before you sleep, you must always sit down for a moment and see what all has happened during the day and how  your mind was functioning, what all feelings you had, how did you escape from your thoughts, its ugliness and then, try to confront it for some time and then go to sleep. Then you will find that you are intensely aware of your ugliness and there will be no conflict at all. Then there will be dramatic change and you will be progress spiritually, as well.

If all these are maintained properly, it is more than enough to put your body into a beautiful rhythm  and breakthrough state."

" The whole world is One Family. "

Sri Amma Bhagavan: "This teaching can be understood in many ways. The reason being from whichever way you see, you will inevitably find that the whole world is One family. We shall see a few perspectives of the Teaching.

Suffering and joy are universal. Wherever you go on the planet, all human beings have eyes, nose, ears, legs, hands, brain, etc. Similarly, everyone thinks, feels, suffers, experiences joy, has gratitude, compassion, jealousy, anger etc. The experiences in one's life may be different leading to different decisions. Therefore, the software may be different but the hardware is the same. This is enough to say that we are One family because we can relate to another human being better than any thing or any being else.

Often you must have seen or heard the words, "Love is God" or "Truth is God".  God is Supreme Intelligence or the Supreme Love. God is the unmanifest. He is Compassion, the Supreme Light, the summation and transcendence of all individual consciousness who flows through all and He is also the immanent inner controller of all that is who is flowing through all of us and binding all of us together. If that was not there, we would have no feeling for another human being. We might be less sensitive if we have hurt or killed a plant or an animal but we will be most sensitive to kill a human being because we know what it is to suffer, the human way.

But, unfortunately, as we move away from the Lord (the Supreme Light), the self becomes stronger and the kali (darkness) sets in and self centeredness, selfishness, greed, etc becomes predominant and divides people and we lose the feeling of one family.

There are many more perceptions which we will not only learn but also experience only in the processes step by step which will be your transformation and growth in the spiritual ladder."

"In Oneness, Suffering is the Shortest Path to Awakening."

When there is Suffering You Should not move away from that suffering , You Should not Escape that Suffering, But Fully Immerse in that suffering (or) Stay With That Suffering & Then the Suffering Itself Becomes Joy.
But How to do That ?

 You Could Start with a Small Physical Pain Like a Small Ant Biting You. Now Try to Stay with that Pain of the Ant Bite & Slowly Move into the Psychological Realm. Start with Physical Pain, Not Big Pain, But Small Pain & Then Move into the Psychological Realm. You Would Soon Discover the Art of Staying with Suffering. When that Happens All Else is Automatic.

That is Why we say , Staying with the Suffering is the First Step. It's also the Last Step. There is Nothing More to do.

Why do I face so many obstacles on my path to success?

Sri Bhagavan:"You are constantly creating the external world. You think the external world is independent of the internal world. Let us say your unconscious has programmed you for failure. It thinks you can never succeed. You should not succeed. Then what happens is let's say you go for an interview for a job. Your unconscious gets in touch with the unconscious of the other person. They have some kind of "internet" link and the other person who is interviewing you would decide to not give you a job for no reason at all.

That is how what's going on inside actually creates the external world. It is very powerful. That's why you get what you fear and what you hate. You also get what you love. That also happens. You must see what's going on. Once it is set right you would see that things are dramatically changing for you in the external world."

Is there Only True God?

Sri Bhagavan:"Since ages, man has been trying to prove to the other that his god is the only powerful god, it is this division and obsession to impose his beliefs onto the other is what is creating the conflicts world over. You must transcend all your limits when it comes to you and your divine. People have actually colored god their ways, which is OK. But, when we say “Personal Divine”it doesn’t mean that you posses your divine. What people fail to understand is that when we talk of personal god, it means the way god relates with you and the way you relate with your god. How you relate with your god or what bond you share is personal to you . but you cannot say your that your divine is the only or more powerful than the other, how can you do that? How can you measure god’s power? How can you distinguish and create differentiation by saying “My”and ”Your”god? 

There is only One god, but with different essence with its various manifestations. You must transcend and come this realization that all forms of god is god. What you must understand is that, there is only god, and everything is god. You too are god, you are a powerful beings, who is full of defective thoughts, concepts and mental frameworks. So you are god who has gone wrong! That is why, we intend to guide and take you towards oneness between you and your god and the fastest way towards god realization is when you transcend from your limited perceptions, concepts and images that you have built of god. God is a loving, non-judgemental friend. Start seeing and accepting the divine in everything and every being."

"Everything is Sacred."      -- Sri AmmaBhagavan

⚜"Everything in the Universe is Sacred. It is the Divine Creation. Let us do Some Contemplation. Who are you?
You are Son of Someone, A Person Staying in a Street of an Area in a City. The City is in a taluk / Mandal in a district of Your State. That State is in Your Country, Which Country is a Part of a Continent on this Planet Earth. Earth is a Part of the Solar System Which again is a Very Small Part of the Milky Way Galaxy. Further, There are Millions of Such Huge Galaxies in the Universe. 

Similarly, If You See Our Human Body, It is Beyond the Comprehension of the Human Mind to understand How Every Part of the Body is Functioning Non-Stop & How all the Organs Operate Naturally. The Doctors & The Scientists can Study & Draw their Inferences but they cannot Run the Show. They may Manage Problems But cannot Create.

Similarly, There are Thousands of Questions for Which we do not know the Answers. Who gave the Intelligence to the Siberian Birds which Migrate to India, Lay their Eggs Here & Fly back 14000 miles Non-Stop? The Little ones fly back to Siberia. Who Taught them their way Back? Where is the Intelligence Coming From? Is Excreta Bad & Negative or is it an important part & A link in the Chain? It's also a Useful Manure Which Gives Life to Plants Which in Turn Gives Food to Animals again Providing Life.

What is Sacred & What is Not Sacred?

Call it God's Creation, Nature's Creation, or Whatever Name you want to Give. The Name is not so important. The Feeling of Sacredness is Important. Respect, Gratitude, Sensitivity & Many Others will Naturally Follow.

List out all those things Which you felt were not sacred like shoes, socks, etc. Check, If you were correct. Then Move on to Events & to people.

Seek Sri AmmaBhagavan's Blessings & Your Divine to Bless You with Sacredness."😇😇

Beloved Bhagavan, There are So Many Different Religions in the World Today; What is Your Attitude Towards all the Different Faiths?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : "I Believe that Different Religions are Required to Handle the Different Needs of People. I have Seen People Sometimes Require a Particular Religion to Handle a Particular Problem, or Their Background Needs the Input of a Particular Religion. I Personally Never had any Difficulty with People of any Faith.
 Because the Oneness Blessing is a Neutral Thing & The Oneness Blessing only Activates a Certain Area of the Brain or Deactivates it, The Person Only Discovers What his Religion Taught him. So He Discovers the Truths of his Own Faith. What I do or Teach is Not a New Faith or Religion. It's Not Anything New at All. It Merely Helps You to Discover What You have been Seeking All These Years. So I Personally have No Conflict with the People of Any Faith."

Dear Sri Bhagavan, For Making Children & Young Adults Familiar with Oneness, Where would you start? What is the Most Important Message You would tell them about Growing into Oneness?
What Would you tell their Parents & Teachers to Help them in this Growth?

        ThankYou Dear ❤Bhagavan

✨ "You Must do Four Things :
You Must Teach them the Art of Listening;
You Must Teach them the Art of Being with the "What Is," ;
You Must Teach them Inner Integrity & Gratitude. They are Automatically

into Oneness." 😇😇

What do you expect from us? We are ready to do it for you Bhagavan?

Shri Bhagavan:"You see, what I want from you people is - I want you to feel for this country. You see the poverty; you see the injustice; you see the inequality; you see the terrible suffering of the people here. We are over a billion people and a vast majority of them live below the poverty line and even those who are above the poverty line, look at our lives, look at the way our country is organized - the corruption, the traditionless - the way the country is moving - aimless, purposeless; life is miserable here.

So You must feel for the people, your heart must flower, where you are not only concerned about yourself, but you must be concerned about the people around you and the flow must be there in you that 'I must do something for these people'; because you are in that age. You have not yet become cynical. You are still very positive in your thinking. I want to you to feel for this nation, this great nation whose only vision was mukti or enlightenment. That is what this nation lived for. Today look at it. Look at its condition, the physical condition, the spiritual condition. Everything is in such bad shape. It is degenerate and you are a part of that and it is your duty to transform this. The elders have failed. What have they done? They have landed this country in a mess. There is no more use depending on these people. It is in your hands. Yes. You alone can transform this and it is your duty to transform this.

And Here I am telling you, I will raise your levels of consciousness and I give you that power to raise that goes around you. It is possible all of you could have risen to that level whereby you could give it to others and that would not take a long time at all. It can be very very fast and you would have a new country. Poverty will still remain for some time. Everywhere, everybody would be positive about it, with hope in their hearts. You will see Politics changing, you will see education is changing. Everything would begin to change, not only would you be enlightened, you would also have a physically beautiful country, a prosperous country. Why should we live in poverty? There is no need for that. You could make all this happen and it is in your hands.

Therefore, with this partnership between us and you, (I say this rather for convenience sake, I don?t see myself as separate from you at all) we should achieve this in quick time and quite easily. And things are already beginning to happen. You must be quite aware about the transformation that has happened to thousands of youth and what they have been achieving is there for us to see. And definitely there is a possibility. And in the coming months, we are going to rise ahead. Now that we have decided also to give you full enlightenment, it is going to be very very fast".

What is Fear?

" Fear is always in the imagination. "

"What is fear? You will be able to answer this question when you observe what happens to you when you get fear. It is the name given to the feeling you get when a series of thoughts come to you of losing your securities. You feel secure about your property, relationships, children, house, car, vision etc. Whenever a thought(s) comes that you might lose it or them, a series of thoughts come as to what will happen then and you believe in those thoughts. Once you believe these thoughts, the flow continues and your belief in those thoughts becomes even more stronger. You become unaware that they are just thoughts and that they are appearing real but they are not. It is all imagination and you are making them real in your mind. The moment you become aware, instantaneously, you become free. You know that 'it is only a rope and not a snake'. It will give you instant relief. But, the fear is so strong that, though you have understood this, you might not be aware at that time when the thoughts have gripped you. You need Divine Grace. Hence, you should do a specific prayer, whenever you have time or during your regular prayer time. That is 'Prayer for Awareness' which means that Sri Amma Bhagavan/your Divine should bless you with 'Awareness' when the actual fear comes.

Apart from your prayers, you should take Deekshas from the Srimurty and from the Divine Padukas. Grace will remove a lot of fear and you will not be suffering unnecessarily. Lot of related and appearing unrelated problems get solved. You will be much happier.

This is a solution to manage your fear. There are deep rooted unconscious fears coming from past decisions coming from past experiences. They have to be removed from the source. They require a different process which cannot be done with a normal awareness. It requires a more intense Divine intervention which is done only at the Oneness University. If you are serious to be free from your fears.


A boy asked his Dad, "Dad, how big is God?" Looking up at the sky his father saw an aeroplane and asked his son, "How big is that aeroplane?" The boy responded, " It's small, Dad! You can hardly even C it!" 
Then the father took his son to an airport hanger. Standing in front of one of the aeroplanes, the father asked, "And now, how big is the aeroplane?" The boy responded, " Oh Daddy, this plane is enormous." 

At this point, the father said to him, "That's how it is with God. How big he is depends on the distance between u and Him. The closer u r to him, the bigger he is in your life"

"Joy in just Seeing What is Going on Inside. That's all here is to Life. What is Life?

SRI BHAGAVAN: See What is going on Inside. Because You are not Seeing it, You feel bored, You Find Life is Meaningless, Purposeless. Therefore You Want This, You Want That. So Many Desires You are Creating.

But if you were to Actually See What is Going on, There is such joy you will not want anything else in life.

All Authentic People are taken care of by life or by the God. If you are authentic & If You don't have food, Food will come to You. Somehow it will Happen. 
Somehow You will Get a Lift. 
You Will Go Where You Want to Go. Your Life Becomes Miraculous.

 Because You are Inauthentic These Things Don't Happen to Your Life. But Again Don't Try to be Authentic. If You Really be Authentic. Then Only Miracles Will Happen. Then Only You Become a Great Being. Then the Divine Benediction Comes to you as the Blessing. All That What You have Speak Becomes Truth.

Why is it You People are Stuck Up?

Because You are UnTruthful, Inauthentic. Therefore You have Never Really Seen What is Going on Inside Yourself. Therefore You Need External Things to Keep Going." 😇😇

💟🌹Sri Amma🌹💟 
Words of Strength and Courage

There is always a special place in my heart for those who are dedicated to the cause of liberation of humanity. Remember your thoughts are known to you alone. Your words are known to you and the listener, which nonetheless are forgotten with the passage of time. While the service you render alone shall stay for eternity. It will benefit all life.

When the time for transition arrives the Presence would engulf humanity like a tidal wave and alter its consciousness. Be not perturbed. Do what is expected of you. Share your wisdom and the power of Deeksha with others. The rest will be taken care.

The highest of states is the state of seva (service). The spirit of seva is inbuilt into every insight, realization, mystical experience and mukti (awakening). It is this spirit that drives you to share with the world what has been given to you.

There are thousands whose lives need to be affected by you. It is my will that this work should happen through you. No matter how many may emerge, fulfill your part yourself.

Get going with your work and help your fellow humans. All things will fall into place. No matter what your thoughts are, I will liberate you.

It is the nature of creation to hold future a mystery. However, what you should do in your future is up to you to decide. Surrender does not imply laziness. You have the power and the ability to make your choices. Make use of all the opportunities that come your way. I will help you reach your desired goal.

Awaken to your destiny. This is what you are here for.

For a glorious future to be, desire must flower into passion and manifest as action. Your attention must be focused on your goal. Giving up to Amma Bhagavan does not mean non-action. This is karma bhoomi, the plane of action. Hence effort in the external world is inevitable. My grace will go along with you in your efforts.

Whatever be your nature since you have asked me, you will have an experience of my power. Go home and chant the Moolamantra. You will see my grace for yourself.

Security is possible only when it is shifted to God. Faith or no faith, I am in you and with you at all times.

"How long?" is the wrong question. Pray until grace floods.

"As More People Get Awakened, Miracles Will Increase."

⚜ "Life is a Flow. In the Nature of Creation, Nothing is Impossible.
Some Great Person Said that the Word 'Impossible' is found in a Fool's Dictionary. Anything Which is not Rationally or Scientifically be Defined as Miracle.

In Reality, Whatever We Believe It can Happen. This Comes from the Principle: ✨"External World is a Reflection of the Internal World".✨ 
From a Different Perspective, What We are Seeing is Only of What We are Inside.
An Awakened Person is One Who has No Self ; Hence No Inhibitions, Fears etc.
Such a Person is Not Ruled by his Mind Which is Full of Fears, Mental Blocks & Non Faith.

Therefore, An Awakened One is Empty & He/She Becomes a Wonderful Vehicle for the Lord's Grace to Flow." 😇😇

Dear Bhagavan, I do not exactly understand what is the difference between living in presence and being fully awakened. Is it possible to have one without the other? What is the difference between the states: living constantly in presence but not being awakened or being awakened but not being constantly in presence? Or, is it after we awaken, the Oneness and the Presence comes faster? My gratitude to you.


"First, you become awakened and become empty. Once you are empty, it is possible for the presence to take over. To be empty is one thing. To be taken over by the presence is something else. You may be empty, but you may not have love or joy. Once you are empty and the presence has taken over, there will be love and joy, unconditional love and unconditional joy. Thereafter the presence takes you into higher states. You move into higher states and you would discover that the presence is God. You move into still higher states where you discover that you are that God. The ultimate discovery is that you and the presence are one."

" When Attention is Not Total There is An InCompleteness to Every Experience. "

⚜ This is again Obvious. We All Know How the Mind is a Chatter Box. There is 24/7 Non Stop Commentary Going on in the Mind. We Keep Judging Everything. Thoughts Flow Continuously Even While We are in asleep. Let us say, You are Travelling in your car in your city. You keep Reading all the Boards, Advertisements etc Internally. That Keeps Happening Automatically. Simultaneously, You might be Eating a ButterScotch IceCream.

Since, This Non Stop Vommentary is Going On, You are Actually Not Getting the Experience of Eating the Ice cream Fully.  Maybe You are Able to Enjoy only 60 to 70 % Experience of Eating Your Icecream.
Due to the Interference of the Mind, There is Incompleteness to Every Experience.

 What Should We Do for Getting the Complete Experience?
   Be Detached from the Commentary & Not be Free from the Commentary. We are Not Saying the commentary will Stop.

You have to Must Grow in Awareness. That Happens When You Become Awakened. Hence there, Keep Taking Deekshas Regularly. 😇😇

Where does Grace come from?From God, from Antaryamin or from you Sri Bhagwan?

💕Sri Bhagwan🙏

"See, you have to understand what God is.God is not a person. God is absolute; it is in everything andeverywhere. God is also Antaryamin (the god residing inevery being). Antaryamin is also the absolute God, allpowerful God.
Antaryamin has no form. But you can cast it in a form of your liking and it will take on that personality. It is not that Antaryamin is a person inside. No. There is no person there's in you either, there are only personalities.
Same with God as Antaryamin, it can have many personalities. The personalities it can take are all the God realized Awakened Beings that has ever lived on this Earth.That is the personalities it takes. It can take many differentones, not just one or two.Now, if you don’t like that, you can cast Antaryamin as Light and talk to it, have a living relationship to that Light. 


Still if you don't like that, you choose a form you like and go from there. But for Awakening to happen there must be a strong bond with your God inside. How you relate to that is entirely your business. As a Mother, Father, friend or whatever else.But in it’s natural state Antaryamin has no form,you are designing that".

"The Whole World is One Family."

"This can be Understood in Many Ways. The Reason being from Whichever Way You See, You will Inevitably Find that the Whole World is One Family. We Shall See a Few Perspectives of the Teaching.

Suffering & Joy are Universal. Wherever You go on the Planet, All Human Beings Have Eyes, Nose, Ears, Legs, Hands, Brain etc. Similarly, Everyone Thinks, Feels, Suffers, Experiences joy, Gratitude, Compassion, Jealousy, Anger etc. 
The Experiences in One's Life may be Different Leading to Different Decisions. Therefore, The Software may be Different But the Hardware is the Same.
This is Enough to say That We are One Family Because We can Relate to Another HumanBeing Better than Anything or 
Any Being Else.

Often You Must have Seen or Heard the Words, "Love is God" or "Truth is God".
God is Supreme Intelligence (or) The Supreme Love. God is the UnManifest.
God is Compassion, The Supreme Light, The Summation & Transcendence of All Individual Consciousness Who Flows Through All & He is also the Immanent Inner Controller of All That Is ;
Who is Flowing Through all of us & Binding all of us Together.

If that was not there, We Would have
No Feeling for another Human Being. 
We Might be Less Sensitive If we have Hurt or Killed a Plant or An Animal But We will be Most Sensitive to Kill a Humanbeing Because We know What it is to Suffer, The Human Way.

But Unfortunately, As We Move Away from the Divine {The Supreme Light},
The Self Becomes Stronger & The Kali (darkness) Sets in & Self Centeredness, Selfishness, Greed etc
It becomes Predominant Divides People & We Lose the Feeling of One Family.

There are Many More Perceptions Which we will not only Learn But also Experience Only in the Processes Step by Step Which Will be Your Transformation & Growth in the Spiritual Ladder." 😇😇

Dear Bhagavan, what is the purpose of creation?

Sri Bhagavan: Well, we could answer it from different contexts. When you do become enlightened, You realise that there is no purpose to this creation. It is just there. It is just there because there is too much of joy in creation and the joy is expressing itself in all these forms. There is no purpose. That is why I often give an example of people going to a cricket match. They see somebody hitting a big six and you find people jumping up and screaming. There is no purpose to that. You can't ask what is the use of jumping and screaming. They jumped up screamed because there is too much of joy. The whole of creation is an outpouring of joy. Once you become enlightened, you will see that there is nothing but joy. There is only love.

"For True Listening, Mind must be Silent."

⚜ "There are Three Kinds of Listening.
First is Hearing. Hearing Refers to the Sounds etc Without any Meaning.
Second, It is Listening with Commentary.
It is the Commentary Coming from the Mind in the Form of Judgement. 
Finally, It is True Listening.
At One Level, This is Listening Free from Commentary. At Another Level, You Listen to Your Heart.

When Someone is Sharing an Experience or Suffering, If you Truly Listen fully, You Will Get the Answers from Within. This is Listening to Your Heart. This Listening can also happen, When you Experience Your Personal Suffering Completely. It have the Power to Heal also.

But for True Listening to happen, One Should be Silent Within. The Mind Should not Interfere. More of it in the Process."😇


"Very often you try to explain away your suffering. You try to understand. If on the other hand, you stop doing these things, experiencing automatically happens.

Let us say, you are married and your wife is shouting at you, and if you have read a lot of books on psychology you would try to explain her behavior, or would be busy trying to understand her. If you do neither of these, then you actually begin to experience her nagging. That is when something very strange and beautiful happens.

It is only in the absence of explanations, judgement that we could experience another.You could very well start with your intimate relationships."

What is the shortest path to awakening?

Sri Bhagavan:

"In Oneness, suffering is the shortest path to awakening. In Oneness, when there is suffering, you should not move away from the suffering. You should not escape the suffering. But, fully immerse in the suffering or stay with the suffering and then the suffering itself becomes joy. But, how to do that? You could start from small physical pain, like a small ant biting you, now try to stay with the pain of the ant bite, and slowly move it to the psychological realm. Start with physical pain. Not big pain; but small pain. And then move it into the psychological realm. You would soon discover the art of staying with the suffering. When that happens, all is automatic. That is why we say, staying with the suffering is the first step, it is also the last step. There is nothing more to do."

Beloved Sri Bhagavan, How to Help a Father Who is Dying?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : Sit Next to Him, Hold his Hands & Synchronize Your Breath with his Breath, Then Give Him Deeksha Continuously Through Your Hands to Him. When He Breathes his Last Breath & Crosses Over, He will do so to the Sound of Celestial Songs.

Beloved Bhagavan, Best Way to Practice the What is ?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : The Best Way to Practice the What is, Is with Spousal Relationships Since you are Your Parents, & Your spouse is his Parents. If You can do this You will See Your Finances & Health Improve.

Beloved Bhagavan, Which is the Best Virtue Forgiveness or Gratitude?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : Of All the Virtues, Gratitude is the Greatest.

Beloved Bhagavan, How to Finally Overcome Conditioning?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : Conditioning is Not Bad, But it Should not make Use of Your Life. Now, It is Making Use of Your Life. Once You are Awakened You can Make Use of Your Good Conditioning When You Need it.

Oneness Will not Destroy Your Molds [Which includes Conditioning] & Take You to Total Freedom. But It Will Take You the Border of Freedom So You are Functional & Not a Recluse, But a Worldly Person, Engaging with Life.This Will Happen at Level 70.

Oneness Works Within the Mind & Then Beyond. Anything You are Fully Involved with is a Spiritual Practice. The Mind has to Get Focused, Disciplined, Engaged in Planning & Have a Vision.

Beloved Bhagavan, Are you going after Your Vision Totally & Completely?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : After Sometime You will go Beyond the Mind, Beyond Time & Space. But Oneness doesn’t want that yet. First Have Goals & Visions. Don’t Try to Stop Thoughts.

Beloved Bhagavan, Are Mystical Visions Real ?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : At Lower Levels of Consciousness They are Mental Projections. At Higher Levels They are the Real Thing.

Beloved Bhagavan, What About Mystical Experiences During the Processes?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : Mystical Experiences is Not a Mystic Make. Along with them, If Your Heart Flowers You Progress Fast. If not, They do not have much Relevance.

Beloved Bhagavan, How to be Courageous?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : If You Could Realize that not Being Courageous would Destroy You & See this Clearly, Then You would Naturally Become Courageous.

Beloved Bhagavan, How to Have a Healthy Relationship with Estranged Siblings?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : You can Stay with the What is Without Effort (or) Even Better, Move Deep Within & From This Level of Consciousness, Bless Them.

Beloved Bhagavan, Staying With the What is ?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : Can Only be Used When There is a Problem with the Heart Such as Hurt Feelings, Anger, Depression etc. The Emotions Decline & Are Replaced by Feeling.
Emotion has Resistance.

Feeling, Instead is a Flow & The Property of the Heart. When you Practice Being with the What Is, The Heart Flowers & Then Gets Filled with UnConditional Love. The Universe is Sustained by Love. We Begin to Live with the Universe & Discover Everything is Beautiful, Even Walking.

Living is an End it Itself. The Purpose of Life is to Live. Then You Become Fully Engaged in the World. Everything is Beautiful Including Your Problems. Problems will Never End. How You Handle Them will be Different.

Oneness Helps You to Engage in Life. You Choose the Path & Oneness Helps.

Why my sadness more real than my happiness?

Sri Bhagavan:"It is important to understand. It is the case with most of the people. Your sadness is certainly more real because it is yours, it is authentic. Your happiness is shallow; it is not yours, it depends on something, somebody.  And anything that makes you dependent – however happy you can feel for a few moments, soon the honeymoon is over, sooner than you had ever expected. You are happy because of your girlfriend, your boyfriend. But they are individual beings; they may not agree on all points with you. In fact, mostly what happens is that whatever the husband likes, the wife dislikes; whatever the wife likes, the husband dislikes. Strange because it is almost universal. 

There is some reason in it. Deep down they hate each other, for the simple reason that they are dependent on each other for gaining happiness – and nobody likes dependence. Slavery is not the intrinsic desire of human beings. If a woman or a man gives you joy, and you become dependent, you are at the same time creating a deep hate – because of dependence. You cannot leave the woman because she makes you happy. And you cannot leave your hatred of the woman, because she makes you dependent.

So all so-called love relationships are very strange, complicated phenomena. They are love-hate relationships. The hate needs to be expressed some way or other. That’s why whatever your wife likes, you don’t like; whatever your husband likes, you don’t like. On every small thing husbands and wives are fighting. And there is an immense fight.  Which movie to go to? Which restaurant to go to? And immediately there is a fight. This is the hatred which is moving underneath the facade of happiness. Happiness remains shallow, very thin; just scratch it a little bit and you will find its opposite.

But sadness is more authentic, because you are not dependent on anybody. It is yours, absolutely yours. This should give you a great insight, that your sadness can help you more than your happiness. You have never looked at sadness closely. You try to avoid seeing it – in many ways. If you feel sad, you go to a movie. If you feel sad, you start the television. If you feel sad, you go and play with your friends, you go to a club. You start doing something so that you do not have to see the sadness. This is not the right approach. When you are sad, it is a momentous phenomenon, very sacred, something of your own.  Get acquainted with it, go deeper into it, and you will be surprised. Sit silently, and be sad. Sadness has its own beauties. 

Sadness is silent, it is yours. It is coming because you are alone. It is giving you a chance to go deeper into your aloneness. Rather than jumping from one shallow happiness to another shallow happiness and wasting your life, it is better to use sadness as a means for meditation. Witness it. It is a friend! It opens the door of your eternal aloneness.

There is no way not to be alone. You can delude yourself, but you cannot succeed. And we are deluding ourselves in every way – in relationship, in ambition, in becoming famous, in doing this, in doing that. We are trying to convince ourselves that we are not alone, that we are not sad. But, sooner or later, your mask wears out – it is false, it cannot remain forever – then you have to wear another mask. In one small life, how many masks do you wear?  And how many have melted away, changed?  But you go on continuing the old habit.

If you want to be an authentic individual, use sadness; don’t escape from it. It is a great blessing. Sit silently with it, rejoice in it. There is nothing wrong in being sad. And the more you become acquainted with it and its subtle nuances, you will be surprised – it is a great relaxation, a great rest, and you come out of it rejuvenated, refreshed, younger, livelier. And once you have tasted it, you will seek those beautiful moments of sadness again and again. You will wait for them, you will welcome them, and they will open new doors of your aloneness.

Alone you are born, alone you will die. Between these two alonenesses you can deceive yourself that you are not alone, that you have a wife, a husband, children, money, power. But between these two aloneness you are alone. Everything is just to keep yourself engaged in something or other, so that you don’t become aware of it."

Nobody in this world is free of sufferings. To be free from sufferings what should be done?

💕 Bhagavan: 

That’s very simple. Please follow seven truths to be free from suffering.

🔹 "Everything comes from a single source. It could be God or Energy. There is no beginning and end to life."

🔹 "If you identify this source, you’ll not differentiate between good, bad, right or wrong. All these things are our views. Everything came from one source."

🔹 "Life is nothing but your search for ‘Self’. In your life, things that happen to you, people you see, everything reflects your ‘Self’. If you are suffering from poverty, it means there something wrong within yourself. You have to correct this to get out of poverty. If you have hatred, then who ever you see will exhibit the same quality. If you have evil thoughts, people you meet will also have evil thoughts. Try to understand yourself first."

🔹 "Realize that anything you experience in this Life is by God’s grace. Supposing you slip while walking, try to realize that as God’s grace too. If you see God in everything, your life will become wonderful."

🔹 "Realize that anything you experience in this Life l just a ‘test’ for you by God. It is not a bad experience. If it is considered as a bad experience then it would mean that God is not compassionate. If you experience a problem, consider it an opportunity for you to face it and come out of it. You’ve been given people, wealth and confidence to face challenges. If you understand this, your confidence will improve. Just to test your confidence God gives you a test."

🔹 "If you realize that anything you experience is a test for you by God, then you’ll be able to think deep about the problem and handle it in a better way. You’ll understand its result. Then you’ll have no fear."

🔹 "If you understand the above 6 truths, then there will be an enormous transformation in your body. From then on, you’ll not only have compassion, but you’ll become that ‘compassion’.If you follow these, your relationships would improve. It’ll be filled with love. If you attain this stage you are ready for the ‘operation’ I mentioned. You’ll experience the divine grace experienced by saints like Ramana, Adishankara. You’ll have no fear or sorrow. You’ll have only Joy. Don’t try to analyze this logically. Our aim is Mukthi. If you follow these truths for even 21 days, you’ll be joyful. The problem with us is we spread just the sorrow and sufferings. That’s why Earth is dying. After you experience Joy and Happiness you’ll be able to spread only Joy and Happiness to others.Question: By becoming aware of the doubts, can we remove those doubts?Answer: You can to a large extent but still the brain will again jump into that mode. For that you must have control over these three energies. Suppose your house has got a north east cut, then the blaming mode will be highly activated. The north-east cut will activate the manipura chakra in a particular way and the brain will always be blaming. So, the house vastu is also equally important. Chakra dhyana is very important . Otherwise there is absolutely no control. Your mind is taking you for a ride.To do Chakra Dhyana you should be at least twelve years of age. Pranayama can be taught, but not pranakriyas. Ajneya chakra dhyana can be taught to children.Question: Why does the mind always go towards negative thoughts and negative things?Answer: You live in a world where the whole system is so structured. See, your negative thoughts are not your thoughts. That’s the fundamental teaching of the Dharma. So, like in TV depending on the channel you are switching on, you attract certain programmes.In this thought sphere there are also both negative and positive programmes. Depending on the way your chakras are aligned, you start attracting negative thoughts. If the channel is changed, you start attracting positive thoughts. So, you are not really responsible for that as you tend to blame your self. As I told you, you are like a robot, a computer. You are being programmed continuously from the thought sphere or the earth’s magnetic field. So, if you do certain kind of dhyanas, we can realign the chakras, whereby it will automatically turn into positive thoughts.One terrible thing is the media of today. In the newspaper and magazines they must also publish positive things. But everywhere they talk only about accidents, murder, looting, cheating. The whole thing is negative. As these inputs are going into you, the chakras acquire a specific kind of alignment. Thereafter you start turning only to the negative things in the thought sphere. That is the problem with our society. You must talk more positive things. You must have newspapers where there will be separate pages only for positive things or TV channels where they will be allotted only for positive news. If that goes on, the chakras will be realigned. That’s why you must speak positively to children and not allow them to see all kinds of TV programmes, newspapers and magazines. Because that is a part of the problem.Question: Negative thoughts are one of the problems we are facing. How to come out of it and how to come out of the sensual pleasures seeking of the mind and how to focus the mind?Answer: You should have noticed very often that you have no control over your thoughts. Thoughts seem to be simply flowing into you and taking control of you. You’ll sometimes find strange thoughts, which you do not like, flowing into you. If you would investigate, you will see that they are actually not your thoughts. That’s why, one of the fundamental teachings of the Dharma is “Your thoughts are not your thoughts”. Just as you breathe in and breathe out air, from the atmosphere, similarly we breathe in thoughts and breathe out thoughts from what could be called the “thoughts sphere”. So, we generally take in thoughts through the Ajneya chakra and then we also broadcast thoughts from the back of your head from a spot called the bindu. So we receive as well as we transmit and the thoughts sphere is thousands of years old where all the memories of all human beings who have lived for the past several thousands of years, not millions of years but probably eleven to twelve thousand years. The thoughts are stored there and these thoughts flow through you. They are not exactly your thoughts, they are the thoughts of the whole of humanity that has lived from the past 11 or 12 thousand years and they continue to flow through you and that influences you.Now what kind of thoughts flow through you depends upon how your chakras are aligned. Like if you have a TV set, if you change the channel, you get a different programme. So, these chakras when aligned in a particular way they form an antenna, which sucks in these thought from the thought sphere.Now, if it is wrongly tuned in, you are likely to get a lot of negative thoughts. If it is properly tuned you might get positive thoughts or you could get a mixture of both. Vastu for example, the house in which you live will directly affect your chakras from which you start receiving certain kinds of thoughts. So, in case you are getting too many negative thoughts, you might have to check the vastu of your house and then you have to do chakra dhyan and get them properly aligned. Then, from the thought sphere you will get more positive thoughts and if more positive thoughts come in, the mind will become more focussed. Negative thoughts have a tendency of keeping the mind unfocussed. Positive thoughts help the mind to be focussed and to get these positive thoughts you must have your chakras properly aligned. So, one of the things we will be doing for you in the yajnas is to help you to have your chakras aligned. Properly."

Bhagavan! Please tell us Bhagavan, what is HELP. Is that statement correct, which says that help - it is if someone asks for help or when  you get a positive response to the offering of  help. What if the person for some reasons never asks for help and never accepts it, due to his views, because he thinks that he has to give something in back for help he accepts? What is this something that he can give back could be? Does it have to be something material or it could be sincere gratitude, or maybe a prayer for the person who helped? And what kind of changes occur on the level of so-called karmic connections? Or is it so that while accepting help it is necessary to come to an agreement who owes, what owes and how much owes? And what to do with a sense of duty? Thank you.

Bhagavan: Yes, when one can help and when one feels he must help, then he must help. If he does not help, he acquires negative karma. At least first of all you must be in position to help, you must feel in your heart, that you must help. When these two conditions are fulfilled, you have got to help. If you do not help, you acquire the negative karma. Then suppose you are in need of help and you know somebody could help, then you must ask that person for help. If you do not ask that person for help, then also you acquire negative karma. I once again repeat, if you need help, and if you know that somebody could help, and if you do not ask for help, you acquire negative karma. Then when you’ve taken help from somebody, you must complete that karmic cycle. You must help that person or give similar help to some other person if you can. If you cannot that is all right. Please help either the same way you have received help, or in any other material form or at least as gratitude. That is how the cycle is completed. If you do not complete the cycle, then you acquire negative karma. If you’ve taken help from somebody, and if you are not returning that help in some form or the other, the least be gratitude, then also you acquire negative karma.

Bhagavan, how would the temple you are building affect the whole of humanity, Bhagavan?

"This temple that we are building has a special kind of structure, built on a very special place. That is after 64,000 people are enlightened, thousands of them would come there, sit there and meditate.

So when that happens, let us say out of the 64,000 who have made it, six or seven thousand people would be meditating in those halls and, the remaining would be giving Deeksha in the world. So their Deeksha would be very powerful, because these groups are meditating here.

Then after sometime this group would go out and, newer group would come in. So it is like the power generator, with so many highly enlightened people, all in the same hall. That is why, it is a
pillar less hall, with a very special design.

So as you keep meditating, it is like power supply, which goes into the people who are giving Deeksha outside and helps mankind to become enlightened very fast. So, this temple is being specially built for the specific purpose of enlightening mankind."

💕Sri Bhagwan - In higher  mystical states we can clearly see how time and space are a mere illusion. Past lives do not mean they happened in the past. Past lives can be happening right now concurrently. But you have to be a great mystic to see that it is really amazing. We would be loading several lives at the same time, not only in different realms but also on the same planet. It is not that you are only a single body. You could be in many bodies at the same time. One body of yours be in Germany, another body could be in USA, another could be in Africa, another could be in India at the same time. It is very difficult to understand this intellectually, but mystically one can see it clearly. Not only that, it could exists in several realms at the same time. We have about 21realms. If one is awakened in  all the realms then in India one is called Paramahamsa. Paramahamsa means awakened in all realms. The actually reality is very difficult form what we think it is. We are great and vast beings. Not the small being think you are. But as you go on the path  all these things will become very clear to you and it will bring a great transformation.

Please give me some tips on how to be perfect? I am trying so hard.

Sri Amma: 
Do not waste your life seeking perfection. Anger and frustration would be the result of such a search. You would loose all peace. Who or what on earth is perfect? Despite all your efforts do you have perfect thoughts? Even the most transformed of people have doubt, fear and anger lurking in their minds. Take a look at the body. Is it perfect? The most aromatic foods produce stench when purged from the body.

Think further. Could you ever say you have made the perfect decision or have chosen the perfect course of action in any given situation? Impossible. Where is perfection? Creation itself is imperfect. Over millions of years, nature has been experimenting with every form of life including the human body. When creation itself is so structured, is not your craving for perfection in people and situations a madness? Ultimately are you perfect? Give up the idea of perfection; all is perfect.

What is the Presence?

"Suppose there is an ant. That ant has individual consciousness. Suppose there are two individual ants, then a third ant very naturally emerges. You could call it the “collective ant.” Now, if you were to place, let us say, three pyramids together, three triangles, the fourth triangle automatically emerges as the base triangle.

Similarly, the moment you have two individual consciousnesses, you have a third one which you could call the “collective ant.” There are ten. All the ten put together there arises a collective ant. This collective ant, its intelligence, its power, is far, far superior to that of the individual ant. And where is this ant? It is everywhere among those ten ants and nowhere. Now let us look at the antaryamin of this collective ant; it is very protective about the ant species wherever they are in the world. This happens to snakes. This happens to deer. This happens to cattle.

We have birds flying down from Siberia to a place called Vedanthangal in Tamil Nadu. As these birds fly in, there is a particular gentleman there who has been authorized by the government to arrest anybody trying to shoot a bird or has a bird. The government has passed laws. These birds come all the way from Siberia and the moment somebody comes up with a gun or wants to stoop to pick up a bird, the birds fly 3-4 kilometers away from the place to this man’s house and circle it. So this man knows the birds are in danger and he goes there. Now, how do the birds know the government has passed such a law? The collective bird consciousness is fully aware of it.

And when they build nests, they build them at a particular height depending on what’s going to be the rainfall that particular year. So when the farmers watch the height of the nests, then accordingly they install paddy or groundnuts. So if the birds are very low, the nests are very low, they go for groundnuts. The rainfall is going to be less. If the nests are very high, they go for paddy because the rainfall is going to be high. Now, not the best people in the world know what is going to be the rainfall. But the birds know very much.

So we can go through a number of examples where you could be with the collective consciousness. Like if you take all our campuses, you’ll find the snakes are very rarely visible and they would not strike anybody. That’s because we have done special pujas (ceremonies). We have spoken to the collective snake consciousness that all the people here should not be affected, and the agreement is that we will not kill them. And that’s how it works 

So you have different collective consciousnesses. So the ant collective consciousness is the ant god. The deer collective consciousness is the deer god. The fish god - you have all these people. And whenever you enter into an agreement you will see it clearly works. For rats you can enter into an agreement with Ganesha and the rats won’t trouble you.

Similarly, there is a collective human consciousness; this is the Presence which comes into you. You can call it also a God. And God is being protective of you like a father and mother. Very, very protective, nonjudgmental, very kind, very compassionate, very concerned. This collective human consciousness comes into you as the Presence."

Beloved Sri Bhagavan, Today's Children are Stuck in All Sorts of Problems?
What is the Role of the Vidhya Homa?

⚜ SRI BHAGAVAN : Most Problems Children have is the Result of Wrong Programming E.g. A Caesarian Baby Would have that in his Programming & This Would Reflect in Some Aspect of his Life like Marriage.
At Oneness, Most of Our Work is Focused on Changing this Program. 

When the Program Changes a Previously UnIntelligent Child Would Become Extremely Intelligent & Extremely Focused. Basically, When the Brain Beats Slowly this happens & Then You can Excel in Academics Easily. Intelligence is Focused on Particularly.

Vidhya Homa's Sankalpa is to Give Health, Wealth & Intelligence to Each of You & For you to Excel in Academics, That is the Way We can Build the Country.
Oneness Sankalpa is to Give :
🔸1. ) Wealth - Because Without Wealth 
                           You Cannot do Anything.
🔸2.) Health
🔸3.) Relationships - In this Order & So on.. When the Program Changes, Your Life Changes. This Change Happens Naturally at the Homa.

There is No Need for a Mystical Dimension. Simply People Come, Sit at the Homa, Listen or Just Hear & The Program will be Changed 😇😇

What is a phenomenon?

"A phenomenon is something which is unexplainable, un-understandable, significant, unique and extraordinary."

"There have been physical phenomena, scientific phenomena, spiritual phenomena etc. occurring throughout history.  The year 1989 saw the emergence of the Oneness Phenomenon. The advent of this phenomenon happened on July the 19th, 1989 at Satyaloka, now known as Mukteeswaram. Throughout human history, man has been trying to reach out to the higher source and power which could help man in all his endeavours. Oneness phenomenon came as an answer to this search."

"This phenomenon formed the fountainhead for millions of people across the globe. For the last twenty seven years, people from all walks of life, young and old, men, women and children have been coming to the World Oneness University, to have a miracle, to fulfil desires, to have a change of heart and much more.  They get redeemed of their physical and mental afflictions, discovering causeless love and joy."

Bhagwan, how is the country's prosperity linked with the enlightenment of people?

💕Sri Bhagwan:  There are a lot of mental blocks especially for the Indians, which is making this country such a poor country. As we become enlightened, these mental blocks would disappear and with the disappearance of the mental blocks , the very thinking would change and the country would naturally become prosperous. What is the problem with  India?  The thinking is defective. The mind set has to be changed. Somehow we have begun to worship poverty, we seem to relish failure, we seem to glorify all these negative things I do not want to go into where exactly it started in history. There was a point of time when all this began in India. Before that you must know India was very very healthy country. If you read about Marco Polo's travels in India, he says, if you meet somebody and give him a huge amount of gold, even if you come back after ten years, the man would return it. Nobody would cheat you. That was the wealth of the country.  So how did it become so poor? Something went wrong with the thinking. I have  spoken about this earlier. Once the thinking changes, you automatically become prosperous. Poverty starts in the mind.

Sri Bhagavan on the importance of showing gratitude

The universe is so structured that if somebody has helped you in some way and you express gratitude, that means the heart is functioning. If the heart is functioning, you will naturally express gratitude. If there is no gratitude, it means something is wrong with the heart.  So first thing is if there is no gratitude, you must see what is wrong with your heart. 

So, when gratitude comes, the heart sends out a signal which is received by the person who has helped you.  And when that person has received that signal, what happens is much more blessings come to you from that person. Suppose let us say you want somebody to bless you,  let's say your mother, father, or grandfather. You may go and tell, I am going to the exam and please bless me and they will bless. But suppose you fall at their feet. There are some energy channels in the feet. As you fall, you press the feet. And these energy channels are connected into their heart. And from their heart, the blessing comes out. 

Similarly when you express gratitude, it goes straight into the heart of the person who has helped you and you will get much more blessings from that person. That is the advantage you have. From a functional level, you  know that the heart is okay, which means it is also healthy.  If the heart is expressing gratitude, as an organ it is healthy. Otherwise, something is wrong with the heart.
The other thing is you immensely gain from more blessings. The more and more blessings you gain from people, it is entered into your bank account. Just like you have your bank account, there is good karma account and bad karma account. And this is noted into the good karma account. Tomorrow when there is a problem and you pray,  what I will do is I will take from the good karma account and solve your problem.

If let us say, there is no good karma, then I take it from your father's account, your mother's account or some other account. If nobody has got, then I take it from the cosmic account.So it has to be taken from some account. Otherwise we cannot do a miracle, we cannot really help you. So by expressing gratitude, your own account is getting big. So it will help me to help you in the future.

Dear Bhagwan, What is a phenomenon?

💟💟Sri Bhagwan:  A phenomenon is something which is unexplainable, un-understandable, significant, unique and extraordinary.

There have been physical phenomena, scientific phenomena, spiritual phenomena etc. occurring throughout history.  The year 1989 saw the emergence of the Oneness Phenomenon. The advent of this phenomenon happened on July the 19th, 1989 at Satyaloka, now known as Mukteeswaram. Throughout human history, man has been trying to reach out to the higher source and power which could help man in all his endeavours. Oneness phenomenon came as an answer to this search.

This phenomenon formed the fountainhead for millions of people across the globe. For the last twenty seven years, people from all walks of life, young and old, men, women and children have been coming to the World Oneness University, to have a miracle, to fulfil desires, to have a change of heart and much more.  They get redeemed of their physical and mental afflictions, discovering causeless love and joy.

Bhagavn, when I see the Srimurthi, something attracts me. What is the secret behind this Bhagavan?

💝 Sri Bhagavan:

 "I am in the Srimurthi. You must now that I am alive in the Srimurthi. It is not a mere picture. Sometimes blood could come out of the Srimurthi in case you have been saved somewhere. It is a living picture. It has life. There are Srimurthis which weep, there are Srimurthis which laugh. Two Bhagavans could actually talk also. They have distinct personalities having lived with you. His Bhagavan would acquire a particular personality; Your Bhagavan would acquire a different personality, and they could be talking also. Sometimes you could tune into what they are talking. It is a living thing. That is why you feel the Presence so much. Of course some Srimurthis could be deserted also. They would be lifeless, if not worshiped or regarded"

Sri Bhagavan about teachings

As far as the teachings are concerned, you must understand that what the teaching says is something which you are not. You must not try to follow the teaching. You must constantly see how it is not true for you. Seeing how it is not true for you is the practice. Let us say the teaching says you have to love all that is. Your role is to see that you do not love all that is. Seeing the truth that you do not love all that is, is the process. But if you practice love you are far away from the truth. That is not the process.

"Problems keep you engaged in the game of becoming."

Sri Amma Bhagavan: "In this world, there is no problem. Everything is perfect the way it is. It is you who are not satisfied with what is there. You want the world to change which is actually not possible since the perception within you should change.."

Sri Bhagavan on the importance of inner integrity

The most powerful spiritual truth is truth. But we are not speaking about external truth. You have to survive in this untruthful world; therefore, you cannot take the chances with external truth.

We are referring to inner truth, that is to see what is going on inside you, being truthful to yourself. The most important thing is to be true to yourself. You must truly know who you are. Whatever is there is not important. Are you seeing what is there?  That is all that is important. If you could do that, all the Oneness teachings are your teachings. You would discover them for yourself.  All that we talk about as awakening, transformation, and all those things  automatically come to you.

If you try to get awakened or transformed, that is not going to work. What will work is inner integrity. It is the most powerful truth.

The first thing in the process of awakening is inner integrity. You have to be completely honest about yourself to yourself. It does not matter who you are or what you are. What is important is – can you confront yourself? Can you face yourself? Can you be honest? Can you be authentic with yourself?

Since most people have never been honest with themselves this is easier said than done. You are frightened of yourselves. You don’t want to see this about yourselves. You would like to put all the internal ugliness under the carpet. That is not really going to help you.

The moment there is integrity, your link with the Lord is firmly established. It is very easy for the Grace to flow. When there is no inner integrity, the contact is not clear. It becomes very difficult to give you Grace.  

God is very eager to give Grace to anybody and everybody. However, the problem is with regard to the connection. If the connection is well established, it is more like a telecom line; it is proper if there is inner integrity. That is how it helps you. That is why, in fact, you could yourself do miracles if there is inner integrity.

What is the difference between desires of heart and desires of the mind?

Sri Bhagavan:"2500 years ago, Buddha gave up desires, gave up his kingdom, did penance, got enlightenment.His message to the world was, desire is the root cause of suffering, give up desires. Buddha actually made two statements.

The desires of the heart are perfectly fine. The desires of the mind should be given up. Your desires must come from the heart. I will fulfill them.

If you feel, how nice it will be to go in a car. If this desire is from the heart, it is going to be fulfilled - be 100% sure. Suppose your neighbor is going in a nice car, and you desire for a better car, it is from the mind. It is not good. It cannot be fulfilled, so you must discover the desires of your heart.

The desire of mind is born out of comparison, out of jealous and such other factors, will that from the heart is not because of any comparison or jealousy or any insecurity or anything he just loves doing it...he just loves to play the violin he just play that, that’s all not because he wants to become world’s most famous violinist, if such things are not there. Its just because he like to play the violin then is obviously from the heart....so .....

Since we have never allowed the heart to flower. It’s a bit difficult to experience it. because children are never allowed to be themselves, but if you start with inner integrity soon the heart would flower & you will see a clear difference in your life you will see joy has come back, you will feel so happy, you look at people you will be so happy you will never feel Sick with people very often you get sick with people but the moment you see a person you get energy that means the heart is active, when you see a human being, whoever the person is you must get energy you know, that means the heart is opened up & then the desires would arise up from the heart, its only then you are a human being not otherwise."

How can I  end my suffering ?                                           
SRI BHAGAVAN: "Suffering is not in the situation, in the fact, but in the perception of the fact. There is a common belief in the world today that we can transform a situation by changing it. That is called situation content. We think by transforming the content that we are going to be happy with it. But in reality the situation has nothing to do with your happiness or your sadness. It is in the way you look at the situation--the way you perceive the situation.

Very often when something has happened which you did not expect, which you don't like or appreciate, the situation has long passed but you still carry the situation inside of you. You are constantly questioning the situation with, "Why? Why did this happen to me? What could I have done differently?" And you try to offer many explanations as to why it happened to you.

You see, the suffering is not caused from the situation itself, but in the way you are questioning the situation, in your inability to accept the situation, and all the reasons you think this happened to you. It is impossible in the current state of the world, and with all the karma, that one can become completely free of all problems.

Problems are bound to be there, for anybody and everybody--whether they be rich or poor, educated or uneducated, or of any class or location. Problems can be there but there is no reason for one to suffer, because the situation--the problem--intrinsically does not contain any suffering. When you reach a level of consciousness where you can accept situations in life fully, by being alive to the situation, no matter what the situation is, you will be happy. 

Oneness Experience can help you reach that level.Jesus Christ felt enormous love and compassion. The Buddha was in the state of immense peace and tranquility because his brain was wired differently. If you want to feel that peace, if you want to feel that love, it's possible when the changes happen in the physical, gray matter of your own brain. Then it's possible for you to experience that love and peace. That's what oneness experience does.

There is not too much to explain about oneness experience because it is not a technique. It is an act of Grace. When oneness experience is given, there is a neurobiological transformation which leads to love, peace, bliss--whatever you are really looking for, including an end to suffering.Awakening, or whatever you want to call that state, is not a psychological process. It's a biological process. If it were a psychological process then surely by practicing a technique it would be possible to achieve. Since it's not a psychological process, it would be impossible to get there by using a teaching or a technique.

There is no singular definition of awakening, but the way we understand awakening is that it is a state where all suffering has ended--all psychological suffering, and all existential suffering. You live your life with no more sense of isolation. You feel a part of everything; you feel everything is a part of you. There is the experience of connectedness, and you don't feel separated from others. So when we speak of awakening, we talk of this experience where all division has ended inside, where the sense of separate existence is gone. When oneness experience is given, you will find whatever it is that you have been seeking."

Dear Bhagavan, why success doesn’t come to me despite my efforts?

💕 Sri Bhagavan: "The universe is so structured that you should normally get what you want. You do not get those things because of what we call the program. Oneness process alters the program and you become successful in life. Oneness is not anti this world. Oneness is all for wealth, for fulfilling ones desires and having material pleasures. But it doesn’t stop there. It moves further onto liberation. Because, worldly pleasure is transient; and certainly it’s only pleasure it’s not joy. To get joy you must be liberated. But first we focus on worldly things and then on liberation"

Sri Bhagavan on  the purpose of life

"You are here basically for three things. All of you have come here to learn and to evolve. You planned this life before you were born. Your entire life as you are living it now, was shown to you and you agreed to come down. You wanted to have these experiences to learn something and grow spiritually. You must discover that purpose. In the programs conducted here, it is possible to discover the purpose for which you were born.

Secondly, during the process of learning, God would also make use of you for some purpose of His. God is building a house and is using you as His worker. He uses you to carry bricks, do masonry work and build the house. During this process, God gives you your wages whereby you and your family live happily. These wages are the insights that you get in Life. From your point of view this furthers your learning process. From God's point of view, you are helping Him fulfill His mission for this planet.

Thirdly, the ultimate purpose of life is to become one with God. Your whole life is so structured to push you in that direction. If every event in your life were thoroughly understood and experienced as an action from God, you would move close to God. Ultimately you become one with God.

That is the purpose of life."

Dear Bhagwan, I love and benefit your teachings meanwhile I like Buddhist pictures. I have a question, Bhagwan: What is the difference between Oneness, Buddhism and other faiths? How can I balance and make choice?

Sri Bhagwan:- "Oneness is not some independent thing. The essence of Oneness is freedom. You could choose whatever teaching you want. You could choose whatever teacher you want. You could choose whatever  practice you want. Oneness would help you to realize those teachings. It could be Buddhist, or Taoist, or Islamic or Christian teaching. Or it could be your own teaching through a change your brain. We are essentially rewiring your brain. That is all we  do. The choice is yours."

Awareness has its own action?

There has been a doubt in a lot of people that if we keep watching and being aware of what is going on in the mind, we may become function less, lazy, irresponsible, non productive etc. in the external world. The answer is no. As you see in this teaching, Awareness has its own action. Awareness gives birth to learning. Hence, intelligence flowers. On the other hand, when there is no awareness, there is failure of intelligence and one tends to make mistakes since fear, insecurity, jealousy, hatred etc shall be predominant. Therefore, they will rule your lives.

When there is awareness, there is clarity and focus.  Unlearning happens and learning takes place. Growth is inevitable. Fear goes away and courage comes in.

Sri Bhagavan says transformation is necessary and we should never change and there is no need to change. Would you please throw light on this?

Answer: Let’s say a husband and wife come to see Bhagavan and the husband says, “Please change my wife. She is such a nagger and is always pointing out my mistakes. Even if I give explanations, she is never satisfied and she continues to point out my mistakes. Please bless her and change her so that she stops nagging.”Then the wife says, “Please change my husband. He always dominates and irritates me. He never does things properly, so please change him.”
So, Bhagavan says yes to both. He promises the wife that her husband will be changed and he promises the husband that his wife will be changed or transformed. What Bhagavan means by transformation is not that the wife will change or that the husband will change, that is, that the wife will stop nagging and the husband will stop dominating, but he means that a transformation will happen within them.
The wife has been thinking that the husband has to stop dominating, but then she will start accepting whatever or however the husband is. Similarly, the husband will also accept the wife as she is.Transformation is internal. It is not in the external. It is not reformation. Reformation is in the external world and transformation is in the internal world.
Now, in the internal world the principles are different. If the husband wants the wife to stop nagging, he will accept her nagging. The nagging which used to be hell for him, will be joy and love for him. He will start loving. There will be a change in the way he will look at things. That will be his transformation. So, he can love anything and everything in this world.That is the transformation that Bhagavan is talking about and not that the wife and the husband will change in the external world.To answer the second part of the question, Bhagavan does not say that there is no need to change and we should not change. He instead says that if you can discover the futility of trying to change then you will be appeased.

By this he means that the inner struggle of trying to change yourself, that same struggle has to stop. It will stop once you accept yourself as you are or start loving yourself however you are. This is again transformation. There is no contradiction, at all.

How to keep the positive energy?

Sri Bhagavan: "Very often the problem you talk about is the created problem, not the real problem. The real problem is inside. To get the real problem, you must practice inner integrity. The moment you get to the real problem, you will very naturally turn to the positive energies. Thereafter it will be very difficult to tune into the negative energies. The mind and consciousness automatically fill with positive energy. As a result, you will find that your relationships and conditioning will grow. All things will be starting to grow.

If you do this, you'll be getting to the real problem and the energies not only inside you but around you will change and you will have very positive and beneficial effects."

Dear Bhagavan! I am not able to talk to my Divine. I am talking, but Divine is not answering neither directly nor through signs. The Divine seems to be busy, and He isn’t answering as to why there is no answer. I started feeling lonely because of that. I also don’t know what is the right way to pray because no one taught me. Also, I don’t understand whether it is correct to ask the Divine for something material. Doesn’t the Divine know better what I really want and need?

SRI BHAGAVAN: "You have got to interact with the Divine. You must learn to talk to the Divine like you talk to a person. Please try it during a Oneness Meditation. Once the Presence comes in, it will automatically start. You cannot hand over everything to the Divine and say “the Divine will take care of” – No. You and the Divine have got to interact together to create whatever you want. Of course, the Divine knows better, but you must interact. You get what you want. If you are indifferent, the Divine also will be indifferent. You and the Divine are two ends of the same reality. Interaction is a must. So please maintain a notebook where you record all your interactions and keep attending Oneness Meditations."

How to cultivate love and compassion"? 

"Oneness is all about stay with the truth. The truth is you don't have connection with the divine. The truth is you are not compassionate. The truth is you are not loving. What Oneness says is look at the fact and stay with the fact and do not do anything. It's the do-nothing teaching. Now for example oneness does not believe in cultivating virtue. That is you do not have love in you but you practice love. You do not have kindness but you practice kindness you do not have truthfulness but you practice truth. Now with cultivating it is not true at all. Either you are loving or you are not loving. Oneness talk about real truthfulness, natural truthfulness, natural compassion, natural love, natural kindness, whatever you want. How do you get it? By simply looking at the fact that is not there. That is the truth. Truth has its own power."

Dear Bhagavan, we heard you say that if in order to get the result of our prayer, our request, we have to visualize it very clearly and exactly. And if the result did not come, maybe our visualization was not clear enough. I have a difficulty visualizing things. I can have clear verbal ideas, but I can not have a clear visualization or image in my mind. Also, giving deekshas, we were told that it would be good to visualize golden liquid flowing from our hands, and I could not do that. Is there anything I can do to get a better power of visualization?

"Visualization is real power. But in case you are not able to do that, you could intensify your feelings. You can substitute visualization through intense feelings and gradually you may be able to visualize too. But in case you are not able to do that, there’s nothing to worry, you could keep increasing your feelings. If they become more intense, they could do the job of visualization."

Bhagavan you have said, “The one appears as the many, we do not say that the one becomes the many.” Please can you explain the concrete difference between appears and becomes. What exactly does this difference between appears and becomes mean? How does this difference concretely expresses itself at human being and in the emerging universe and on our earth?

SRI BHAGAVAN: "Now you feel that you are separated from the other, you are separated from that wall or that pillar there or that door there and a family is separated from the other. Now the strangest thing is, the moment the sensory coordination is slowed down, instantly you find that you are not separated from the other, in fact, you are the other. That does not mean you become the wall or the tree there. What happens is, here we give a teaching, "the observer is the observed". That is, there is no more the bird, the me, the I. What is there is the pillar, the door, the wall, that is all that is there. And that defines you. The only way to say that you are there is the hall, these pillars, those people, the others define you. In that sense only the other exists. You do not exist. And all that is there, you are all that. So instantly the sense of separation has gone.

There's a wall, there's a door, there's the room, there are the people, they all were separated from you, instantly it's gone. All that is there is only one. 

The pillar is no different from the door. It is appearing as  though it was separate, but in truth it's not separate. There's this slight slowing down of the senses, it’s all gone. 

But there is another state, the kundalini still fires higher up, then you would actually feel that you are the wall. You feel it, you became the wall. If there is an animal passing you are the animal breathing.That is a super state. We are not going to super states. We are going to simple awakening, simple enlightenment where you are not there. All that is there is there. That's the oneness we are talking about. And there is no more the illusion of the separation, the illusion is gone, a trick that the brain plays. The brain is the trickster. It's tricking you into believing that it’s all separate, but it's not."

Dear Bhagavan, Please guide us on how we could understand and value of plant life and animal life around us and how to live in harmony with them?

SRI BHAGAVAN: "As you grow in your levels of consciousness and your consciousness expands, it includes animal life, plant life, and then, the whole earth itself."

How does a person who relate to the divine as the Universe create a personal relationship to their Antaryamin?

SRI BHAGAVAN: "Well, if you are simply going to say "the Universe" you can´t do that. You must reduce the Universe to a person, a human person. As we are humans you must reduce the Universe to a human being. That is when it is possible to relate, not otherwise.So many years ago there was a boy in Nemam, one of our centers. It was very cold and he was praying that the water must become hot. So what happened he was simply saying "Bhagavan, Bhagavan, Bhagavan".

But that means nothing. And finally he shouted "Apa" in his language, it means father, and the water became hot. "Father" means he was able to estalish a bond, a relationship. So if you simply say "Universe, Universe, Universe" nothing is going to happen. You have to manage, to reduce the universe to a physical being. Only then it is possible."

How to get out of any problem?

SRI BHAGWAN: "It is very simple to get to the problem. 
Just relax in your own house, your own bedroom, on your own bed, usually before you go to bed. Then you go into the hypnogogic state, which is in between the waking and the sleeping state. When you get there, invoke Amma and Bhagavan, take a direct deeksha from the Sri Murti. 

Tell Amma and Bhagavan "please, show us where are we stuck?" And like a tape we will play it for you, we will show you where you are stuck, what happened to you, at what time, how, when and why this is happening now. If you see it clearly, the problem gets solved.

Sometimes, even if you see, it may not get solved, then you ask "Please Amma and Bhagavan, set this right" . We will give you a totally new experience. And when you change the experience, your  life will change here. For example, like I said, you are trying to start a business. How much your time, still nothing is happening. 

Everything is perfect, in which case, maybe when you were being delivered you had gone back for half an hour or a hour and then you got delivered.  For such people, things will get enormously delayed here, the bank loans will be delayed, your orders will get delayed, something will get stuck somewhere, and something will come around and stop you. In this case, you have to go inside, take Amma and Bhagavan's help, re-experience your delivery.

Now, if you do that, it will be most likely solved because you have asked Amma and Bhagavan to give you a fresh experience. In that case, exact delivery will be replayed, this time not going back but straight going out fast.  That happens, then, next day, in 24 hours, the loan will be sanctioned. 

And so we say, the inner world affects the external world. So these things you can do by yourselves, all that is required is a good bond with AmmaBhagwan."

How can we enjoy the life?

SRI BHAGAVAN:"Everybody is Constantly Trying to Understand, Analyse, Judge Others While Struggling to Change the Other Person.

Unfortunately, People fail to Realize that this is Impossible as All of You are Like Computers Who have been Programmed & Hence have No Free Will of Your Own. Your Past Lives, Birth Traumas, Childhood, Education, Culture & All Your Conditionings are in Possession of You & Your Lives. Your Life Flows According to Program.

So, When You are Trying to Understand & Change the Other Person ; It is Only One Program Trying to Alter Another Program. This Game Goes on From Birth to Death. Supposing You are Going to a Movie Everyday, Hoping that there will be a New Ending, A New Climax. Will it Really Change? All of You are Trying to Change Each Other in the Same Way!
What You Need to do is Experience the Other Person Fully.

When the Husband Returns Home to find his Wife Screaming; He must Experience her like Watching a Movie or Drinking a Glass of Juice. What happend? Why it happend? Why is her Nature that Way Cannot be Really Known. 

"If You Experience in Everything – Life Becomes Joy"!!

Sometimes I feel guilty about fulfilling my desires, what should I do?

Sri Bhagavan: "You have to really live life. If you enjoy your food, enjoy it. If you love driving, drive the car. That's how you have got to live. Be intensely aware of what is going on. If you suppress these things you are not going to become spiritual, you are not going to become awakened. Maybe you become a saint. We are not hoping or waiting to make you into saints. We are trying to become awakened. A saint may not be awakened. A saint may not be enlightened. We are talking of awakened beings or the enlightened beings. So it’s very different.

Desires are a property of the mind. We are not the same, but we’re all connected. We are all one. We are actually a collective being. These desires are thrown into us by the collective. Your problem is that you identify yourself with your desire, your thoughts, your emotions and feelings. As you begin to identify less and less, seeing the what is becomes very easy. What you must understand is that this desire is coming into you. You are not in any way responsible for that. The problem is that you think the desire is wrong. You have been repeatedly told, “the desires are wrong,  please give up the desires.” That is the problem. But the collective mind is wanting you to fulfill that desire. There is nothing wrong in your fulfilling your desires. It’s the easiest way to grow if you could fulfill your desires.

However, there are many ways to grow. You could also deny all your desires and become somebody who has given up everything.  But Oneness is more for fulfillment of desires. Fulfilling your desires is the easiest way to grow. Creation of wealth is not at all bad. Creation of wealth, in fact, helps everyone. Wealth creation leads to fulfillment. Fulfillment leads to transformation. Transformation leads to Freedom. Freedom leads to Awakening. And Awakening leads to God Realization. If you are focused on wealth creation, you are doing a Spiritual Sadhana.  

So you don't have to think about why you came to the planet. Whatever your natural desires are fulfill them. If you do this, very naturally you will know why you came here. But when trying to know why you came here, you will never get there. By denying yourself, you will never get there. Express yourself, enjoy yourself. Be aware and you will know all these things."

How to create wealth in life?          

Sri Bhagavan:"I have always maintained that the brain has got to change. That's one thing. Now, how to change the brain? Now, you must keep reviewing your life as often as possible from the date in which you have your memories. It can be three years or four years or five years, go on reviewing your life up to the current day and as you are reviewing your life learn to take a positive look at things, what all good things have happened to you. And even the negative things somehow you must learn to see it positively because you definitely must have learnt something from that in life. So your whole year of life must become positive.

For what all you have got please keep focusing on that and keep expressing gratitude to the Parmatma for whatever has happened. Now, even the negative things you must learn to see positively. Once this happens, the brain changes and you get, you acquire wealth consciousness. Then what happens is signals are sent out from the brain, actual signals are sent out to people at other situations, if you are somebody who is wanting wealth. And that will start moving, and then you will begin to see opportunities. Where there is nothing there you will see an opportunity called wealth. And then not only that, what you call luck begins to happen. Your whole world has changed now. It has become totally different. You see everything in a positive way. Your life has become very beautiful and that everything has happened for your well being. The whole attitude has changed. All the programs, the blocks, everything change along with that. And then the same thing you are sending out signals, somebody from America, China or Russia, may pick up the signal, may do something, and then suddenly something may happen to you here or some neighbor will help you.

Wealth has the tendency to come to you if desired, it will come. You used to feel it didn't because of your way of thinking. So you have only poverty consciousness but you must acquire wealth consciousness. Instead of seeing the glass half empty you see the glass half full. That's all. Same with the bond, same with the affection and then most probably in seven days you begin to see the effects."

Why has Deeksha come at this time?

Sri Bhagwan:Deeksha has come at a time when our planet is going through a major evolutionary transition; this is impacting our environment as well as our individual and collective consciousness. We are all connected to this process of purification and rejuvination, in effect, we are this process! In harmony with this transition, Indian Sage and living Avatar, Sri Bhagavan, has initiated the Mukthi (Enlightenment) Deeksha as an aid to our evolution into the collective Oneness State.

Dear Sri Bhagavan is Your Main Purpose to Have the Whole World Enlightened ?

SRI BHAGAVAN : Obviously Yes It is. It is History. Man in his Natural State in Enlightened. That is How He is Supposed to be & That's How They are Made & That's Why Our Left Cerebral Cortex That Part of the Brain has Space Where by We can get in Touch With the Cosmic Consciousness.

 But Then Owing to Certain Factors Man has Lost that State. AmmaBhagavan is Trying to Give back that State to Man, This State of Enlightenment to All of Humanity. These Factors are - In this Cosmos There are Several Planets & Planes Where there is Life & Life is beautiful. Only in Very Few Places Things are going Wrong as it is going wrong with the Earth. To Put it Short and in a Way to Understand.

The Earth is Moving in its Axis & There is a Star called Mulam. From this Star There is Cosmic Radiations Elemenating & It Falls on the Earth. When Ever that Happens the DNA of the Man Functions Differently & Man Naturally is in a Different State. His Senses & Mind Functions Differently and the Mystical Dimension Opens Up. 

Whenever This Cosmic Radiations are not Received by the Earth Because of its Revolution & The Axis in which it is Moving, Then Man's Consciousness Becomes Dull, The Mystical Dimension Loses, He Becomes more a Physical Human Being. Right Now at this Point of Time the Earth is Receiving the Radiations from this Star Mulam.
The Cosmic Energy is Flowing on to this Planet. At this Time to Make this Enlightenment Happen to Man. AmmaBhagavan has Come Down, To Make this Process Happen to Mankind.

So that Mankind again Shouldn't Miss this Opportunity. 💖AmmaBhagavan💖 has Come to Alter the DNA of Man & That is What we are doing here. 

Dear Bhagwan, tomorrow we'll be taking our Deeksha directly from the Srimurti. What is the best way to relate to you and Amma so that Deeksha can flow properly and awakening can happen?

Sri Bhagwan: It is not question of just relating to Amma and Bhagwan. We have often said that Oneness is not a cult. Which means you can invoke any master, any teacher, any God and so and so. You could follow any ritual. Now all that we have done is the Srimurthis and the Padukas are something special. We have done what  is called an 'Avahanum' which is very ancient process by which you move your consciousness into the Padukas and Srimurthi. Once that is done, however many copies you make of them, they have the same power. So you have got to use them. That's all.

Now Let us say you were to invoke the teaching of the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and let us say the teaching ' loves thy neighbor as thyself. ' Then you have got  to chant that teaching for 49 minutes. That becomes the program. When the teaching enters the deeper levels of your consciousness, it programs your consciousness. That is followed by the Deeksha. So after chanting the teaching for 49 minutes, whatever teaching you choose, then, you have to invoke Christ in the Srimurthi, not AmmaBhagwan and relate to Christ the way Christ expects you to relate to him or the way have been relating. if you were to touch the Padukas, you must know you are touching the divine feet of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not of AmmaBhagwan. You touch the Srimurthi; you are touching the lord Jesus.  If you are properly focused, yours would in fact see the Lord Christ there.

Let us say the teaching you would choose is to love I oneself. If you were to say "I love myself, I love myself" for 49 minutes, that is AmmaBhagwan teaching in which case you have got to invoke AmmaBhagwan. To invoke Ammabhagwan, the best way to invoke AmmaBhagwan is either as your parents or as your friends. That is best we choose. That's the one  in which we are very comfortable, the mother father equation or that of a friend.

Now let us say you were to invoke the Buddha's teaching that all things are empty.  In which case you have got to invoke the Buddha and you may have to invoke the Buddha as a teacher and relate to him the way one relates to a teacher. So it depends on you. So you could choose any master ,, any God, and any teaching.

We are of course doing the kind of rituals that we are used to it. It doesn't mean that you have got to do  those rituals. You have the freedom to do them. But you could in turn prepare your own rituals depending on your culture and your background. We are only asking that you observe these rituals so that you get essence out of them and create ultimately your own rituals. So you should not think just to be merely invoking of Ammabhagwan, no. You could invoke any of your choice. This we have to be very, very clear about. if you were to understand that you must only invoke AmmaBhagwan and only AmmaBhagwan's teachings, only these rituals, then it becomes a cult. That is why we have been taking all possible precautions  and it is your responsibility so see that does not become a cult.

Dear Bhagwan, How to get joy?

Sri Bhagavan: "Whatever you are, just accept that. When you accept it, there is no conflict. When there is no conflict there is plenty of energy. When you have energy, you see what is going on inside. You get joy. This is why, please fully experience that pain. Sincerely experience all psychological pain. If you fully experience, it becomes joy. Don’t try to escape. If you try to escape from pain, you are putting it under that carpet. After sometime it starts stinking. That is what most people are doing. They never confront their pain. You lose your job or some other problem, but you don’t experience the pain. You run away from the pain through television, movies, going to a friend’s house, doing some puja (devotional ceremony). This is what is called “sorrow management.” It is good up to a point, but certainly it will not rid you of pain.

So, what you must learn is how to confront this pain. Suppose there is intense jealousy in you. Jealousy itself is pain. You know how painful it is. So instead of saying “I will try to be non-jealous, kind and loving”; all this is false. You are you. You have jealousy, violence, hatred. All the doshas (mind and body types) are there inside you. So confront it. I am not telling you be that or this. No. Be what you are. Like Ramana who said, “Who am I?” But his discovery is something else. Your discovery would be that you are a Ravana (a demon king in Hindu mythology). All the useless things in the world are inside you. That will be your discovery. That does not take much time. But people don’t like that. You would like to have a nice image about yourself. It is all nicely covered up. But If you dig you will see only rubbish. If a Buddha were there he would simply go and talk to Veerapan, like he went and spoke to Angulimala (a ruthless killer who converted to Buddhism), since he had no fear. You are afraid of yourself because you do not love yourself. On the other hand you say, “I must overcome my fear, I must love somebody. You do not love yourself, that is the situation. So as you go inside yourself you will discover how you are.

So confront that rubbish. It is there. Then accept it, since it is there. How can you run away from it? It is painful, but behold it and suddenly there will be joy. A happy man cannot cause pain to others. Only an unhappy man or wife will cause pain to husband or wife. Unhappy children will cause pain to their parents, unhappy employees will cause pain to employer. Unhappy people spread misery. Happy people cannot cause pain. If people are happy they cannot do anything wrong. They are happy therefore they cannot do anything wrong. It is unhappy people who land into trouble, who become ultimately thieves, criminals, etc. So the basic thing is there must be a minimum of happiness and true happiness comes when you confront yourself. If you do that your family will be excellent. The moment you see your husband or wife you will go into joy. When he or she sees you there will be joy. Your homes will become temples."

Dear Bhagwan, What is most important is wealth consciousness?

Sri Bhagwan:Wealth consciousness should not be mistaken with money. Having good parents is wealth Having a good wife, or a husband, or good children is wealth. Having a good job or profession is wealth. Having good health is wealth. All that you have in various forms is wealth. Even s beggar is wealthy. His begging bowl is wealth. You must become extremely conscious of all that you have. That is wealth. Through practice you could acquire that. Once you achieve that, wealth starts pouring in. It becomes easy to make money. In the ultimate analysis, making money is only a game. There are opportunities everywhere. Once you achieve wealth consciousness you begin to see those opportunities. And people would say you are lucky.

Dear Bhagwan, how to deal with relationship which is keep giving me lot of hurt and pain?

Sri Bhagwan:- The thing is with relationship is, we build up images. Suppose you get married, you start building up images about your wife and the wife about the husband. It can happen between any two people. There after the images start relating and you stop experience the person. The relationship dies. So many ways teachings can help you. But that still only the first level. 

Sometimes whatever you might do the mind gets stuck. It will be playing the record again and again and again. For 20 years it will be repeating the same thing without any change. That also destroys the relationship. You will say ten years ago he did this; twenty years ago she said this. The record goes on and on and on. 

To stop that you must give a powerful Deeksha which can shift the mind into another dimension. There the Deeksha comes into play and helps you. Now that also may not work always in which case you must have to go into karma. Karma would mean that happened at the moment of conception, what were your mother's thoughts when you were being carried in the womb, what happened in the womb and how exactly you were delivered, the first six hours after delivery and sometimes you might have to go into past lives. So at that level we can solve any problem. 

First, you start applying the teaching, next you try Deeksha. With the teaching if it is solved....fine, otherwise use Deeksha. If that does not work, then move on to find out karma. For karma all that you must do is, you must relax well. Move into the hypologic  state - the state between walking and sleep, move into that state. Take a blessings from the ......SRI MURTHY.....  and say   please  AMMABHAGWAN  show me where the problem is. we will rewind the tape and will exactly show you what went wrong where. We will pin point the problem, that is your Karma and then we will rework it. 

Once we rework it, the entire thing will start off in just 24 hours. Do that is how you have to handle the problem of relationships. Step by step you have got to move.

Bhagavan, Many scientists are predicting global warming, possible ice age or a major environmental catastrophe. You on the other hand are so sure of planetary enlightenment?

Sri Bhavagan: Their predictions are quiet true, but what they are not aware of is that we have seen in our visions a great transformation sweeping across the planet, which in turn prevents these things from happening, and already we are seeing signs of people becoming enlightened.

We have seen it in some Indian villages how it’s able to spread rapidly and the consequences on the environment. We are able to see on a very small scale.So from that we are able to predict that on a global scale this transformation is going to occur, which is what is going to save the earth.

If that does not happen then what the scientists are predicting would very well come true. But there is no need for them to lose hope because things are going to change dramatically.

In a very unexpected way, things are going to change. That's why in fact we are telling people, “the house in fire, let us move faster, let's hurry up”.

What is the difference between desires of heart and desires of the mind?

Sri Bhagavan: "2500 years ago, Buddha gave up desires, gave up his kingdom, did penance, got enlightenment. His message to the world was, desire is the root cause of suffering, give up desires. Buddha actually made two statements. The desires of the heart are perfectly fine. The desires of the mind should be given up. Your desires must come from the heart. I will fulfill them. If you feel, how nice it will be to go in a car. If this desire is from the heart, it is going to be fulfilled - be 100% sure. Suppose your neighbor is going in a nice car, and you desire for a better car, it is from the mind. It is not good. It cannot be fulfilled, so you must discover the desires of your heart.

The desire of mind is born out of comparison, out of jealous and such other factors, will that from the heart is not because of any comparison or jealousy or any insecurity or anything... he just loves doing it...he just loves to play the violin he just play that, that’s all...not because he wants to become world’s most famous violinist, if such things are not there. Its just because he like to play the violin then is obviously from the heart.

Since we have never allowed the heart to flower. It’s a bit difficult to experience it. because children are never allowed to be themselves, but if you start with inner integrity soon the heart would flower & you will see a clear difference in your life you will see joy has come back, you will feel so happy, you look at people you will be so happy you will never feel Sick with people...very often you get sick with people...but the moment you see a person you get energy that means the heart is active, when you see a human being, whoever the person is you must get energy you know, that means the heart is opened up & then the desires would arise up from the heart, its only then you are a human being not otherwise."

Dear Sri Bhagavan,  what is Awareness?

SRI BHAGAVAN : When you are truly aware, negatives appear perfect. When you become ordinary, you are extraordinary. Right now you are all extraordinary. Peak experiences come & go. Kundalini rises & falls.

The goal is for you to become very very ordinary. That's all there is to Life. When you become ordinary, if you become aware. You are simply eating, drinking, bathing, talking, going for a drive, That’s all. But they all become so perfect.

What is there is there, That’s all. If you have a fight, it is most enjoyable. It is perfection – your perception is changed. The same world becomes heavenly, because you stopped day dreaming. What is not alright is also perfect.

How can I improve my connection with the Divine? How do I know that the answers I get from my conversations with the Divine Presence actually is the Divine and not only the interference of my mind?

"You must first consider, and make a list of all events where you can recognize the hand of the Divine helping you. You must have the memory of these events. And then, one by one, you should strongly express your gratitude to the Divine. Gratitude is the key to spiritual growth. While you do this, you find some connections going on between you and the Divine.

Then you must invoke the Divine in difficult circumstances. And when you're helped, you understand: yes, my thoughts were heard, my prayers were answered. And then the connection between you and the Divine increases. After that, it is totally easy; it is indeed very, very easy. You know how to contact and you know that the Divine is responding to you.

However, to be sure that is not your mind, but the Divine, you have a very good feeling, especially in your chest, and you will feel very, very well. This is the signal that is the Divine and not your mind. And the next thing, of course, it works. And you will know: yes, it is the Divine. And you will have confidence.

And as confidence grows, the mind ceases to interfere. Only when you have no confidence that the mind enters. But when you become confident, the mind slowly disappears. After that, it's like talking regularly with anyone; you can become as close as that. I know many people who for a moment do absolutely nothing. Any problem, they just talk, and it dissolves. 

You may think this is impossible, but it is not. Any normal human being can achieve this, it is not difficult. Do not say it will be impossible or very difficult, everything we teach you are things that can be achieved in their lives in a very short time."

How do I love myself?

Sri Bhagavan: "When we say "love yourself", see all of you have got what we might call a negative self also, there's a negative side to all of you, which Western psychologists would call the "shadow self", we call it the negative side..., as there's a slight difference in the term and the contents.

Now each of you, for example, have you not spoken lies? So many lies. Average lies per day is 60. Any human being. But would you like to accept that you are a liar? No. And sometimes planned lies. Because of survival. I am not blaming you.

I am just telling what is happening there. But then would you like to see that? You don't like to see it. Would you like that aspect? No, you don't like it. And you say, "oh, I love you so much. I wish all the blessings for you," inside you are full of hatred.

So inside there's a lot of fear but outward you'd be very brave; you would talk very bravely, but there is only fear inside. So, for all the so-called images that you are giving, there is a negative counterpart. There cannot be anything without the negative counterpart.

You have jealousy, anger, hatred, violence, lust. The most peaceful man in the world, the world will be plotting his death, and secretly hoping a lorry (truck) will go over him, that he will be destroyed, but saying: I wish you good luck.

This negative side, we have put it under the carpet. And it is hiding there. It is in the unconscious. There it is stinking. From there it is causing all the trouble for you. When we say: Love yourself, we are telling: (we mean:) Love that. Love that terrible thing. You are hating it. You are hating it, you are afraid of it, you dislike it, you pretend it is not there. But it is all there. This side is yours. No human being can be on this planet without this negative side--it is just not possible.

So, who are the great people, the Mahatma Gandhis, the Ramanas, the Buddhas. What is their basic journey? They know this side is there and they accept it and they love it. Whereas you, you don't see it, you don't accept it, you don't love it. You are running away from it all the time, or pretending it is not there.

So, on the journey of spirituality, the first and most important journey, you dig up all these things. Remove the carpet, bring it out! It is so, that's all. You are helpless, powerless people. Nobody has got any power or anything. We only imagine we have got it. It is there. It is dominating you, it is crushing you. So, that is what is happening.

So, you must dig up and come to terms with it. We can't do anything about it, because the contamination is there, the air is contaminated, consciousness is contaminated. It is there. You are only pretending as though it is not there. And the journey of spirituality is: you first say, yes, I am this. And confront it. And then you'll see a miracle will take place. That miracle, you find out what it is!

So, this is what we mean when we say, Love yourself. All this dirt, this muck, which nobody likes. When you don't like it, when you're afraid of it, how will you love it? But then it is possible to love it and say, yes, it is so. It is there--what can you do about it? You can't do anything about it. So, that is what we mean by saying, Love yourself."

How to get pure love and joy?

Sri Bhagavan: "What you got to contemplate on is the following. Thoughts are happening automatically. It is not that there is a person there who is thinking. Thoughts are simply happening automatically. Speech ‐ it is not that you are there who speaks. It is happening automatically. Actions ‐ it is not that you are acting, but actions are taking place all the time. So they are happening there of their own accord automatically. You have got to just see that. You have to see how speech is happening automatically, thought is happening automatically, and action is happening automatically, because that is the fact.

Let us come to thoughts. You assume that there is a thinker who is thinking. But there is no such thinker at all. There is just thinking which is just an automatic function of the brain, just like you breathe automatically, just like your body temperatures maintain automatically, just like digestion happens automatically, similarly thinking also is happening automatically. You are not there who is thinking. It’s a mere assumption. Suppose you are to draw a circle, the center emerges. It’s much the same way when thinking happens, the illusion of a thinker arises. 

Similarly, speech it is also happening automatically, though you think that you are speaking. No, actions are also happening automatically. For example you might think okay I shall decide to move my arm. There I have moved it. But then if you were to watch your brain real time, which is possible today, you would notice that a fraction of the second before you moved your hand, your brain had decided to move the hand, and the hand moves. But you suffers from the illusion that you decided to move your arm, and the arm moved. All things are happening automatically.

Similarly when you come to your body, you must understand that your body is not your body because this human body is millions of years old. You did not design it, you did not make the changes in that body and you did not conceive it, you have virtually no role with it. You did not make it grow. It grew on its own. So your body is not your body, your mind is not your mind, your thoughts are not your thoughts. There are more like this. You are wearing some nice dress and you would say, this is my dress. But then, did you design that dress? No. Did you tailor it? No. Did you make it in a textile mill? No. Did you get the cotton or whatever went into that on your own? No. No way you have played any role at all and yet you claims this dress is your dress.

Similarly thoughts have evolved over millions of years, it’s not your thoughts they are all there in the thoughts sphere and they come and go and yet you think these are your thoughts. They are not yours. Your body similarly is not your body. Similarly your mind, what is your mind? It is a flow of thought. And that mind too is not your mind it is a very ancient mind and that is not yours.

And your self. “I” am there. It is a sense of separateness, it is a concept, it is an illusion.
So nothing is yours. But then you identifies yourselves with your thoughts, with your body, with your mind, and thinks that you exists. This is called Anatma, or false identification. You are not that, but you think you are that. And why do you do it? It’s called, prajingya paradar, failure of intelligence. When intelligence arises, this false identification ceases. You will realize that you are no more your thoughts, no more your mind, no more your body, and no more the so called self, which is non existence in the first place. 

So now all these things you got to understand intellectually. You must try to soak into it and contemplate on it and then give and receive Deekshas. Giving Deekshas is more powerful than receiving Deekshas. Keep doing it. And suddenly you will see you are out of the mind.

Right now you are within the mind. All your seeking, all your search is within the mind. And within the mind there is nothing but suffering. Because the mind, it’s a limitation.
When there is limitation there is a division. When there is a division, there is a conflict.
When there is a conflict, there is wastage of energy which is misery or suffering.
On the other hand, if the energy is conserved, the stillness of energy is meditation, is joy, is bliss, is love.

So what you have done is, within the framework of the mind, let us call it a prison, you have beautifully arranged all the furniture. A little security in your family, a little in your wealth, a little your name and fame, and this and that, it’s all very beautifully organized to manage your suffering. I am not against it, perfect, go ahead, and do it. But then you will not really experience what it is to live. You will not truly live. You are exiting beautifully.

Now you have to get out of this prison that is the mind. If you were to contemplate on these teachings, and give and receive Deekshas, you might find something strange happening. You may find that you’re gradually moving out of the prison called the mind. As you go out of your mind, you will see your own thoughts, thinking is happening, not you thinking, thinking is happening, speech is happening, all the actions are happening. They are happening very beautifully, they are perfect. It is only when you identify yourself with them there is disorder, there is imperfection.

Once you come out, they are all happening like breathing and digestion and everything automatically. It is not right action nor wrong action, it is perfect action. It’s all happening on its own, and that is all. And then you will experience that love you are asking about, that pure love. When you are out of it, what is there is pure love, pure joy."

Dear Bhagwan sometimes I feel that my heart had dried out completely, I cannot stay in joy and feel completely disconnected. I don't even feel like expressing gratitude to someone if they have helped me, what to do Bhagwan?

Bhagwan: Expressing gratitude is utmost important in your life. Expressing gratitude towards everything expands your consciousness. However, expressing gratitude does not mean superficially saying "Thank You" And thinking that you have expressed it, No! Gratitude and courtesy goes hand in hand. You must have courtesy to respond and acknowledge on how you have been helped, since you are the beneficiary. So you must express gratitude.  Now,  If sometimes you find it difficult to express your  gratitude. Stay with the "what is" and contemplate on your resistance which is blocking you to express your gratitude. If do that, naturally your heart will express its gratitude and automatically you will receive more grace.

How to recognize the true humility in our being so that we do not fall into the illusion of false awakening, Bhagavan? Thank you Bhagavan.

SRI BHAGAVAN: "When all opposites like good and bad, right and wrong, high and low, sacred and the unsacred, when all the opposites are completely reconciled, there is true humility."

If self is an illusion, who am I. What is my real existence?

Bhagavan: You do not exist. That is the truth. That sense of “I and you”, the sense of separateness, is an illusion. It does not really exist. For example, as you are listening to me, you are seeing me but you are not hearing me, and when you hear me, you are not seeing me. But that is happening so fast, that you have this illusion that you are seeing and hearing. The two senses have got coordinated, like in a movie, unless you have those 16 shots moving per second you will not see the hand movement, in the movie theatre. If the projector is slowed down it becomes only like a slide. Similarly, here the senses are coordinating at a particular speed whereby you are feeling that you are seeing, touching as though all these things are going on at the same time. It is this illusion that creates the sense of “Me” and “I”.  If this is slowed down, you all just vanish! So, now you are there. If I were to slow down your senses, if you would give me permission, you would just disappear. You will go back home minus yourself! But you will still be very functional, you will in fact be very efficient. The sense of separateness would completely be gone. What remains there is life or you may call it pure consciousness; the stuff from which this whole universe is made. What is there ultimately is consciousness and that has to only to be experienced. How can you see yourself? There is no way to see consciousness, because you are that. Its true nature is Ananda and Love. It is a causeless Love. 

What you call love is not truly love. You either beg for love, asking somebody to give you love, or if you give love it is because somebody is big or famous or great or wealthy or you have something to gain from that. You love your wife or husband because he or she means something to you. You possess somebody, you are attached to somebody. That is not the love we are talking about. This love is a causeless love. It is just there. This can happen only if the “I” the “self” disappears. It’s a very simple thing - the senses have to be slowed down a little bit… and behold; You are not there! What is there is only life. You will feel you are one with the universe, completely one. It is not a mystical experience. A mystical experience comes when the kundalini rises to the chakras, but when it comes down… the experience is lost. We are not talking about that. We are talking of a very robust state of 24 hours irreversible consciousness. You are completely gone. To attain this state you must qualify. The qualification is, you must set right your relationship. 

It takes only 7 minutes for me to give you that state you perceive everything without the “Me” or the “I” . For example: when I look at you people, I don’t feel you are outside of me. Its as though all of you are inside of my belly, I can never see anything as separate. It’s a fact and reality for me, and this is how all these 320 people who have got the state are experiencing. You can experience it. Somebody is not outside of you. Strangely the boundaries of the body cease. You no more can see it as your hand or your body, Its gone. The whole thing has become your body, it is a part of you. It is then that you have this true love, because it is a part of you. There is no cause, and there is no question of the mind slipping into the past or worrying about the past or projecting into the future or thinking about the future. It lives in the moment. Every moment it lives and you start really living. Right now, what is happening is, you are merely existing. You live because you are afraid of dying. Otherwise you see no reason, why you should continue with your mediocre life. You get up in the morning, go to the toilet, brush your teeth, have your breakfast, pack up your lunch, go to office or do some business, come back, have a quarrel with your wife, have a fight with your child… again comeback watch your TV… day in day out…this routine, mediocre, meaningless, purposeless. 

You create 
… day in day out…this routine, mediocre, meaningless, purposeless. 

You create of course some meaning. You say “I’m doing some social work…helping man….” and all kinds of things because you have to invent these things. There is no meaning, because deep inside, there is only sorrow inside you. You don’t know what to do with your lives. You’ve got into this mechanical trap created by self, by the “Me”. So, you have built up various escape systems, mechanisms and you continue with this kind of life and the only reason you are not sick is because, I can probably say, you are afraid of dying …. 

You have had no moments of ecstasy or bliss or joy. It is what really life is all about. You’ve certainly missed out on all that. So, sometimes I marvel how people are able to live. It really baffles me. To me, giving enlightenment is not a big problem at all. To me the problem is, I wonder how people continue to live, how many escape systems can they build! They have TV systems, computers, sky diving… and what else….somehow you must manage your lives. You are managing your sorrow, you are escaping from your sorrow, doing all these things but fundamentally that pain is there inside; that ache, what’s all this ? What is the meaning of life? Where are we going? We are getting older, and seem to have achieved nothing and what is the purpose of all this….? 

That is the meaning of the word ‘Dukha’. There is no translation for it in English. We use the work ‘suffering’, which is not the true meaning of the word ‘dukha’. It is a very abstract and not clearly definable ache you have, the ache which Buddha had. He had everything in life yet that pain was there, that sense of “what’s all this about”. That is what we mean by the work ‘dukha’. So, this has to go, That’s the reason for the Mukthi Yagna. But you must first feel that pain. That’s the 1st qualification. If you don’t feel the pain and say “OK! I’m managing my suffering and I’m happy with it” then I have no business with you. 

I can help you only if it is going to really trouble you. The second thing is, your relationships. That’s very important. Then you are ready for receiving my grace of Mukthi. Only then you’ll know what true love is, what compassion is, what it is to share your life with others, what all this talk of oneness is. All the scriptures will start revealing themselves to you. Nobody needs to teach you. You are your own guru you can see it for yourself. 

The Liberation Sutra 🙏🙌🙏

Liberation from Work
Liberation from Society
Liberation from Civilization
Liberation from Knowledge
Liberation of the Mind
Liberation from the Self
Liberation of the Senses
Liberation of Life


Dear Bhagavan, what is the difference, or differences, to have a contact with the Antaryamin and to be God realized?

SRI BHAGAVAN: "You may have a powerful Antaryamin, that does not mean you are God realized. You might meet the president of a country, that does not mean you know him. You've got to interact with him, you have to become his friend, you have to live with him, only then you would know him. Similarly, seeing God, even physically, does not mean you are God realized. You have to build up a bond, a relationship, and you must start interacting. It is a long journey. As you go along you realize more and more about God."

Bhagwan, how to control the mind? How to make use of the immense power of the mind?

Sri Bhagwan: How to control the mind?  I wonder if this is ever possible! Because the more you try to control the mind, the more it go out of control and the ensuing battle, you are sure to be loser. If somebody ever fights the mind, it always wins, because as he fights with the mind, it takes away his strength and becomes stronger. The only way you could become free of the mind is to closely watch it. If you keep watching it in a very friendly way without judging, condemning or commenting, it soon becomes very week and slowly becomes quieter.

How to become the best in everything that we do? How can I serve the divine in best possible way and how to become a great Sevak?

Sri Amma : "Oneness starts with Oneness within and Oneness with all that is, We all are ONE, but everyone is unique in their own ways. The problem starts when you want to prove something to someone.

You crave for love, attention, want praises and therefore want to become the best or great in anything that you do.

How do you define the best or the great?  It is your mind that always want to become something, but when you do anything with complete awareness, your heart will be satisfied and you will see that you do it much more better then how you used to do. The best, the good, the bad, the ugly, the sacred and the profane. All this comes when you start comparing things, they are just labels of the mind. when you entangle yourself with these labels, that is when duality develops within you. 

That is when you feel the need to become exclusive or special. exclusive - meaning - It excludes others.  In that process, you want to prove that other is inferior than you. It creates more strong sense of the doer in you, the SELF becomes egoistic instead of expanding.

Even when you pray or send deekshas, some of you feel that it is your prayers or your deekshas which worked, you fail to understand that its is the divine grace which works and that you are just an instrument for the divine to spread the grace.

Some feel proud that they are having more and great miracles, they compare each others miracles and try to prove whose miracle is greater. Some feel very secure and proud of being a good devotee, since they assume that they know all teachings or since they are in good books of someone. So even there, They exclude themselves from others and think they are special or the chosen one. HeThere is no inclusion in these things, but only sense of separation in the form of exclusivity.

There is no Oneness where there is exclusivity. Oneness happens where there is inclusiveness. Life, awakening and presence will not happen in you till you feel separate from the other or by feeling more special than the other. Discover Oneness within and with everything, All of you are equally dear to us and we love you all equally.

Loads Of Gratitude At Your Lotus Feet My Dearest Paramjyoti.

Bhagavan, why does not the world get transformed easily? Is the penance done by our ancestors going to help us in anyway on our spiritual path?

Sri Bhagavan :It is not your fault that you are not transformed. We are all products of the times. Fortunately, the times have chatted and we have entered wonderful times and people by and large are easily going to make it. It is not that they must come here to the University; it is not that must undergo a process.

Initially a few of you will have to come for the process then you will be able to go back and give it to people, your power would be growing very fast, week by week, month by month, year by year, then probably a touch would do, a look would do. So, you would transform people, then there will come a point where nobody need to touch another and people would automatically get transformed. The wall would crumble on its own. So it is not going to take long.

The only thing is, by becoming enlightened, we are helping others become enlightened, we are helping this process. Because we are part of this process, we are part of nature, we a cooperate, nature expects us to cooperate. We are giving it a helping hand. Otherwise it's just an event which will come to pass. Mankind would have moved into other ages, again nobody was responsible, we had to.

It is not that our great great grandfathers suffered, that we are fortunate. No! We are those great great grandfathers, we have come back, we will again come back. We are only rotating again and again. We have been recycled. So, we have worked hard for many many years, I think now it is time to reap the harvest.

That's why, I maintain it does not matter who you are, what you are; whether you are a sinner or a saint does not matter because everybody is going to get transformed and Enlightened.

Beloved Sri Bhagavan, one of your teachings says that God has no form, no name and no qualities. We create a God with form, a name and qualities. On the other hand you speak about light, unconditional love, joy and bliss as divine qualities. Is there a loving creative force behind all forms of existence or do we really just create it by our imagination?

Sri bhagavan: "In Oneness there is no creator ‘God’, the creator and creation are one in Oneness. But there is also universal consciousness, which is not the creator. This universal consciousness has no qualities or form, nor any name. But it embodies all qualities. Like a tree is embedded in the seed, all qualities are embedded in this universal consciousness. You cannot relate to it in its entirety. You could draw out certain qualities from this universal consciousness. What you draw out is your personal God and it depends on you. You cannot be a pity person and create a big God, it´s not possible.

If you have grown, you then could draw out many qualities from this universal consciousness. What you draw out becomes your personal God, and you make use of your personal God for your benefits, it could be worldly benefits or spiritual benefits. Just like you make use of solar energy you could make use of your personal God for your own benefit. As you keep doing this, you grow and as you grow your God grows. And the bond between you and your God keeps increasing.

And finally, when you leave the planet, you become that God. Now, we know this for sure, because a number of people who were with us and who had the personal God and who are no more, they have become Gods and they work in the Temple. As they have become Gods, they have enormous power and they are helping people whenever they come to the Temple. And they have the power to go anywhere and help people. One of the objectives of Oneness is to make you into Gods who then serve humanity. Not only helping humanity while you are on the planet, but become your God and helping humanity. And you must be very clear, in Oneness there are neither a creator, creator ‘God’, nor judging God, nor a punishing God. In Oneness there is no God controlling your destiny. Your destiny is being controlled by your personal Karma, your family Karma, your nation`s Karma and humanity`s Karma. The laws of Karma control your destiny."

How should I confront my self centeredness, Bhagavan?

Sri Bhagavan :There is no 'how'. You just become aware of your self centeredness. It is there, that is all. You are not going to condemn it. The basic thing is, you are all the time either justifying, finding reasons to explain why this is so or are condemning it. It is just a fact. And if you would look at it like that, something strange happens. There is nothing you need to do, there is nothing you could do about it. So, confronting your self centeredness, though the world is misleading, means that you just become aware that this is what you really are and you never thought you are that. It is so and it is there, that is all. The mere seeing is sufficient.

Sri Bhagavan explaining the importance of Havan /homam:

Now man has a physical body. we call it as Annamaya kosha.Then he has another body within called pranamaya kosha. Then he has another one body within called karmamaya kosha.within that he has another body called Manonmaya kosha. Within that he has one more called Gnanamaya kosha & Anandamaya kosha within .like this there are so many bodies.

Suppose a person has knee pain, allopathy is best. Some times Ayurveda does good.If he has problem in pranamaya kosha, Acupuncture, homeopathy and certain ayurvedic treatment works good.Like this the physical pain can be cured. If a problem is in Annamaya kosha, a person has to take treatment for healing that layer .The pain would not go when treated only pranamaya kosha. Suppose ,if the problem is in pranamaya kosha,the pain would not go when treating Annamaya kosha alone. Likewise if problem is in karmamaya kosha,we have to work on that kosha.

Example for healing in karmamaya kosha. Years back,a Chinese king had skin problem.it was not getting healing by taking medicines.He approached a Buddhist monk,the monk asked the king to give half of the kingdom as the problem is in karmamaya kosha. The king gave as asked by monk and he got healed within 3 months. Before 20 years back,a person came up with a problem that doctors after diagonising his son’s eyesight , cautioned that his son might lose his eyesight forever within a week. He was a very rich person. We suggested him to pay all the bills of eye hospital within the city.Now his son is 25 years old,the son’s eyesight is perfect Sometimes the problem may be in Manonmaya

kosha.When child is in mother’s womb,it’s mind might have got hurt.so we have to do process in that kosha for the person to get healed.That we are doing in Mahadeeksha level 1 and level 2. For some people due to their beliefs and belief system,the problem might come out as physical problem,so we have to do a change in that. For some people there might not be Happiness and bliss in their life. so if we give that then the problem would disappear.so we should find out where the problem is occurring. Deeksha works in pranamaya kosha. When we do homa ,we work on your karmamaya kosha.If person has a strong devotion for Amma bhagavan,they would soon finish the problem.but when you donot have deep devotion ,what to do.Homa would do Best.

Deeksha works when the problem is Pranamaya kosha alone. But when the problem is in gnanamaya kosha and Manonmaya kosha also ,we have to give teaching and deeksha.Then the problem would dissolve.To work effectively in karmamaya kosha we need to do homa as well Deeksha.This will do wonders. So when the block is in Karmamaya kosha alone, how much ever we give blessings it willnot go.we have to work on your karma. If the block is in Manonmaya kosha,we have to straight away work on that. So on seeing a person we can tell,where could be the block.If you could follow us,you can also understand.this is not a tough to grasp.this is not a kamba sutra(Indians tell this statement meant for

any tough subject to understand and grasp).

Sri amma on serving amma    

Once a disciple was obsessed by the idea of being closest to Amma. She would try to hover around Amma neglecting every other responsibility.

Noticing her disturbed countenance Amma asked, “Child I see you are seized with craving. What do you want from me?”

The disciple humbly replied, “Amma I want a place in your heart. I seek to love you like none else does.”

Amma said with a gentle firmness, “You need not earn a place in my heart. You already have it. Being a disciple is proof enough for my love to you. You cannot entice me or attract me through any services you would do me personally. Humanity is my body. People are my life-birth. When you serve them and alleviate their suffering you become worthy of being a disciple. Let us do all that we can.Serve the people who come to you and in serving each of them you would have served me.

Sri Bhagwan words about enlightment

" What You Must Understand Is That While GOD Is Powerful, You Too Are Powerful That Is The Whole Problem. You Are  An ASPECT Of God. You Are A Powerful Being, Who is Powerful Defective Thoughts, Concepts & Mental Frameworks.

So You Are GOD Who Has Gone Wrong! That Is Why; It Is Not Possible To Transform The World In One Blow. You Too Need To Co-operate  With GOD. Helping Change The World. As Every Individual Becomes Aware Of The Unconscious And Becomes Liberated From That, You Will Automatically Be Influencing  Almost A 100,000 People Across The Planet. That Is The Power Of Your Enlightenment. So, As Each One Of You Is Becoming Enlightened, You Are Contributing To World Enlightenment, You Will Reduce The Conflict Levels In The World, You'll See That There Is Less Problems In The World.  

There Are Less Accidents, Less Disease, less Problems, Less Relationship Problems. The Whole Atmosphere Will Be Getting Cleaned up, So That, You Will Be Contributing To The whole Of Mankind. "

Sri Bhagavan words about art of living

When we talk about the Art of Living What we mean is the Art of Being With the What is Without Effort. If you have Learned the Art, Then You are on Your Spiritual Journey. The Journey is Automatic Thereafter. You No Need Books, You No Need Teaching.

Your Life is Your Guru, Your Life is Your teacher & You Will Discover Your Own Path. Only Your Path Could Liberate You. Not Somebody's Path (or) Somebody's Teaching. What Liberates You is Your Own Path Which You Discover If You Learn the Art of Being with the What is, Not With the What is to Come, Without Effort

Dear Sri Bhagavan, How is Your Dharma Different from the Other Dharma's?

Sri BhagavanWe are Helping People Discover the Truths Embodied by Their Faiths. As far as We are Concerned, We are Not Trying to Produce any Synchristic Faith, By Putting Them All Together. We are Trying to Keep Each Faith as Pure as Possible, As it Originally was; Because All Faiths are Experience Based. That's How Faith's Start. We Want to go back to that Pristine Purity. 

That is why at the Oneness meditation hall Which is More of a Power House, You Could Worship Any God in Any Form as You Like. There would be a Throne There, A Very Special Kind of Throne Where Many Can Actually See the God ;What They Worship. The Throne Would be Empty But You Could See the God That You Worship. I Don't Think This Dharma (or) Movement has any Independent Existence.


Sri Bhagwan: As Judgement goes down, loves goes up. You always your point of view, that is not enough, you must move into other person's shoes and look at the world, or look at yourself as they are looking. This is easily achieved, this is not difficult. When that happens judgement ceases. As judgment goes down love goes up. You do not have love because you are constantly judging, from the past, past knowledge and past image, with all that you are judging everyone be it your husband, or your wife and your Parents. Continuously the mind is judging, where there is judgement, there is no love. This judgement must stop. Nobody should be judged. And it is achieved only if you take the other person's point of view. If that could happen judgement naturally and automatically stops.

Dear Bhagavan, I heard that efforts in spirituality are futile. Then what all those meditation, contemplation, chakra dhyana, ananda mandala, prayers, rituals, mantra chantings etc, are about? Are they efforts or not Bhagavan?

Sri bhagavan: "We are not against these things. What we are telling you is that you must seriously do them and when you do intensely practice these things, after some time, they drop off. And, when all these things drop off, you discover your path. The moment that you discover your path, you are awakened. As long as you do not discover your path, you would not be awakened. And for that, these things must drop off. If you make Oneness into a path, there is no hope for you. Oneness is not a path. Oneness merely helps you to drop off everything, including itself.

When everything drops off, at that moment, you know what is your path. Everyone has her or his own path. You cannot follow somebody's path and get there. You have your path because you are unique. You are special. You are totally unique. Nature does not duplicate. So, you have your destiny. You have your path. You have got to discover that. That is the only thing which will help you to get where you aresupposed to go and it happens very, very fast, the moment you discover your path. So, every other path is actually taking you away from your path. Not only that, it is also taking you away from where you are supposed to go. But that does not mean that you say, "I drop off all paths." It does not happen that way. You have to get involved, and then everything will drop off."

Bhagavan, we want to know, between now and december 2012, to help the oneness movement and the mission, what do we need to do as individuals, as families, as seva and as a community?

All this is possible the month of December 2012, for the simple reason, the three great cycles are coinciding. We have a 5000 year old cycle which started at the end of the Mahabharata war. That cycle would be closing in the year 2012. We also have a 26,400 year cycle which begins with yugas. All the yugas happened in that timeframe. That cycle also is closing in the year 2012. And then we have a 650,000 year cycle, the most massive cycle, that also is closing in the year 2012. So it's a very rare phenomenon that these three cycles are closing in the year 2012.

Not only that, 2012, according to revelations and according to certain other calculations, very ancient, is the midpoint of the Universe. This Universe began from a small, infinite, resemblant thought. That was the beginning of this Universe, much smaller than even an individual electron. So small was the Universe in the beginning and that has now grown to this stage. The Universe is now middleaged and it's lifetime now is another 13.7 billion years as the cycle closes. That is supposed to be one day for Brahma and thousand days for Brahma is equal to one day for Vishnu and thousands days of Vishnu is equal to one day of Shiva and thousands days of Shiva is equal to one day of Shakthi.

Now we are going to enter the midpoint of Brahma's day. Now what is understood by this is, the Universe which was a single, little, infinitely small thought has grown up to this size. The One has become the many. Not that it has become the many, it appears as the many, and this beautiful creation has moved to this point. It's like building a home and then you do a grahapravesham and you enter the home. 
 So this is like grahapravesham for the whole of humanity in the year 2012 and then we are going to enter a totally new age. So all this work is about entering this new age. 

Now when this new age comes, what happens is, there's a change in pranic energies, which is what is responsible for a change in human consciousness, which is responsible for change in human perception, which is responsible for the way humans experience reality. 
Reality would remain the same, but the way we experience reality would be vastly different. When you experience it differently, you will discover Heaven on Earth. That is what is going to happen.

But then, you wait for the rains, when the rains do come, you can not keep quiet, you have to plow the soil to sow the seeds, do all things. So this is like the rains coming in. The new age coming and the energies coming. But then, we have to work for it. Without working, you're not going to get anywhere. 

And what is the work? We must raise our levels to higher states of consciousness and it is possible because of these energy changes.

I see the veils are beginning to thin between the dimensions and lokas. One question that it brings up for me is the idea of death, because so many people are afraid to die, especially when they are conditioned by beliefs. 

Sri Bhagavan: WHAT HAPPENS IS THAT as people die and they are very scared of hell or of being judged by God, then very often they do not continue their journey. They get stuck in the earth sphere as earthbound spirits. That is an unfortunate thing that is happening. If people of different faiths do the necessary rituals and ceremonies then it is definitely possible to help them. But more important would be to make them talk to God and realise that God is very friendly and is not going to stand in judgement over them. But this is going to require a shift in man's thinking. I think that's the best way to liberate man. He has to get friendly with his God; otherwise there is needless trouble.

The actual passage of death is very beautiful and peaceful? 

Sri Bhagavan: IT'S VERY VERY BEAUTIFUL. The process of dying is a very beautiful process. But for most people, it takes about three days to realize they are dead. Somehow it takes that much time. That's why people have to go through ceremonies to help them realize they are dead and then to prepare them for their journey to meet God. So if that can take place it is very easy. But if on the other hand fear is put into the person they will hang around. Then they will have to be helped.

there are spirit helpers who can assist them to go to the appropriate lokas? 

Sri Bhagavan: YES, THAT'S WHY WHEN PEOPLE come to us we work with them to help their ancestors, their parents and grandparents to be cleared. And once these people move away from the earth sphere the person can actually feel the liberation, they will feel a lightness. It's not something to be believed in, but it can be experienced.

Bhagavan, how does it help in our daily lives Bhagavan the blessings of our 

ancestors Bhagavan?

Sri Bhagavan:" Many of the problems are because of your ancestors not being happy with you. Now this kind of thing where you invoke them get them there  and you do a Pada Pranam (?) to them the dead ancestors and you feed them what they like and getting a blessing from them would almost instantly solve your problems. The problems are there because you do not have their blessings. That`s one way of solving your problems."


The Oneness University has always emphasized the importance of liberating our ancestors. Ancestor liberation is essential in order to become awakened and to enjoy full freedom in this life. We are deeply connected to our ancestors karmically and genetically. Our bodies are a gift from them, so is our intelligence, our health, our wealth and so much more.

We owe them much gratitude. Every good thing in our lives, they made possible through their efforts. We also share in the karma they set in motion, good and bad. As we help them go into the Light, we ourselves are set free. Many people very tangibly feel weights lifting from their bodies and consciousness as their ancestors move into the Light.

Pithru shanti homa at nemam will liberate ancestors.

Dear Bhagwan is it alright to receive a Deeksha from someone I don't like?  In what state of mind should I be when I give Deeksha?

Sri Bhagwan - First of all, you should not receive the Deeksha from somebody whom you do not like. That is avoided. The next thing is, when you giving the Deeksha of the blessing of the, you must be fully aware that you have become an instrument of the Divine in order to help mankind. You should clearly understand that the Divine is flowing through you because it wants to help mankind and that you are serving mankind. 

So there are two things here: you must be very, very clear that the Deeksha is not something which you are doing, but you are only an instrument for the Divine; and the second thing is: the Divine is wanting to help mankind and that you are helping the Divine.

Not that you are helping mankind, because who are you to help mankind?  You must realize that you are helping the Divine to help mankind. If you have that kind of awareness, the good karma grows. It grows very very fast.

That the good karma you could make use of solving financial problems, business problems, problems at the job or for your awakening, or improving your health. For any purpose you can then cash it. If you have money in the bank, you can buy whatever you want. Similarly in your good karma account if you have good karma, you can then cash it forever you want. Whenever you are giving a Deeksha to someone, you are gaining good karma , a lot of good karma because he is being helped. But you must be aware you are helping the Divine to help him If that awareness is there, then you get good karma. If the awareness is not there you do not get good karma. That's how you have to understand.

Sri Bhagavan Explained About Intemperate Anger

An Intemperate Anger is Basically a Symptom of a Deep Rooted Charge Which is Stored in Your UnConscious. 

What is a Charge?

It is an Incomplete Experience of Your Past that Tends to be Repetitive. Hence People Driven by Charges Develop a Very Narrow Outlook to Life. Every Situation or Relationship Becomes a Platform for Their Charges to Express or Manifest & Consequently They Get to be Highly Susceptible to Reactions.

Dear Sri Bhagavan, Many People Regularly Come Together in Oneness Programs, Courses or Events to Raise the Level of Consciousness. Is There Anything Special or An Important Element Which Should Always be Part of These Meetings?

Sri bhagavan: "When You Come Together You Must Not Judge the Other & There Must be Total Acceptance of the Other. That is Whatever They are, They Must be Totally Accepted. & You Must Come Together in Friendship.

These There are Crucial Factors, & You Will Get Very Good Results to the Program."

I Have Always Maintained that the Brain has got to Change. That's One Thing. Now, How to Change the Brain?

Now, You Must Keep Reviewing Your Life as Often as Possible from the Date in Which You Have Your Memories. It can be Three Years (or)Four Years(or)Five Years, Go On Reviewing Your Life Up to the Current Day & As You are Reviewing Your Life Learn to Take a Positive Look at Things, What All Good Things Have Happend to You. & Even the Negative Things Somehow You Must Learn to See it Positively Because You Definitely Must Have Learnt Something from that in Life. So Your Whole Year of Life Must Become Positive.

For What All You Have Got Please Keep Focusing on that & Keep Expressing Gratitude to the Divine for Whatever has Happend. Now, Even the Negative Things You Must Learn to See Positively.

Once This Happens, The Brain Changes & You Get, You Acquire Wealth Consciousness. Then What Happens is Signals are Sent Out from the Brain, Actual Signals are Sent Out to People at Other Situations, If You are Somebody Who is Wanting Wealth. That Will Start Moving, & Then You Will Begin to See Opportunities. Where There is Nothing there You will See an Opportunity Called Wealth. & Then not only that, What You Call Luck Begins to Happen. Your Whole World has Changed Now. It has Become Totally Different. You Will See Everything in a Positive Way.

Your Life has Become Very Beautiful & That Everything has Happend for Your Well Being. The Whole Attitude has Changed. All the Programs, The Blocks, Everything Change Along With That. & Then the Same Thing You are Sending Out Signals, Somebody from America, China or Russia, May Pick Up the Signal, May do Something, & Then Suddenly Something May Happen to You Here (or)Some Neighbour Will Help You.

Wealth has the Tendency to Come to You If Desired, It Will Come. You Used to Feel It Didn't because of Your Way of Thinking. So You Have only Poverty Consciousness But You Must Acquire Wealth Consciousness.

 Instead of Seeing the Glass Half Empty You See the Glass Half Full. That's All. Same With the Bond, Same With the Affection & Then Most Probably in Seven Days You Begin to See the Effect.

Sri Bhaghavan on thoughts of mind

Thoughts are subtle

"divisive and elusive and an expression of the self. They wander as they like. They create judgement and a troubled and disturbed mind. They prevent awareness from happening. The unawakened must learn to direct, to control and to quieten thoughts by ruling over them. The Awakened One has moved beyond judgement, for he has gone beyond thought as he is always aware"

Sri Bhaghavan on Relationships

"Very often you try to explain away your suffering. You try to understand. If on the other hand, you stop doing these things, experiencing automatically happens.Let us say, you are married and your wife is shouting at you, and if you have read a lot of books on psychology you would try to explain her behavior, or would be busy trying to understand her. If you do neither of these, then you actually begin to experience her nagging. That is when something very strange and beautiful happens.It is only in the absence of explanations, judgement that we could experience another.You could very well start with your intimate relationships"

Dear Sri Bhagavan, "How Do Emotions That are the Mere Result of Bio-Chemical Reactions in Your Brain Gain Such Force ?

Emotions That are Not Acknowledged & Accepted by you in the Course of Your Life get Accumulated in the Deeper Layers of Unconscious & Anything that is Rejected comes back with the Vengeance Distorted.

That is why people indulge in Regular Unpleasantness in the family. Their Problems Complicate Even More. It Becomes a catch Situation. More Problems hence more fights & Hence more Depression & so on and so forth.

When in Times of Difficulty do you Usually use your family for Gaining Peace & Strength or Do you only use it to vent out your Frustration?

What Emotions have you got Addicted to in Relating to your Family in Difficult Times?

Coming to the Next Question of What is the Solution to this Despite One's Best Efforts & Intentions, Fear & Disappointment Persist. Hence the Only Solution is to Acknowledge & Accept the fact of their Existence Without Hiding from Them.

It is to be Integral.
Anything That is Recognized & Accepted does not Turn Destructive. That Doesn't mean that you go around Speaking & Expressing these Emotions out to people around you. All you Need to do is to be Integral to Yourself.
It Involves Three Simple Steps.

🔸1.) Sit Down Quietly & Watch Your Breath.

🔸2.) Move Into a Space of Peace & Relaxation.

🔸3.) Acknowledge The Emotion,

Be Aware it Fear, Hurt (or) Hate.
Say to Yourself, Yes I'm Hurt, I'm Afraid (or) I'm  Angry. It's Okay.... 

An Inner Affirmation of the Truth Helps You Accept & Embrace Yourself. This Practice could be done Anytime by Anybody whose Emotions are Blocked (or) Life is Moving in a Retro Direction.

To Steer it back to Abundance & Fulfillment you could if your family Culture Permits, Sit Together for Prayer in Moments of Stress.

It Would Prove to be a Tremendous Energy Booster & would Invoke Divine Grace into Your Life".

I have been on the spiritual path for five years now. I feel I haven't changed because I continue to be angry, jealous, discontented, my mind moves to-and-fro into the past and the future. May be if I have a clear cut goal as to where I want to be, in a few years time I would change. Tell me what should be my goal, Bhagvan?

Sri Bhagvan:" It is the five years since you began your seeking. Still you haven't moved a millionth of an inch. You have got nowhere because there is nowhere to go. Nothing exists. Then what are you carving for? How can you go somewhere when there is nowhere to go and nobody to go? You can only be yourself. This carving to be something else is an illusion. Be yourself and live your life.

Beloved Sri Bhagavan, Your Vision is to Set Man Totally & UnConditionally Free. Yet, One Part of Me is Experiencing Deepest Fear of the OutCome of this Limitless Freedom. Please, Guide us Dear Bhagavan.

"The Freedom That We are Talking About is Not Freedom from This (or)Freedom from That. It is Just Freedom. You Cannot Conceptualize It. You Have to Experience It. This Happens Once You Stay With the 'What Is' Without Effort. You are Just Free. It is Not Freedom from this or from that. Do Not Try to Understand It. Wait Till It Happens to You."

Does awakened one has negative thought?

Sri Bhagavan: "Once you are enlightened you will actually see thoughts. You will see them as different from you. Like in a movie you see violence. You know it’s a movie, isn’t it? You don’t jump onto the film’s screen and you don’t do things. Similarly here you become detached from your thought. That’s what enlightenment is all about. So thoughts will come. But then you can clearly see. That’s why one of the teachings is, “your thoughts are not your thoughts.” It can be jealous thoughts, angry thoughts, violent thoughts.

Let us say you are enlightened, he is not enlightened, he is getting a jealous thought. After some time that thought would pass through you. You will pick up. We often pick up thoughts through the Ajna (third eye) chakra and then you broadcast through the bindu  point behind the head. You are receivers and transmitters. So he could be having that thought. You are living in a world full of unenlightened people, terrible thoughts are there. They will be flowing through you. But if you are enlightened you will just see them. It will not make you act at all.

If you are Ramana or Buddha also you would get them. But what are Ramana and Buddha doing? They are seeing those thoughts. Like in this atmosphere there is pollution. Pollution comes to this room. When it comes to this room, the pollution goes out of this room. Similarly thoughts will come, thoughts will go. Like Mahatma Gandhi one day had murderous thoughts in jail. Then Mahatma Gandhi, a very sensitive person, thought he better investigate. Then he found the cook that day in the jail was a murderer. He was being used for cooking in the prison. And therefore the thoughts got impressed onto the food. Gandhi had consumed that food, and had murderous thoughts.

So thoughts keep travelling but they are not your thoughts. They will not affect you if you are enlightened. When you are not enlightened you identify yourself with the thought. It becomes your thought. You experience the jealousy and you begin acting out of that. You must first learn the art of looking at your thoughts whether they are negative or positive. As you keep looking at your thoughts, you will be able to clearly see they are not your thoughts. They are just thoughts. At this point, the thoughts begin to disappear, leaving behind great energy."

Sri Bhagavan about challenge and growth

"Life Will Throw All Kinds of Challenges. So Whatever State you are, These Problems will be Coming. What Oneness does is it Equips You to Face Those Challenges. If You Face it Correctly the Challenge will Disappear. After Some Time Some Other Challenge Will Come. Again You Have to Face It & Then Again You can Grow.

There is No End to this Growth. Continuously There Will be Challenges & There is Continuous Growth.

That is The Way Life is Structured. You Cannot Imagine a Life Without Any Problem at All. Such a Life Does Not Exist."

Dear Bhagavan,you are saying that we have to just see the fear, anger, aggression, jealousy inside ourselves. But what do I do when I see this,but there is nothing I can do with myself.The emotion is so strong that I can scream on another person.Emotion is coming through me and the charge is very powerful.What does it mean to see it in myself,to accept it and don't change it? You say that the awakened one experiences his or her emotions,that emotions just take place.What does it mean? Does the awakened one witnesses the emotions? How does he stay with them? What do you mean when you say one shouldn't do anything with emotions? Where does this charge go?

'We have often said that when you are not awakened do not behave like one.This teaching applies to one who moves into awakened states or is awakened.Your role is to see that there is nothing much you could do about it.When you see that there is nothing much you could do about it,it leads you to surrender.When you surrender and feel helpless,then the Kundalini rises.When the Kundalini rises,'Seeing Happens',not that you see.There is no you who is seeing.'Seeing Happens'.Seeing is effortless,Accepting is effortless,All that we have spoken of is effortless.If you put in effort you will not get there.   The only purpose of putting in effort is to realize 'you are helpless and that there is nothing you could do.Your role is up to that point.There after Kundalini takes over.Seeing happens.Seeing does not lead to anything.Seeing is to be awakened.You should not think you will see and therefore something will happen.Seeing is the awakened state.Initially it comes and goes and therefore we say you move into and move out of awakened states.Thereafter when you become awakened,it is permanent and irreversible.It is not that you are doing anything,you have completely changed.   You will be getting there soon"

How to cultivate love and compassion"?       

"Oneness is all about stay with the truth. The truth is you don't have connection with the divine. The truth is you are not compassionate. The truth is you are not loving. What Oneness says is look at the fact and stay with the fact and do not do anything. It's the do-nothing teaching. Now for example oneness does not believe in cultivating virtue. That is you do not have love in you but you practice love. You do not have kindness but you practice kindness you do not have truthfulness but you practice truth. Now with cultivating it is not true at all. Either you are loving or you are not loving. Oneness talk about real truthfulness, natural truthfulness, natural compassion, natural love, natural kindness, whatever you want. How do you get it? By simply looking at the fact that is not there. That is the truth. Truth has its own power."

Dear Sri Bhagavan, How can Oneness Help Individuals & Humanity?

SRI BHAGAVAN:"Oneness Basically Works on Individuals. As far as We are Concerned, You are the World. & What is Happening Inside you, Is What is Creating this World. So If We Could Change You, Then We Change the World. It’s All About Individual Transformation.

So, If Collectively a Large Number of Individuals Transform Themselves, Then Humanity Would Get Transformed. The Others Need Not Have to Work for It. They Would Very Spontaneously & Naturally Change. What is Required is, A Certain Group of People, A Certain Number of People Have Got to Transform Themselves. Because We are All Connected, This Group of People can Silently Transform the World."

Dear Bhagvan, you say that we should take Deeksha from awakened persons, because their brain will connect with our brain and that will affect our own process of awakening in a positive way. What happens, when the brain connect? Why is it so? Can you please explain this phenomenon Bhagvan?

We have noticed that when an awakened person gives Deeksha to an unawakened person, the brain of an unawakened person tries to behave similar to the brain of an awakened person. It is somewhat similar like, for example, if you were to take a piece of magnet  and rob it on a piece of iron, the iron slowly becomes a magnet. Very similarly, the brain of the unawakened person beings to function like one with the awakened brain.

Sri Amma on human's body                

Body has been there since primitive times, you did not build it. In reality even the food going in your body also hasn’t been created by you. The main reason for your food is Mother Earth, similarly even the air in form of carbon in every little atom, you did not create it. The large percentage of water which constitutes you body is also not produced by you. When you haven’t created even one part of what constitutes your body, where is ”My Body” as you all say it to be?

If you examine it deeper and see it’s not only ”My body is not my body”, but also that whole humankind has only one body becomes crystal clear.

When there is fear many people-s body shiver all the same. When there is sadness, everyone’s eyes has tears in itself. When there is happiness, everyone’s face radiates joy. When it is so, what is there is one body itself, isn’t it?

When your illusion about your body as separate entity disappears, realization about the whole humanity as one body system dawns in. Your body is a blessing from God. The duty that you have on this earth, your body is a medium given to you, to fulfill that duty. That is why, learn to take proper care of it. Whatever color you are born of, however you are born, you do not have the right to destroy it. If the body is not the way you desire it to be, to abuse your body, to destroy or kill it, is a great sin ever. 

Only when you completely accept and love your body, you can fully live your life.

Firstly, you have to realize that you are the master of this medium built to help you and you did not create this. Only when you are in equanimously aware state, intense awareness with witness state towards your body, only then true love arises. From this love, responsibility arise. For this knowledge to flower in you, the grace of God has to be invoked.

Bhagvan, the kind of thoughts I have, the kind of feelings I have, are they all designed by God? Is God putting those thoughts inside me? Is God putting desire into me? Is God putting violence into me?

 "All these thoughts come from the thought sphere. The thought sphere is as old as man and every single thought of every being that has ever been on this planet, is recorded there and it is still there. These thoughts are flowing into and out of you.

What thoughts are flowing inside you and what thoughts are flowing out of you depends on your health condition, the place in which you are staying, the people around you and many other factors.It is like tuning into a television channel. There are so many channels there and you could tune in to any channel. If you tune into a channel called negative thoughts, you will be getting so many negative thoughts. If you tune into a channel called violent thoughts, you will be getting those thoughts.

Once you get this insight that you are not your thoughts, and these thoughts are not yours, then strangely you will find that you tune into a channel which is broadcasting silence and you receive that silence. Otherwise you would be getting these thoughts and they are as old as man.They are not your thoughts. Some body could have had fear ten thousand years ago as he was being been chased by a tiger. That thought could now enter you. It would not be fear of the tiger but it would be fear of the share market. But the same fear comes into you like that.

Once you realize that your thoughts are not your thoughts, you could actually see how they are coming, how they are flowing through you and then you become very detached. That is how you could be free of these things."

Why does the mind always go towards negative thoughts and negative things?

Sri Bhagavan:"You live in a world where the whole system is so structured. See, your negative thoughts are not your thoughts. That’s the fundamental teaching of the Dharma. So, like in TV depending on the channel you are switching on, you attract certain programs.

In this thought sphere there are also both negative and positive programs. Depending on the way your chakras are aligned, you start attracting negative thoughts. If the channel is changed, you start attracting positive thoughts. So, you are not really responsible for that, as you tend to blame your self. 

As I told you, you are like a robot, a computer. You are being programmed continuously from the thought sphere or the earth’s magnetic field.

 So, if you do certain kind of dhyanas (practices), we can realign the chakras, whereby it will automatically turn into positive thoughts.

One terrible thing is the media of today. In the newspaper and magazines they must also publish positive things. But everywhere they talk only about accidents, murder, looting, cheating. The whole thing is negative. As these inputs are going into you, the chakras acquire a specific kind of alignment. Thereafter you start turning only to the negative things in the thought sphere. 

That is the problem with our society. You must talk more positive things. You must have newspapers where there will be separate pages only for positive things or TV channels where they will be allotted only for positive news. If that goes on, the chakras will be realigned. That’s why you must speak positively to children and not allow them to see all kinds of TV programs, newspapers and magazines. Because that is a part of the problem."

Sri Bhagvan about surrenderness

You pray to me but secretly you have your own plans. You people don't give up so easily. You are desperate rather than helpless. You are continuously talking to yourself and are tensed even though you are standing in front of me or remembering me. But you try to show it to yourself and others that you surrender. Only if you can see this truth inside you and accept it the state of surrender automatically develops.

Dear Sri Bhagavan I have been to Oneness University and participated in your new course 'A journey into Awakening'. How do I retain the knowledge that I have with me from course?

"We have taught you how to apply those teachings to solve your problems. Now, problems keep coming, that is the way of life you know. Life keeps throwing problems at you. Until you die problems will not cease. But your job is to handle one problem and be ready for the next, life would throw it at you. Now, if you really keep applying these teachings, you have about four to six months time, you know exactly how to handle any problems posed by life.

As you keep handling these problems, you keep growing and growing and growing, till finally you become the all. You become the all that is not in some kind of a imagination thing, not conceptually but actually you would experience you are the all. Your consciousness expands, your brain changes and every moment you know you are one with the Universe. That is the human potential but for that you must engage with life.

If you withdraw from life you cannot get there. And engaging means taking up all the problems. How to take them all, that is what we are teaching. And you must learn to apply those teachings. Do it and see and you will get remarkable results."

Sri bhagavan about one's joy

"You don't need anything to give you joy. Joy is a natural state. Anything and everything can give you joy. But for that to happen you have to identify with the mind, the body and your thoughts. Then every moment there is joy. 

You do not have to be engaged in any activity to escape your boredom because your true nature is joy. But you are not able to experience it. And that is because you are identifying all the time with your mind and your thoughts. 

You do not have to go to a movie or to some dance or some party. That is pleasure of course, which you could very well have, no problem with it. But joy needs nothing. That is your nature. Any simple thing will give you joy. just looking at human being will give you joy, a bird gives you joy,  two people fighting can also give you joy, how beautifully they keep fighting...the perception changes. So there is only joy all the time. 

You do not have to depend on anything to get joy.  If you depend on something that is pleasure. It is not joy. And this is achievable. I am not talking of something which is not achievable. It is achievable and many people are in this beautiful state."

Sri Bhagavan on the science and psychology of gratitude

Research into the behavior and psychology of gratitude proves what people of faith have known all along ---that giving thanks brings a multitude of blessings back to you. Just by giving thanks you can have better health with less stress, better relationships,  and be happier and more successful overall.

As children we are taught to always be polite: to say " yes, ma'am" and "thank you." As teenagers we found that a profusion of "thank you" seemed to help keep us out of trouble with teachers, parents, and other ruling adults. Then later, as maturing adults entering society and business world, we found that it was  to our benefit to continue with the profile thank you. It made people like us and we were more socially acceptable.

Unfortunately, there was rarely any real gratitude behind the thanks.

No matter what religious faith you were raised in, all taught that giving thanks is virtue; it's an important tenet in all religions. Even so, saying thanks was still mostly just a casual response. It usually isn't until we begin to walk a more spiritual path that saying thanks and expressing gratitude takes on a real meaning for us. As we spiritually awaken, we come to realize that we can no longer give thanks unconsciously. Our hearts began to open and flower, and  we find that we are deeply an sf truly grateful for many things It  is not only the beautiful (and sometimes overwhelming) emotion of gratitude that finally got our attention, but we also intellectually discovered that expressing gratitude can benefit us profoundly in many ways. This is what Bhagwan has to say about it.

"I have always maintained that   [ enlightenment ] is a neurobiological  process. So when you got in the state of gratitude the brain itself functions as a much better instrument which in turn proves very helpful in raising your states of consciousness....... So in actual experience we have found people who have the sense of gratitude move much faster [on their spiritual path ] than those who do not.

How we can set the relationship right?         

Sri Bhagavan: "If there is only a simple problem you can use simple psychology and set things right. Like for example, all human beings you know have got six needs. Now you must find out, let us say a husband and a wife are having problem, you must find out, are you fulfilling the six needs of your wife? And as you all know the first need is 'Security'. Every woman needs some kind of security. You have to provide her that security. The second need is 'Variety'. Life cannot be monotonous. Are you giving variety in her life. Are you taking her out for some picnic, or Are you taking her out for doing something, taking her out for a movie. And the third thing is 'Significance'. Your wife needs importance. Are you fulfilling that need of hers? Or Vice Versa. Husband needs importance, significance. That is the third thing. And then there is the fourth need, that is 'Love'. Does she really feel your love or do you feel her love. That we put as the fourth need. And then there is the fifth need. 'Are you Contributing something to Society'? People need to contribute otherwise they will be unhappy. You have to help others. So if that is happening or not. And then there is sixth need 'Are you Growing'? Not only in the terms of prosperity, but as a human being are you learning from life? If these six needs are fulfilled, there is a possibility that relationship would improve. That is one thing. The second thing is not playing the ego games. Trying to dominate, not choosing to be dominated and then saying I am right, you are wrong, and then doing a cover up. So again there are six ego games. Now if you fulfill these six needs and do not play the six ego games, there is a chance that relationship would improve."

How can we present the Oneness Blessing acknowledging the Divine to people who are wary of religious or New Age concepts?

SRI BHAGAVAN: "You've got to tell them it is their own higher self which is the fact. What we call the divine is not separate from ourself. It's our own self, the higher self, with which we've lost touch. When you finally discover God, you would actually discover that you are God. That is the strangest thing. As you move on the path of oneness, first you discover inner oneness. Then you discover oneness with your family and friends. At the next level, you'll discover oneness with the animal world. Next you'll discover oneness with the plant world. And next you move on to other realms with the physical world like matter. You will realize that you and matter are actually one. A piece of rock. You will discover actually that you are no different than the piece of rock, that you are one and the same. And as you move on, you of course, we move on to God. (lost Skype connection for a minute) So, the God we are talking about is nothing but your own higher self because you are actually God, but unfortunately you have this illusion that you are separate from God and that God is somebody you cannot reach out to. It's actually yourself. Now what happens as we progress on this path of awareness and the Deeksha giving, you will come very close to God. And if there are no obstacles if the form of cultural conditioning or religious conditioning, you'll actually discover that you are that God. As far as we in Oneness are concerned, to us God has become this creation. All that you see in creation is God. He has become this. For example when I am looking at you talking to you, to me you are God. I am God. The only difference is you are God with a particular problem and you are God that is suffering from the illusion that you are not God. And here I am God and I do not have that illusion. So this God wants to help that God who is suffering from that illusion. That's all. Then you will discover that you and I are the same. That's the illusion that I want to tear apart. So you can tell them that it is their own higher self. I'll go more into this later. That is the whole beauty of it. The ant that we see, is God has become an ant, that is why we have a term in India that means the beggar God. The beggar whom you see is God has become a beggar. The leper whom you see is God has become a leper. So God is everything. The evolved God, the not-evolved God, the cruel God, the loving God. It's everything. So that's why when I'm helping you out, I'm not helping you, I'm helping God. I'm helping myself. And you'll discover the same thing. So It is one's own higher self."

Dear Bhagwan, when I see the Srimurthi something attracts me. What is the secret behind this Bhagwan?

I am in the Srimurthi. You must know that I am alive in the Srimurthi. It is not a mere picture. Sometimes blood could come out of the Srimurthi in case you have been saved somewhere. It is a living picture. It has a life. There are Srimurthi which weep, there Srimurthi which laugh. Two Bhagwan could actually talk also. .............. They have distinct personalities having lived with you. His Bhagwan would acquire a particular personality; Your Bhagwan would acquire a different personality, and they could be taking also. Sometimes you could tune into what they are talking. It is a living thing. That is why you feel the Presence so much. Of course some Srimurthi could be deserted also. They would be lifeless, if not worshiped or regarded.

Dear Sri Bhagavan, I Would also like to ask you if you could tell us once again How to Pray the Right Way? Bhagavan....

SRI BHAGAVAN: "Watch The Way You Relate to Your Parents. If you are Very Demanding of your parents, Then Demand from the Divine. If You are Very Greatful & Very Respectful to Your Parents, That is the Way you Have to Seek from the Divine. The Model is How you Function with Your Parents. How you Receive from Them. That Exact Model is Applied with the Divine Only Then it works."

Each one of you should try and find out what suits you best. Some playwith me, some fight with me, some cajole me; and some play with me.You should do whatever comes naturally to you. However, the key is tohave a strong bond with me. One other determining factor for grace isthe emotion you carry in your prayer. If there is emotion the response is very fast.There are some devotees who assume that I would look into all their needs and go on living without any stress. To them I do even before they ask.The kind of prayer that would suit you depends on your upbringing, your background, and your culture. The choice is therefore left to you

How to Love Oneself? 

Sri Bhagwan: One of the most important teachings of the oneness is that the content is not important. How you experience the Content that is important. Whatever is happening in your life, you must learn the art of experiencing it. That is the true 'art of living'. The true art of living is to experience fully, totally and completely whatever is going on. So, mostly that is going on is human interactions, your friends, your relatives, your boss, your children and your family. You are all the time interacting with them because life is relationship. Without relationship you don't exist. So in this relationship you are transacting some kind of interaction. You may get hurt, you may get provoked, and you may get back some memories, all these are happening. Whatever is happening, if you can experience fully, as I was speaking earlier, then you will find there is limitless joy. Now, what happens when there is so much joy? It doesn't stop there. It becomes love. Only a happy and joyous person can truly love. An unhappy person cannot love. That love is nothing but attachment, possession...true love comes only when there is true joy and true joy comes only when you experience whatever is going on inside. It is not very difficult. Trillions of Thanks & Gratitude Paramjyoti. 

⁠⁠Sri Amma: "Discontent comes to a successful person as well as an unsuccessful person. But there is a difference. For the unsuccessful, discontent is arising out of psychological suffering, which is rooted in fear, insecurity or frustration. The successful suffer discontent because they are searching for a higher meaning to life."